Activity: 36
Merit: 0
February 13, 2014, 11:36:06 AM |
Just so it's right in my head.. Your launching midday 14th feb in china which equates to 4am Gmt on 14th feb.
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
February 13, 2014, 11:38:11 AM |
Activity: 1596
Merit: 1061
February 13, 2014, 11:44:54 AM |
Wow, lots of comments while i was sleeping.. guys if you have any legitimate questions rather than posting dumb jpegs and making some crazy allegations please direct them to me and i will be happy to assist
Hey sevoque appreciated your help the other day but sorry to keep going on about this scarface, too late, I already "scam" fully 200 btcs.
neh neh ni poo poo, try again faster next time when I launch new scam.
Is this the behaviour of "the panda" community or someone else if so I just lost complete interest in this coin due to this behaviour Would like your thoughts on this
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
February 13, 2014, 11:46:53 AM |
To all haters who think we ain't got the miners and communities out there? Well https://i.imgur.com/hCICnwj.jpgThis is just one of the QQ group in china supportive of Panda, with individuals of up to 900M hashrate, average of 20-50MH per person, and all miners are spreading news to all their friends, pandacoin has turned viral throughout china's qq group @mymenace To answer trolls, you would have to talk in troll language. EOS
sevoque (OP)
February 13, 2014, 11:47:11 AM |
Wow, lots of comments while i was sleeping.. guys if you have any legitimate questions rather than posting dumb jpegs and making some crazy allegations please direct them to me and i will be happy to assist
Hey sevoque appreciated your help the other day but sorry to keep going on about this scarface, too late, I already "scam" fully 200 btcs.
neh neh ni poo poo, try again faster next time when I launch new scam.
Is this the behaviour of "the panda" community or someone else if so I just lost complete interest in this coin due to this behaviour Would like your thoughts on this [/quote] Hi.. I think the fact is. so many people have been calling bullshit that Wolong is just giving [some of] the people what they want to hear.. all this 'scam' talk is completely nonsense so I guess by somehwat agreeing with them we are hoping to get them to go away.. they shouldn't even be posting here in the first palce if all they want to do is flame/troll. I am not personally responsible for wolong's actions, but i am almost 100% sure it was meant in a light-hearted way so please do not misconstrue his words 
February 13, 2014, 11:51:26 AM |
I am trying to figure out what is the technical difference between this and Vertcoin.
sevoque (OP)
February 13, 2014, 11:56:56 AM |
I am trying to figure out what is the technical difference between this and Vertcoin.
Larger coin supply, different block reward roadmap, gravity well already implemented. yep and just to add on to this, apart from being technically sound and solidly devved, we have a massive USP in as much as the market reach.. if you knew what buzz this was creating in the good asian continent then u would be dropping your pants and fapping at the thought of what is going to be happening within the next day =)
Activity: 1596
Merit: 1061
February 13, 2014, 11:59:13 AM |
Wow, lots of comments while i was sleeping.. guys if you have any legitimate questions rather than posting dumb jpegs and making some crazy allegations please direct them to me and i will be happy to assist
Hey sevoque appreciated your help the other day but sorry to keep going on about this scarface, too late, I already "scam" fully 200 btcs.
neh neh ni poo poo, try again faster next time when I launch new scam.
Is this the behaviour of "the panda" community or someone else if so I just lost complete interest in this coin due to this behaviour Would like your thoughts on this Hi.. I think the fact is. so many people have been calling bullshit that Wolong is just giving [some of] the people what they want to hear.. all this 'scam' talk is completely nonsense so I guess by somehwat agreeing with them we are hoping to get them to go away.. they shouldn't even be posting here in the first palce if all they want to do is flame/troll. I am not personally responsible for wolong's actions, but i am almost 100% sure it was meant in a light-hearted way so please do not misconstrue his words  [/quote] just trying to get an idea of the professionalism behind the coin, this behaviour does not reflect the professionalism I would expect of any organisaton I appreciate your response thank you
sevoque (OP)
February 13, 2014, 12:01:33 PM |
Wow, lots of comments while i was sleeping.. guys if you have any legitimate questions rather than posting dumb jpegs and making some crazy allegations please direct them to me and i will be happy to assist
Hey sevoque appreciated your help the other day but sorry to keep going on about this scarface, too late, I already "scam" fully 200 btcs.
neh neh ni poo poo, try again faster next time when I launch new scam.
