I have been waiting for confirmation on a transaction since july23th and i also have a big transaction waiting for confirmation but it is *** RBF Flagged ***.
An RBF flagged transaction (Replace-By-Fee) can be 'pumped' with a second transaction to increase the fee.
I use armory ,when i go to VIABTC and type in the transaction-id it says transaction is already confirmed.Why isnt it showing in my armory then?
Plz help me im worried something is wrong.
If viaBTC says your transaction already is confirmed, it most probably is.
I would suggest you head over to a block explorer (e.g.
blockchain.info or
blockchair) and enter your transaction id there. If it shows confirmed, it is confirmed and you don't have to worry.
Do you have core running and synced? Armory requires core to be downloaded and fully synced to show the current status of your tx's / balance.