mrdeposit (OP)
February 14, 2014, 11:48:02 PM |
Besides playing the game, I would recommend reading the game forum. Find the beginner section and learn everything while watching the matches every week. You will start to see the right and wrong things that are being done.
mrdeposit (OP)
February 15, 2014, 03:33:29 PM |
Saturday's NA LCS Matches Counter Logic Gaming vs Cloud 9 Hyperx Evil Geniuses vs Curse Gaming Team Coast vs XDG Gaming Team SoloMid vs Team Dignitas ------------------------------ My Picks For Today Cloud 9 Hyperx (1.243 / -412) Curse Gaming (1.775 / -129) XDG Gaming (1.609 / -164) Team SoloMid (1.261 / -383)
Note: All my esports picks are always 1 unit per bet.
mrdeposit (OP)
February 16, 2014, 06:10:36 PM |
My Picks For Saturday's NA LCS Matches Cloud 9 Hyperx (1.243 / -412): Wagered 1 Unit, lose Curse Gaming (1.775 / -129): Wagered 1 Unit, lose XDG Gaming (1.609 / -164): Wagered 1 Unit, lose Team SoloMid (1.261 / -383): Wagered 1 Unit, Returned: 1.26
Total Units Wagered: 4 Total Returned: 1.26 Lose: -2.74
That's what I get for trying to play it safe and roll with the favorites to win. I felt I should have betted against Cloud 9 but I didn't. Nobody to blame but myself.
mrdeposit (OP)
February 16, 2014, 06:14:45 PM |
Sunday's NA LCS Matches XDG Gaming vs Curse Gaming Cloud 9 vs Team Dignitas Evil Geniuses vs Team Coast Counter Logic Gaming vs Team SoloMid ------------------------------------ My Picks For Today XDG (2.260 / +126) Cloud 9 (1.313 / -319) Evil Geniuses (1.628 / -159) Team SoloMid (1.248 / -403)
mrdeposit (OP)
February 17, 2014, 02:35:21 AM |
My Picks For NA LCS MatchesXDG (2.260 / +126): Wagered 1 Unit, LoseCloud 9 (1.313 / -319): Wagered 1 Unit, Returned: 1.31Evil Geniuses (1.628 / -159): Wagered 1 Unit, LoseTeam SoloMid (1.248 / -403): Wagered 1 Unit, Returned: 1.24Total Wagered: 4 Total Returned: 2.55 Lose: -1.45Looks like I am better at picking EU LCS matches than NA LCS matches. I don't know since im in NA it makes no sense to me. 
mrdeposit (OP)
February 20, 2014, 06:20:41 PM |
EU LCS Week 6 Day 1 Matches Millenium vs Copenhagen Wolves Gambit Gaming vs ROCCAT Supa Hot Crew vs Fnatic SK Gaming vs Alliance ------------------------ My Picks Copenhagen Wolves (1.909 / -110) ROCCAT (1.429 / -233): Very undecided on this so I went with the favorites. Supa Hot Crew (2.330 / +133): My favorite team in the EU LCS SK Gaming (1.555 / -180): I learn to respect this team.
Those are my picks for EU LCS week 6 day 1 matches. Anyone else place bets on these matches?
mrdeposit (OP)
February 20, 2014, 11:06:45 PM |
My Picks For EU LCS Week 6 Day 1 Matches Copenhagen Wolves (1.909 / -110): Win (1 unit wagered, units returned: 1.90 units) ROCCAT (1.429 / -233): Win (1 unit wagered, units returned: 1.42 units) Supa Hot Crew (2.330 / +133): Win (1 unit wagered, units returned: 2.33 units) SK Gaming (1.555 / -180): Lose (1 unit wagered)
Units Wagered: 4 Units Returned: 5.65 Net Units: +1.65
No surprise to me that I won 3 out of 4 today. I am pretty good at picking EU LCS matches. Its the NA LCS matches on Saturday & Sunday I will have trouble with.