Is this the behaviour of "the panda" community or someone else if so I just lost complete interest in this coin due to this behaviour Would like your thoughts on this Hi.. I think the fact is. so many people have been calling bullshit that Wolong is just giving [some of] the people what they want to hear.. all this 'scam' talk is completely nonsense so I guess by somehwat agreeing with them we are hoping to get them to go away.. they shouldn't even be posting here in the first palce if all they want to do is flame/troll. I am not personally responsible for wolong's actions, but i am almost 100% sure it was meant in a light-hearted way so please do not misconstrue his words  just trying to get an idea of the professionalism behind the coin, this behaviour does not reflect the professionalism I would expect of any organisaton I appreciate your response thank you [/quote] Understood, like with any crypto, we are doing our best to build the trust of what we would deem 'investors' to be, and i mean that in the broadest sense, even someone who mines this coin is technically an investor to us. 
February 13, 2014, 12:05:05 PM |
This coin is very interesting. I was thinking of investing some but when I asked Wolong on exactly how many coins I would get for, let's say 1 BTC, he couldn't say that. Now, when I am investing into something I would like to know exactly what I get in return. This seemed a bit weird to me as the premine is determined and so you could easily calculate how many coins 1 person would get for the amount of BTC he pays, right?
Please correct me if I am wrong. I know some people behind this coin and I think it has the opportunity to be a great one. Yet I don't understand how people could have invested 200 BTC if the main developer can't say how much coins I can get for my investment? Is everyone just blindly putting up money?
Please explain.
February 13, 2014, 12:09:33 PM |
Don't you think that moving something from 26 satoshi up, (with no precision how far exactly) and calling that "making strong currency" and "making doge what it is today" based on merely that 26 satoshi push; is a bit overstating egoism? Even if the guy has 1 mil, his maximum partake in whole movement is not that big then. Not sure what to conclude out of this guy; but overall - coin is interesting for sure.
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
February 13, 2014, 12:09:56 PM |
https://i.imgur.com/oWPAmHr.jpgYet again and support from a fan of mine, pretty chinese girl  And albertdros , to answer your question, this has already been tweeted on twitter. Reason is, to avoid speculation until whole IPO is fully sold, if it's half sold or what, it hurts the pricing as there isn't any demand, which is why I held back. Wouldn't want anyone to pay 1BTC worth of coin and then end up worthless later.
February 13, 2014, 12:12:56 PM |
advice: maybe you should change the nick.
Sr. Member
Activity: 420
Merit: 250
"to endure to achieve"
February 13, 2014, 12:16:47 PM |
can we get an answer on when the wallet is rdy? been trying for a whole day to get an answer on this both here and in irc - no one responds. all other questions are promptly answered. or is it because you already mine on it?
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
February 13, 2014, 12:18:08 PM |
The wallet will only be officially release on launch time to prevent premines. I currently hold 3% premine which will show up on blockchain later. And then how the coin is being assigned will also be announce, like I promised, 100% transparency
Sr. Member
Activity: 420
Merit: 250
"to endure to achieve"
February 13, 2014, 12:21:07 PM |
hmmm - well so much for being ready in time for solomining
Activity: 12
Merit: 0
February 13, 2014, 12:22:39 PM |
How long till this comes out from the time of this post?
If I setup a miner on the pool and start it now, will it give errors, but eventually start working when the pool/coin is released?
Sr. Member
Activity: 420
Merit: 250
"to endure to achieve"
February 13, 2014, 12:23:51 PM |
btw what will be the currency ID - PAN?

Activity: 66
Merit: 10
February 13, 2014, 12:25:36 PM |
Can i get a clear answer on launchtime? Is it 00:00 14 feb GMT+8 = 4PM GMT 13 feb Or is it 12 am 14 feb = 4 AM 14feb GMT
Sr. Member
Activity: 420
Merit: 250
"to endure to achieve"
February 13, 2014, 12:26:25 PM |
I think that has clearly been stated as FEB14 GMT+8 12PM