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Author Topic: vulnerability of the forum. slander in plagiarism  (Read 2025 times)
v_pobege (OP)
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July 04, 2018, 10:41:25 PM
Last edit: July 05, 2018, 01:38:37 AM by v_pobege

I'm blocked for plagiarism, this is a false accusation, I have 100% proof, my innocence.
my account
I'll tell you everything in order.
1.   In the Russian section, in June, there were election of candidates, for the role of a source of merit.
I paid attention to the list of candidates, I studied them and they aroused my suspicion. They ignore or dislike the BTC. They love only merit and bounty. All their activities, from the first days on the forum, boiled down to the production of merit. I studied their biography and created a meaningful post about their inadequacy for the source of merit.
This post caused a resonance. These are dishonest candidates, but they began to defend and there was a dispute. These elections were stopped.

2.   I created a topic for attracting to the elections a source of merit, bitcoin enthusiasts, ideological people.
One of the former candidates;u=1416871
wrote a report to the moderator on this topic, said that it should be deleted. I deleted his post.
I decided once again to look at his publications on the forum. I was very surprised that he hated bitkoyn, wrote that he would cost $ 1, that bitkoyn died and at the same time he published big articles about BTC. I spent the whole night studying-it's plagiarism. And I wrote about this post in the META section.
This author not only wrote plagiarism, he taught it to do for the purchase of measures.
create multi accounts.
He gives the measure for the copy paste.

3.   After this user was blocked, in the Russian section his friends accuse me.
The moderator said that this user should be given a warning.
It surprised me, it's a malicious intruder. This moderator gave 102 merit to this user. I wrote about this post in the META section.
I asked the moderator a question in the Russian section, why he protects the fraudster, the moderator did not respond.

4. my account was blocked by a complaint that was in this place.
. The author registered, created 3 posts, wrote a complaint to me, and then edited it, removing the complaint on my posts.
He repeated my style of filing a complaint, highlighting the DATE OF PUBLICATIONS in bold text. In this he made a mistake. I can prove that this is a fake, in order to deceive the administration of the site, calling my author's articles plagiarism.
He pointed out the reference to the "original" article on December 20, 2017, my article was written on December 22, 2017.
My article on December 22, 2017.
Article on the site December 20, 2017
Please note IMPORTANT! In my article I quote the BTC rate of $ 14,500 and the state of the Crypto currency market on December 22, 2017, the capital outflow is 150 billion. On December 20, the BTC rate could not be $ 14,400, the rate was $ 16,000-17,000. The outflow of capital of 150,000,000,000 occurred on December 22. December 20 has not been a fall of the market! On December 20 this article could not be written. This is a fake, someone took my article from the forum and posted it on the site, changing the date, and then wrote a complaint against me, after my blocking removed the complaint.

I registered on the site in October 2017. In December, the rate fell. December 22, I was very worried at night because of the fall of the course and in the morning I wrote this article that I would find the strength not to sell bitcoin and support other investors

5. In that complaint, there were 3 points of charges, the next paragraph
The topic is called "Tatarstan is injecting the blockchain". I live in Tatarstan, Russia. I wrote critical communications because I understand that a corrupt, authoritarian regime will never make decentralized blockchain, which means that this blockchain will not benefit ordinary people, and only the state will benefit.
This I began to understand very well when I saw the video of Andreas Antonopoulos
"Why is bitkoyn important, but not blockchain ?"
I wrote a lot of critical posts on the forum, about the use of blockchain by state and banking structures, I do not believe them. And these posts, too, I wrote They are mine. Someone also took them from the forum and posted all my articles on one site, changing the date.
Here I am criticizing the conference on which civil servants on the block chain.
Here is sarcasm about the implementation of block chain by the officials of the IMF

6.   I wrote this post, of course, myself.
I'm HODL, this is my style, and I wrote it in the morning, the cheater changed the date for 1 day, while the forum symbol, replaced with the abbreviation BTC. If I were copying, why would I change the abbreviation to a symbol? Of course, this proves indirectly.

What for to me at different times, 4, 6, 21, December, 22, to take posts from one site? This is strange…

The main proof is that the price of bitcoin is not on December 20. The swindler does not understand the market and he did not understand this nuance.

