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Author Topic: Antminer Z9 mini overclocked  (Read 26184 times)
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September 07, 2018, 06:56:02 PM

I have One Controller flashed with the 750 firmware. I did this to up the share rate by using 1 card from my version 1 Z9 mini. It did up my share rate as it seams, one hash board is enough to do the work and my coin rate went up using 1 Z9 as 2 Z9s. Both overclocked at 750 with a 5500rpm fan the highest temp is 70C. But, as I learned more about using the miner in this way it ups the share rate with a combined hash rate of 16.5 KH/s. But your chance or luck to find a new block goes down. I just purchased a second version 1 Mini and I will be able to make 3 miners running 12 kh/s for a total hash rate of 36K on the pool and an even higher share rate; but again Luck goes down in this config in finding blocks. I will try it to see how it works and I will report back.
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September 07, 2018, 07:51:13 PM

I have (1) batch 1 mini and (2) batch 2 mini's.  Can you provide more details on what the process is to up the over-clocks?
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September 07, 2018, 09:57:30 PM

Is all that is needed to achieve this is add the 4 components? (For which there are already pads)?

Of course not. The installation of visible components in the photo is only part of the necessary work.

Can you dm me?  I would like to know price as well for a full z9 though
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September 07, 2018, 10:15:49 PM

I have (1) batch 1 mini and (2) batch 2 mini's.  Can you provide more details on what the process is to up the over-clocks?

Would be great to have high quality photos of a hash board from batch1 and batch2...


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September 08, 2018, 12:11:20 AM

ASIC noob here.

Anyone know how to overclock on a "per hash board" basis? This was we can get a bit more out of these

I tried ssh and editing the config file. Seems only a single option is there for the clocks.

This is what ive been wondering about too.
One of my boards isn't good at overclocking while the other 2 are pretty decent.
If anyone is able to set the frequency for each board/chain separately please point me to the correct place.

Would be great if we could set each one separately.
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September 08, 2018, 01:24:05 AM

I purchased a 2nd controller board off of ebay. I have the fastest hashing board in slot one and then hashing board 2. Slot 3 is connected to the second controller i got off of ebay. Mine is a batch 1 unit. so i have 2 controller boards connected to the same pool, so the hash rate is totaled at 16kh/s combined but I have 2 workers in the pool. I get about a 10-15% increase in the number of shares processed. I had to connect a fan for the external controller to work. But like i said earlier that luck drops in this config.
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September 08, 2018, 04:42:03 AM
Merited by vapourminer (1), grinbuck (1)

Since my batch 2 units came, and they seem to be quite a bit more finicky on overclocking, I've written a php script that keeps an eye on them and restarts them if they end up failing.

To configure, just change the miners IP's, user name, password, and threshold.

  • PHP webserver with sockets enabled and phpseclib library
  • Z9s need to be on your network or locally accessable

Other fun stuff included: There's a couple logging functions that will dump your hashrate stats into some CSV's.  I use them to make pretty charts.

Random notes... this restarts any machine with a 'failed' ASIC chain or one that has been powered on for more than 2 minutes and doesn't meet your threshold value, it will then restart it via SSH with the phpseclib library.  It pulls all stats with the default enabled CGMiner API, so you don't need to enable anything for that to work.  It actually pulls all the API info, so there's much more info available than what I'm using.  

And if you do it right, you'll end up with something like:

(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR 'phpseclib');
header('refresh:600; url=index.php'); //change this to change the refresh in seconds (how often you want it to check on your machines)
$machines = array
=> array(
'name' => 'Mini-1',
'ip' => '',
'user' => 'root',
'password' => 'root',
'threshold' => 14,
=> array(
"name" => "Mini-2",
"ip" => "",
'user' => 'root',
'password' => 'root',
"threshold" => 12,
=> array(
"name" => "Mini-3",
"ip" => "",
'user' => 'root',
'password' => 'root',
"threshold" => 12,
=> array(
"name" => "Mini-4",
"ip" => "",
'user' => 'root',
'password' => 'root',
"threshold" => 12,

foreach (
$machines as &$machine
if(checkFails($machine)) restart($machine);
if(!file_exists"logs/overallhashrate.csv" )) file_put_contents("logs/overallhashrate.csv""time,total hashrate\r\n"FILE_APPEND);

'<br />';

if(!file_exists'logs/'.$machine['name']."hashrate.csv" )) file_put_contents('logs/'.$machine['name']."hashrate.csv""time,".$machine['name']." hashrate\r\n"FILE_APPEND);

file_put_contents('logs/'.$machine['name']."hashrate.csv"date('j M H:i:s'time()).",".$machine['ghs5s']."\r\n"FILE_APPEND);