Activity: 21
Merit: 0
February 21, 2014, 02:40:03 AM |
my site also has esports betting. seems like there aren't that many people who want to bet on esports though :/
Activity: 21
Merit: 0
February 21, 2014, 10:33:46 AM |
Once I get some more money I will buy more bitcoins and bet on all the matches myself so newcomers have guaranteed action. I'm sure there are people out there who want to bet on esports, just gotta find them. Right now i've bet on someone who is almost guaranteed to lose so if anyone wants some free bitcoin just bet the minimum against me
mrdeposit (OP)
February 21, 2014, 07:16:00 PM |
Both sites added to the OP. b!z pm me your affiliate link.
mrdeposit (OP)
February 21, 2014, 07:21:46 PM |
EU LCS Week 6 Day 2 Matches Fnatic vs Copenhagen Wolves Gambit Gaming vs Supa Hot Crew ROCCAT vs SK Gaming Millenium vs Alliance --------------------------------- My Picks (Didn't bet though, I guess BitBook removed esports for today  ) Copenhagen Wolves Supa Hot Crew SK Gaming Alliance
mrdeposit (OP)
February 21, 2014, 10:48:47 PM |
My Picks For EU LCS Week 6 Day 2 Copenhagen Wolves: WinSupa Hot Crew: LoseSK Gaming: WinAlliance: LoseNo units gain or lost since I didn't get to bet on this match! I wonder what's going on with bitbook these days. 
February 21, 2014, 10:49:54 PM |
Do you have NBA and Soccer pick?
mrdeposit (OP)
February 21, 2014, 10:54:51 PM |
Do you have NBA and Soccer pick?
Yes, I have basketball picks (free & vip) via email. Check out my thread. Click here. From time to time I have soccer picks but its few and far inbetween. I mainly focus on basketball, football, and hockey. That's why I made this thread for me and anybody else who like esports from time to time. 
Activity: 19
Merit: 0
March 20, 2014, 03:40:42 AM |
You still running this little thing buddy? Here are my week 9 picks, don't have any BTC on any games except for the Roccat one though (They are due for a win!) GAMBIT GAMING V ALLIANCE SUPA HOT CREW XD V MILLENNIUM ROCCAT V FNATIC COPENHAGEN WOLVES VS SK GAMING GAMBIT GAMING V MILLENIUM ROCCAT V SK GAMING ALLIANCE V SUPA HOT CREW XD FNATIC VS COPENHAGEN WOLVES [/pre] Theres a lot of faith there in Roccat I know, but they won me big bucks early in the season and with the recent meta shift I think we are going to see a much stronger Roccat bot lane tomorrow.
mrdeposit (OP)
March 20, 2014, 11:27:59 AM |
I like your picks but I'd picked SHC over Millennium.
Activity: 19
Merit: 0
March 20, 2014, 08:34:22 PM |
I like your picks but I'd picked SHC over Millennium.
I thought they would be hungry for a win after IEM, especially from a team they have the ability to beat. I didn't know about SHC's new mid laner though, looks like it worked out pretty well for them.
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
December 18, 2014, 12:54:05 AM |
Hi guys, I developed a betting tracker for eSports bettors where you can keep track and analyze your bets. If you are interested you can find it at I would love some users to get feedback on how I can develop it further to provide value. The site also offers odds comparison, calculators and reviews.
October 08, 2015, 02:15:37 AM |
Greetings mrdeposit,
Do you keep statistical analisys about your historical data?
Info such as "Profit (units)", "Yield (or ROI)", "Total Staked", "Avg. Odds"?
That would be great to see at the original post (msg #1).
BTW I'm thinking about creating a ranking list of tipsters and and handicappers from our cryptocurrencies community.
If that project comes to reality, I'll use that kind of data in order to rank the participants.
After all, it's nice to see some betting info about League of Legends and other eSports. I bet esports betting has a huge potential yet to be explored.
Best of luck.