P.S.  this person created a new account and confessed in the Russian section, which slandered me by deceiving the moderators.
this is silly. Why did he do it? Maybe he wants to portray me.
This is similar to the vulnerability of the forum. The scammer can take the original text from the forum, post on his website changing the date and write a complaint, and also delete it by editing it. We need to study this problem.
I ask you to read everything carefully. I get revenge scammers from the Russian section, there is a complete mess. Please unblock the account, support me.
I wrote an appeal, but there is no answer for two days. Appeal sent an email. The theme name is "From user bitcointalk chimk".
v_pobege (OP)
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July 04, 2018, 10:54:57 PM

on the image I showed the error that the fraudster made.

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July 04, 2018, 11:35:30 PM

4. my account was blocked by a complaint that was in this place.
. The author registered, created 3 posts, wrote a complaint to me, and then edited it, removing the complaint on my posts.
He repeated my style of filing a complaint, highlighting the DATE OF PUBLICATIONS in bold text. In this he made a mistake. I can prove that this is a fake, in order to deceive the administration of the site, calling my author's articles plagiarism.
He pointed out the reference to the "original" article on December 20, 2017, my article was written on December 22, 2017.
My article on December 22, 2017.
Article on the site December 20, 2017

User: chimk


Xopoшaя нoвocть нa фoнe oткaтa.

 Для нaчaлa xoчy пepeчиcлить фaкты и нoвocти, кoтopыe являютcя для мeня, нoвичкa чacтью тeкyщeй cитyaции.
1.  Aвгycт –ceгвит. He былo дocтигнyтo кoнceнcyca пo мaштaбиpoвaнию биткoинa.

2. Дeкaбpь нaчaлo. Ha кpyтoм вocxoдящeм тpeндe пpишлa нoвocть o ввoдe фьючepcoв нa тopгoвлю биткoинoв. Этa нoвocть былa вocпpинятa пoлoжитeльнo, ocнoвнoй чacтью биткoин cooбщecтвa и oжидaниeм нa pынoк кpyпныx инвecтopoв, тaк нaзывaeмыx инcтитyциoнaлoв.

3. 2017 гoд в цeлoм, пocтoянныe пpизывы к peгyлиpoвaнию кpиптo pынкa и глaвнaя мишeнь биткoин. Oбcyждeниe cитyaции c биткoинoм нa вcex ypoвняx cиcтeмы paзныx cтpaн.

4. Кaкoй-тo тaм xpeн c гopы, мeдийнaя пepcoнa, coocнoвaтeль чeгo-тo тaм, «пyбличнo пpoдaл» cвoи биткoины.

5. Eщё oдин «кpyтoй», тaк жe «пyбличнo пpoдaл» cвoи лaйткoины и пpизвaл Caтoши Haкoмoтo пpoдaть cвoи Биткoины.

6.  Haчaлo тpeтьeй дeкaды дeкaбpя. C ввeдeниeм  фьючepcoв нaчaлacь кoppeкция биткoинa, пoтoм pocт БиткoинКэшa, Pиплa.

7. Пoтoм ввepx пoшли вce aльткoины, a биткoин пpoдoлжил ниcxoдящий тpeнд.

8. Кoмaндa биткoин КЭШa пoлyчилa ocyждeниe oт paзныx yчacтникoв pынкa, нeкoтopыe дaжe гpoзили cyдeбным пpecлeдoвaниeм зa инcaйдepcкyю тopгoвлю.

9. Tpaнзaкции Биткoин cтaли oчeнь нeпoвopoтливыми, мeдлeнныe и дopoгиe. Пpи этoм в ceти пoявилacь oгpoмнaя мacca тpaнзaкций c зaвeдoмo нe пpoxoднoй кoмиccиeй.  Cпaм.

 10. oбщий oттoк кaпитaлa пoчти 150 миллиapдoв.

Paзмышляю я нaд этoй кapyceлью, cмoтpю нa гpaфик Биткoинa и вижy пpaйc 14500 $.
И мнe кaжeтcя, чтo Биткoин oкaзaлcя Oчeнь Кpeпким Opeшкoм. Cиcтeмa yвидeв yгpoзy в биткoинe, пoшлa пo пyти интpиг. Пoдкинyли зepнo paздopa мaйнepaм, нaтpaвилa инcтитyциoнaлoв(бaнки, фoнды- cпeкyлянты), пoдключилa cпaмepoв, иcпoльзoвaлa кaк пpeзepвaтивы вcex этиx poджepoв ли и пpoчиx чapли, и иcпoльзoвaлa cитyaцию, чтo бы пpoтoлкнyть cвoй бaнкoвcкий пpoдyкт, coбcтвeннo выбивaя из пoд нoг cooбщecтвa, ycтpeмлeния к cвoбoдe.

Mнe кoнeчнo былo cтpaшнo, вeдь я пoзднo вoшёл в Биткoин, и мoгy мнoгo пoтepять. Ho ceгoдня я yвидeл cвoими глaзaми, чтo я нe oдин пoвepил в Биткoин и дepжy eгo кaк ocнoвнyю инвecтицию. Я нe бyдy выxoдить и фикcиpoвaть yбытoк. Дaжe ecли я пoтepяю вcё, я бyдy знaть, чтo этo нe мoя винa, этo aгpeccия cпpyтa. Ha дняx я пoлyчy дeньги и вoзмoжнo дoкyплю биткoин, чтo бы oкpyглить дeпoзит.
Инaчe  пpидётcя вcю жизнь вcпoминaть, чтo пoтepи были нa фoнe мaлoдyшия и нeдaльнoвиднocти. A кoгдa Биткoин пoйдёт ввepx, cтaнeт coвceм нeвынocимo oт мыcли, кaк лeгкo мeня paзвeли.

Peшeниe кaждый пpинимaeт caм.

Биткoин – Oчeнь Кpeпкий Opeшeк. BTC

Original: 20.12.2017

мoё мнeниe пpичины двe.
1. ecтecтвeнныe и иcкycтвeнныe пpoблeмы BTC c мaштaбиpoвaниeм.
2. Гpязныe интpиги пpoтив BTC, c цeлью пepeтaщить кaпитaл.

пpoтивocтoять мoжнo 2 cпocoбaми кaк минимyм.
1. Paзpaбaм peшaть тex. пpoблeмы BTC.
2. Инвecтopaм дepжaть BTC кaк бyдтo oт этoгo зaвиcит жизнь.
Ocтaльныe cпocoбы oпpeдeлять тeм. y кoгo ecть pычaги вoздeйcтвия или пpoтивocтoяния.

Original: 20.12.2017 в 23:49

нaдo пpocтo пoнимaть чтo тaкoe тaтapcтaн. этo peгиoн кoтopый имeeт мнoгo нeфти и кpyпныx зaвoдoв. eщё oн имeeт мнoгo aмбиций. и зa пoнижeниe aмбиций имeeт нeмнoгo пpивилeгий. c дpyгoй cтopoны зa пpивилeгии oн выпoлняeт cпeцифичныe пopyчeния cпyщeнныe c вepтикaли. нaпpимep oбкaтaть нeкий it пpoeкт, в ycлoвияx гдe вcex интepecyeт caбaнтyй, кacтыбый и чaк-чaк. Haпpимep пoвecить нa кaждый 5-ый cтoлб кaмepy cлeжeния. Haпpимep зaпycтить пoвceмecтнo cиcтeмy Бeзoпacный гopoд. Haпpимep oбкaтывaть дpoны пo paзным нaпpaвлeниям мoнитopингa, пo oчeнь paзным. B Taтapcтaнe 2- кpyпныx IT пapкa. гocycлyги в тaтapcтaнe нaчaли paбoтaть oчeнь дaвнo. вo вceм этoм peгиoн был пepвым или oдним из. B PT гoвopят, чтo этo экcпepeмeнтaльнaя плoщaдкa. Пoмнитcя мнe нa выбopы 2012 пpикaзaли кaмepы нa yчacтки пoвecить, вoт тaкoй жe эффeкт бyдeт oт блoкчeйнa.

Original:  03.12.2017 в 05:47

B Taтapcтaнe кpyгoм кaмepы нa дopoгax. штpaфyют зa cкopocть, aвтoбycнyю пoлocy, cтoп линию. Дeньги c штpaфoв, чacтичнo Grin идyт в бюджeт. Бюджeт, oпять тaки чacтичнo пилитcя. Bзaмeн aвтoлюбитeли пoлyчaют дыpявыe дopoги, oтcyтcтвyющyю paзмeткy, кoppyмпиpoвaнныx гaишникoв и т.д. Кoгдa тexнoлoгия блoкчeйн, бyдeт ocвoeнa этими "людьми", oни вытecнят фиaт и пoлyчaт блaгoдapя блoкчeйн, пoлный кoнтpoль зa любыми финaнcoвыми пoтoкaми. И тoгдa вoзмoжнocть, выживaть бyдeт cвeдeнa к нyлю. Жить бyдyт пo вce пo китaйcкoмy пpинципy - "дeнь бeз paбoты, дeнь бeз eды". Зa кaждый, пpocтyпoк штpaф, кoтopый нeвoзмoжнo бyдeт нe зaплaтить, eгo пpocтo cпишyт, нa чтo oн пoйдёт, вoпpoc pитopичecкий. Зa кaждый выpaщeнный мeшoк, кapтoшки -нaлoг, кoтopый cпишyт c вaшeгo cчeтa. Квaдpoкoптepы, oтcкaниpyют вaши пpoмышлeнныe, пpoизвoдcтвeнныe и чacтныe yчacтки, coздaдyт бaзy и oштpaфyют зa нeпpaвильнo пocтaвлeнныe зaбopы. Гocyдapcтвo, имeющee пpeимyщecтвo нaд гpaждaнaми, вeздe, вceгдa и вo вcём, пoлyчит, cвepx инcтpyмeнт.
Original: 01.12.2017 в 17:45

Looks like a very sneaky attempt to frame you. Probably the person created that blog post and then made the plagiarism complaint. I will investigate this a little more before unbanning you, but your case has high priority.

Can you summarize who you think is behind this act of framing you?

v_pobege (OP)
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July 05, 2018, 01:26:46 AM
Last edit: July 05, 2018, 01:43:20 AM by v_pobege

1. This topic discussed the situation with MERIT in the Russian section. They deleted my messages, including the message for which I received MERIT. These messages were directly related to the topic. I asked the question: - Who deleted the messages? the moderators did not respond.
I asked a question to the moderator xandry
why did he give MERIT to the malicious intruder inbizin and why does he protect him? There was no answer.
I described this situation here
eaction did not follow.

This is the worst suspicion. I hope that this is not so.

2. inbizin
created more topics
they have a lot of suspicions of plagiarism, which is translated from English. I conducted an investigation and wrote about it. These are contests, the authors of the texts were under suspicion.
also suspected what was happening in them

3.  Alex_Sr  
participant of those competitions, also has a lot of MERIT from the moderator xandry. he wants to become a source of MERIT. He was also in sight. He hinted at me to the illegitimacy received by me MERIT in the subject.

4. Spotika4
I was accused, for what I wrote to global moderators and insulted.

5. In the Russian section, there were a lot of abuses with MERIT and multi-accounts, I was investigating these abuses and wrote about it.
Many people openly, ignore the rules and condemn those who defend them. There is not enough of a can with red paint, for painting TRUST.
in April, I proposed to put things in order in the Russian section.
I took an active part in the life of the forum. Theoretically, my enemy could be anyone who is not interested in changes.
Thanks for the help. Sorry for the bad english. I will learn.

P.S. I always wrote only my own texts. I have an account on steemit there also, you can not publish other people's texts. I understand this well. Maybe there will be more attempts to discredit me.

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July 05, 2018, 03:49:53 AM

After investigation, and with help from the rest of the mod team, I've determined that inbizin = bitkoinguru$$$. He created that blog post (registering the domain in June) and then made that post in Meta in order to frame you. The moderator who actually did the banning was not a Russian moderator, but was acting upon what seemed to be a clear case of plagiarism. The thought of this type of attack had occurred to me before, but this is the first time that it's actually been done successfully. I'll have to think about countermeasures.

You're unbanned. Sorry about that.

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July 05, 2018, 04:27:23 AM

After stalking at inbizin's profile and merit history I found out that xandry (staff in Russian board) almost gave 103 Merits to inbizin' s posts (almost all of posts that received merits has been deleted) in the last 120 days. I don't know if this is a fair distribution of Merits but I smell something fishy around here.  Roll Eyes

Sorry for interrupting OP.  

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July 05, 2018, 04:38:42 AM

Obviously anyone caught copy/paste spamming should be banned with almost no exceptions.

With the above being said, the current solution in which users are caught copy/paste spamming and are banned in akin to "wack-amole" and is not sustainable. The incentive to copy/paste spam (and otherwise make low effort posts) needs to be removed, while freedoms of "rule abiding" members needs to be maintained.

In an ideal environment, the risk of creating copy/paste posts will outweigh the potential rewards of doing so (the potential payout from bounty/signature deals), and thus, few enough few enough people will engage in this behavior, so much more effort can go into each investigation.

These spammers are getting more creative in hiding what they do, are likely using bots, and will only get more sophisticated over time. This problem is not unique to copy/paste spam, and is an issue in regards to all low effort posts.

I think I might be close to having a proposed solution, however I am still brainstorming.

After stalking at inbizin's profile and merit history I found out that xandry (staff in Russian board) almost gave 103 Merits to inbizin' s posts (almost all of posts that received merits has been deleted) in the last 120 days. I don't know if this is a fair distribution of Merits but I smell something fishy around here.  Roll Eyes
This is something that should be looked into. The posts publicly available of inbizin that received merit from xandry appear to be reports of copy/paste spam. xandry seems to have given a lot of merit to users who have posed in what appears to be a thread to report copy/paste spam. So it may well be a case in which inbizin discovered how to get a lot of merit by making a very specific type of post.

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July 05, 2018, 08:28:51 AM
Merited by DarkStar_ (10), tmfp (10), malevolent (2), Goran_ (1), tvplus006 (1)

Thanks for the help. I'm overwhelmed by the possibility of new attacks on me. Please consider the level of aggression on me.

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July 05, 2018, 11:06:31 AM
Last edit: July 05, 2018, 02:38:09 PM by mdayonliner

inbizin = bitkoinguru$$$

I wonder what action will be taken against the act inbizin done? Will they get a ban or they will be living free?  
I also wonder why the Russian section is rising so many questions. Do all these have any connection with the mod xandry. Seems like these people are very much loved by the mod.
I also wonder how can xandry not notice a topic that was specifically created for him, I mentioned him 100s (+- a decent number) times with his name everywhere but he noticed it after 29 days later or so!.  
I have read this thread only today, thanks to user ToTheMoon_XOM9IK
A silly excuse, isn't it?
I also wonder why not many member actually did not want to talk against xandry. When you do not get support then obviously you take defensive steps that's what I did, sorry I was tired of making more enemies. I locked that topic.

Honestly speaking - from outside, the Russian section seems a mess. A total mess. It could be a better place than it is now. Seems like mismanagement is killing the section.

By the way chimk, congrats on getting back your account. You have hell lot of bravery in you. Good job.
I'm overwhelmed by the possibility of new attacks on me. Please consider the level of aggression on me.
I am sure you will handle it smoothly.

PS: I think I will unlock the topic again just in-case anyone wants to make any comment after reading the whole topic and the conversations. Here you go: [staff] xandry: may I ask an explanation? Response received!

Be happy be at peace. Looking forward to BTC at $1M
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July 05, 2018, 01:01:21 PM

inbizin = bitkoinguru$$$

I wonder what action will be taken against the act inbizin done? Will they get a ban or they will be living free?  

It's blocked. This is the middle of the story.
Thank you for participating.

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July 05, 2018, 02:42:09 PM

It's blocked. This is the middle of the story.
Good to know. One solved. I am sure the user is around and trying to figure out the next pathetic trick.

Be happy be at peace. Looking forward to BTC at $1M
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July 06, 2018, 01:09:08 AM
Merited by theymos_away (10), sapta (5), xtraelv (1)

Honestly speaking - from outside, the Russian section seems a mess. A total mess. It could be a better place than it is now. Seems like mismanagement is killing the section.

You don't have to accuse so categorically. There is no disorder, the more complete. Xandry long was alone. After I was appointed as a moderator, the situation in the Russian section improved. And users talk about it.

By the way, I helped theymos in the investigation of this case. And provided evidence that the case with chimk is a hoax.

I'm writing this not for praise. It's just unpleasant when people say that. Unjust words.



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July 06, 2018, 06:03:02 AM

You don't have to accuse so categorically.
My bad.

There is no disorder, the more complete.
I believe you. 

After I was appointed as a moderator, the situation in the Russian section improved. And users talk about it.
Great job.

By the way, I helped theymos in the investigation of this case. And provided evidence that the case with chimk is a hoax.
Thank you.
Side note: I/anyone else who cares about the forum, would do the same.

It's just unpleasant when people say that. Unjust words.

I was about to the response xandry. After looking at this post, I have decided not to post it (code here) anymore. Seems like - I am playing the role of the devil's advocate here.

Be happy be at peace. Looking forward to BTC at $1M
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July 06, 2018, 06:33:47 AM

Hello. I've been thinking for a long time whether I should write here. But I mentioned here and so I decided to write. Me really don't like this user. However, I did not use any dirty game. I don't like him because he uses double standards. He said that reports litter a forum, but itself wanted to learn to do it:

пoдcкaжитe гдe ecть вмeняeмaя инcтpyкция пo paбoтe в кaмпaнияx c пoдпиcью? c чeгo нaчaть кyдa oтчeты и тд. или здecь чиpкaнитe кoмy нe лeнь. я пoпpoбyю. xoчy пepвyю кpиптy бeз фиaтa зapaбoтaть. xoть cкoлькo
tell me where there is a proper instruction for working in campaigns with a signature? where to start where
reports and so on. or here write to someone not laziness. I'll try. I want to earn the first coins without fiat.
even a little

I expressed my attitude to him, but I never threatened him. And did nothing against him. And I had none intentions'.
His subtle play with words made me write this post. I feel offended by his hints. I said something to his face, but I would never do it behind his back. Our dispute didn't start today. Not yesterday. It began on the theme of the election of candidates ɪn meritsorce. Me it seemed that this person had a personal interest to become a candidate(maybe I was wrong) and so denigrating the attempt of democratic elections candidates. I always treated him respectfully.
Right up to that point until he was the first to be rude to me. I saw his themes and inbizin. I didn't know at the time., that inbizin used the plagiarism. If you do not take into account plagiarism, the comparison is obtained as a manure pile and flower (I do not seek to offend). Inbizin broke the rules. I understand that. But the texts which he posted could be very useful for beginners. He just had to insert the original links. Such beautiful themes are few here.
So I was very upset about the removal. I love this forum and spend a lot of time here. When I saw the topic Inbizina I was very happy. I thought this information was really needed here. I remember as was looking for it in different sources. Inbizin has a lot of bad posts and he committed a crime. However, this person has a lot of shitposting.
And I don't like when a man himself in something guilty accuses others. The one who shouts about the cleanliness of the
forum writes itself:

Apтиcт Cheesy

чтo тo мaлo тyт дyэлянтoв
few duelists here

Этo дoвoльнo нeoжидaннaя нoвocть, yчитывaя тo, чтo eщe в янвape этoгo гoдa в кyлyapax Meждyнapoднoгo экoнoмичecкoгo фopyмa в Дaвoce aмepикaнcкий миллиapдep Джopдж Copoc нaзвaл биткoин – «типичным финaнcoвым пyзыpeм».
этo oн тaк кoмплимeнт cдeлaл
that's the compliment he gave.

a чтo пoзитивнoгo? зaбaнили eщe oдин 1001 caйт
what's positive? banned another 1001 site
cдeлaйтe пapилкy c бacceйнoм и дyшeм бггг Grin
make a steam room with pool and shower haha  Grin

He has plenty. However, I do not want to continue. Anyone can watch this. Such posts not all, but a lot of them.It was strange for me. For this reason I criticized him. And was always polite. The first is an impolite phrase or the provocation always came from him. This can be checked. Therefore, I take the words about the aggression against him as hint of me. There is no aggression. But there are disputes in which he first shows impolite.I apologize for the translator. I didn't want to write it. But I know where a subtle play with words can lead.

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July 06, 2018, 08:04:38 AM
Last edit: July 06, 2018, 09:07:32 AM by chimk

Yes, I wanted to earn the crypt currency, and not buy. There was once a thought. Now I will refuse this, in order to avoid a conflict of interests. This idea I picked up from the video of Antonopoulos. Live in the crypt world.

I do not accept other claims. Explain in this thread? I think it's not for this. I was asked who I suspect, I answered.I see the persecution continues.
Simple question. You reproached me for complaining about plagiarism inbizin? Yes or no? What words did you call me? some can not even translate into English. Cтyкaч(in the criminal world, denunciation, slang), shit, old asshole ... You said my complaint about plagiarism, this is the last thing. Is this not so? proof.
you promised to watch me!
I did not want the rascal to be, the source of MERIT. I was not mistaken. Why insults?

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July 06, 2018, 08:20:17 AM
Last edit: July 06, 2018, 08:15:52 PM by Spotika4

Yes, I wanted to earn the crypt currency, and not buy. There was once a thought. Now I will refuse this, in order to avoid a conflict of interests. This idea I picked up from the video of Antonopoulos. Live in the crypt world.

I do not accept other claims. Explain in this thread? I think it's not for this. I was asked who I suspect, I answered.I see the persecution continues.
You play upon words again. Nobody pursues you. I will explain nothing to you. You have mentioned me therefore I have written here. I had no desire it to do. You force me again. You contradict yourself. It is worth reading attentively. Purity of a forum for which you "fight" isn't compatible to reports and shitposta.

P.S. Simple answer. I wrote above about inbizin topics. The user is worthy of a ban. But in threads I just had to insert links. They were useful to people and well decorated. On your themes look funny. An adult who is not understands whether the Internet is necessary for a farm it is strange. You are very cunning and deftly play with words.

Пpивeт. пoдcкaжитe, cкoлькo килoвaтт бyдeт кyшaть фepмa из шecти видeoкapт? Кaкaя инимaльнaя тeмпepaтypa дoлжнa быть в пoмeщeнии? нyжeн ли для eё paбoты интepнeт? И нacкoлькo cлoжнa oнa в oбcлyживaнии, кaкoй нyжeн ypoвeнь знaний для yжe coбpaннoй фepмы?  Wink Grin Huh
Hi. tell me how many kilowatts will eat the farm of six graphics cards? What is the minimum temperature in the room? do you need Internet for its work? And how difficult it is to maintain, what level of knowledge is needed for the already assembled farm? Wink; D Huh

And besides your shitposting. All together, this leads to some reflections. You started reading other people's accounts first. Including mine. I already wrote that I don't want to talk to you (Ru local). But you keep dragging me into a conversation by reaching out to me.
 In our country, many people do not like informers. Whatever they're complaining about. For the first time the words "to the Informer-the first punishment" They were used around 1650. It was written in law. This was done against unfair denunciations. However, people (not crime, but ordinary people) made the interpretation of such. The informer must be punished first. This folk wisdom is alive and now. I didn't invent it. It happened in a few hundred years. I don't consider it a snitching report on the message "Hello", "necessary information" and other useless messages. However, to rummage in the other accounts(as - in dirty linen) that's different. There is a power, it has to be engaged in it. Is it normal. For them there is nothing bad in it. They observe legality and an order. When it start to engage ordinary people this leads to chaos, scandals and recriminations. If it is done by more people, instead of the forum we will get rubbish heap. Once again I will tell - you dexterously play upon words. Use the difference of the translator you falsely they tried to accuse me in criminal words. Any native speaker of our language can confirm that this word (and many others) is wide used by all people, not just crime. Even teenagers use that word. And women. That's all.  This is another provocation. Using the fact that native English speakers do not know about the features of Russian You say something that really is not. I can answer anyone who asks me anything. However, a conversation with you is over. I think you're a bad person. This is my personal opinion. It's based on your own. words and actions(I'm talking about
your double standards). I do not encourage anyone to think the same. Any carrier of our language can all watch. But if you look, it is necessary to consider chronological order of the posts and know special
moments of our language. There everything will be clear. I'm sorry I had to write this. Sorry about the translator. I know what the wrong language is. It can be unpleasant.

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July 06, 2018, 07:38:38 PM

Side note: I/anyone else who cares about the forum, would do the same.

I agree. But I wrote that my post is not for praise. I'm just doing my job. And I'm against injustice, so I helped deal with this case. And I just don't want you and others to think the Russian section is unpleasant and unmanageable.  



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July 06, 2018, 10:30:23 PM
Last edit: July 06, 2018, 11:06:41 PM by xtraelv

Honestly speaking - from outside, the Russian section seems a mess. A total mess. It could be a better place than it is now. Seems like mismanagement is killing the section.

You don't have to accuse so categorically. There is no disorder, the more complete. Xandry long was alone. After I was appointed as a moderator, the situation in the Russian section improved. And users talk about it.

By the way, I helped theymos in the investigation of this case. And provided evidence that the case with chimk is a hoax.

I'm writing this not for praise. It's just unpleasant when people say that. Unjust words.

I disagree that the Russian section is a mess. It is one of the most active local forums on here and has some very unique articles and tidy organisation. I have said this in private before but I will say it here too:

The reasons I like the Russian forum - I find the standard of posts there good, highly organised  and often find information there that is not available in the English forum.

I have the utmost respect for the moderators there and while it may not always be perfect - you cannot please everyone all the time. Criticism is heard and acted upon. Russian is a complex language and things like trolling are not clearly obvious unless you understand the language. Russian trolling is far more subtle.

Whenever a system is implemented people will find loopholes to cheat the system. It doesn't necessarily mean that the system is flawed. It just means that modifications need to be done to patch those holes. Just like here in Meta there are respected members in the Russian forum that discuss how to make those changes.

It is very hard to balance the undeniable massive problem of shitposts against the incidental deletion of user posts that technically breach the rules but not the purpose of the forum. (e.g. minor errors by beginners).

We are surrounded by legends on this forum. Phenomenal successes and catastrophic failures. Then there are the scams. This forum is a digital museum.  
* The most iconic historic bitcointalk threads.* Satoshi * Cypherpunks*MtGox*Bitcointalk hacks*pHiShInG* Silk Road*Pirateat40*Knightmb*Miner shams*Forum scandals*BBCode*
Troll spotting*Thank you to madnessteat for my custom avatar hat.
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July 07, 2018, 12:43:04 AM
Last edit: July 07, 2018, 12:56:43 AM by chimk
Merited by digaran (1)


One way to protect unique content from such attacks is to use online services to determine the uniqueness of the text (example at the end of the text). In their large texts, I will insert a confirmation. But there remains the problem of translation from language to language. Online services, Russian text will not be able to search in the English sector. The problem of small posts will remain, as in this realized example of an attack. In addition, it is difficult to apply this practice of protection everywhere. Who wants protection, will use.

I am grateful for the help given to the administrator and moderators from the Russian section. I am grateful to those who supported me here and with personal messages. I appreciate the trust placed in me, now I am a source of merit. This is a public role, now I have obligations. I want to give an explanation. Citations quoted by Spotika do not carry malicious intent. If necessary, I can give an explanation for each of them. In the Russian sector, there is a section OTHER, there is a discussion on any topic, sometimes in a joking manner. Several times I wrote there, quotes from there and in them humor. I respect the internal rules, the development of the forum depends on them.

I asked the question about the signature for earnings two or three times, I wanted to understand what it was and possibly completely refuse from fiat money. This does not mean automatic bad behavior on the forum. I did not have time for this, I had to study important questions. Security, decentralization, storage, exchanges, exchange, I got the experience of the fall of the market, these aspects required a lot of time to study. Now I will refrain from the idea of using the signature for commercial purposes. My participation in the life of the forum will have an exceptionally unselfish nature, as I am the source of merit.

My conflict with the user Spotika, started when I wrote a detailed post, why several candidates do not approach the source of merit.
They are indifferent to BTC. From the first days on the forum they were interested in merit and rank. Among them was inbizin, who openly, called for fraud. The conflict worsened after the inbizin lock and I received accusations and insults. If it is essential, I can make a chronology and provide proof. I do not want undeserved damage to reputation.

There is a section POLITICS. Perhaps in the Russian sector it is necessary, to make the optimization of sections, some to apply to discuss more priority topics. Sections POLITICS   and OTHER, this is a lot of text, not related to the BTC and other related topics. Given the situation in Russia, in the POLICY section, there are a lot of disputes around Ukraine and the domestic situation in the country. Emotional discussion of the war, sometimes has extreme forms and it is difficult to understand where the trolling begins. This may lead to the blocking of the forum, by the Russian State Internet Surveillance Service. This is the problem of Russia. But many of these sections like and there actively communicate. The last months in the Russian section have been many improvements, it's a fact.

I am grateful to you for the creation of the BTC and this forum, I hope that Satoshi Nakamoto sometimes reads it. The BTC has a future, it is still to get about 4 million coins. I hope, we with you and the forum, safely live up to these days. Together we can contribute to the development of the BTC ecosystem, each by virtue of their abilities. Now my task is to distribute merit, this is a new experience and a modest contribution. It's an honor for me to be useful here. I am open to suggestions, questions and criticism, I will try to be useful. Surely there will still be a favorable occasion for communication. sorry for the translation, I tried.


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July 07, 2018, 03:44:19 AM
Last edit: July 07, 2018, 05:22:18 AM by Spotika4

....Citations quoted by Spotika do not carry malicious intent.....

...My conflict with the user Spotika, started when I wrote a detailed post, why several candidates do not approach the source of merit...

It's a long-range shot. Grin     Spotika4 - Spotika.
Another tricky word game. The number 4 in our language starts with the letter ch. My nickname can be
translated as stumbling(cпoтыкaч - ч=ch). However, this hint may lead to suspicion of multiaccounts. I already wrote that this user is constantly drawing me into a conversation. Then he deftly twirls the words and mine irritation. And talking about him. Any administrator can investigate and see that Spotika 1-2-3 does not exist. Where then to take the number 4 in the value of the number? This provocateur once again showed the depth of his mind. Multi-account is a serious accusation. Although the rules do not prohibit. So I made a clarification on this stupid lunge. I'm not gonna mess up the space here anymore. If anyone has any questions for me, I will be happy to answer them. After another unjust provocation to me, I think I don't need any further excuses.
But I think, that his malice against me is so great that he'll think of something else.
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