$ssh = new Net_SSH2($machine['ip']);
if (!$ssh->login($machine['user'], $machine['password'])) {
exit('Login Failed');

$ssh->exec('/etc/init.d/ restart >/dev/null 2>&1');

if (($machine['chain_acs1'] == 'xxxx' or $machine['chain_acs2'] == 'xxxx' or $machine['chain_acs3'] == 'xxxx' or intval($machine['ghs5s']) < intval($machine['threshold'])) and intval($machine['elapsed']) > 120)
return true//this restarts any machine with a 'failed' ASIC chain or one that has been powered on for more than 2 minutes and doesn't meet your threshold value
else return false;

// create a socket
$socket socket_create(AF_INETSOCK_STREAMSOL_TCP);
$result socket_connect($socket$machine['ip'], 4028);
if ($socket === false || $result === false) {
echo $machine['name']. " appears to be offline!<br /><br />";
$machine['ghs5s'] = 0;
$machine['ghsav'] = 0;
$machine['chain_rate1'] = 0;
$machine['chain_rate2'] = 0;
$machine['chain_rate3'] = 0;
// send a 'summary' command to antminer
$in '{"command":"stats"}';
$out '';

// read output from antminer
while ($out socket_read($socket2048)) {

$output strtolower($output);
$output str_replace(" """$output);
$output str_replace(","":"$output);
$output str_replace("\""""$output);
$output str_replace("}"""$output);
$output str_replace("]"""$output);
$output explode(":"substr($output,strpos($output,"elapsed"),strpos($output,"id:1")));

foreach($output as $i => $item//create the rest of the item entries
if ($i == 0)
$machine[$output[$i]] = $output[$i+1];
printmachinestats($machine); //Don't print stats or logs if they aren't online


/* old method of parsing string manually
$machine['totalhashrate']=substr($output,strpos($output,"GHS 5s")+9);

$machine['totalhashrate']=floatval(substr($machine['totalhashrate'],0, strpos($machine['totalhashrate'],"GHS av")));
$machine['uptime']=floatval(substr($machine['uptime'],0, strpos($machine['uptime'],"GHS 5s")));
$machine['board1hash']=floatval(substr($machine['board1hash'],0, strpos($machine['board1hash'],"chain_rate2")));
$machine['board2hash']=floatval(substr($machine['board2hash'],0, strpos($machine['board2hash'],"chain_rate3")));
$machine['board3hash']=floatval(substr($machine['board3hash'],0, strpos($machine['board3hash'],"}],")));
$machine['board1status']=substr($machine['board1status'],0, strpos($machine['board1status'],"chain_acs2")-3);
$machine['board2status']=substr($machine['board2status'],0, strpos($machine['board2status'],"chain_acs3")-3);
$machine['board3status']=substr($machine['board3status'],0, strpos($machine['board3status'],"chain_hw1")-3);

print $machine['name'];
echo '<br />';
print "IP Address = ".$machine['ip'];
echo '<br />';
print "Hashrate = ".$machine['ghsav']. " KSol/S";
echo '<br />';
print "Uptime = ".secondsToTime($machine['elapsed']);
echo '<br />';
print "Board 1 Hash = ".$machine['chain_rate1']. " KSol/S";
echo '<br />';
print "Board 2 Hash = ".$machine['chain_rate2']. " KSol/S";
echo '<br />';
print "Board 3 Hash = ".$machine['chain_rate3']. " KSol/S";
echo '<br />';
print "Board 1 Status = ".$machine['chain_acs1'];
echo '<br />';
print "Board 2 Status = ".$machine['chain_acs2'];
echo '<br />';
print "Board 3 Status = ".$machine['chain_acs3'];
echo '<br />';

echo '<br />';

$total 0;
foreach ($machines as &$machine
$total += $machine['ghs5s'];
print "Total Hashrate = " . $total" KSol/S";
//['2004',  1000,      400]
file_put_contents("logs/overallhashrate.csv"date('j M H:i:s'time()).",".$total."\r\n"FILE_APPEND); //totals Hashrate


$dtF = new \DateTime('@0');
$dtT = new \DateTime("@$seconds");
$dtF->diff($dtT)->format('%a days, %h hours, %i minutes and %s seconds');

I won't be providing any support for this, but I can answer any simple questions.

ETH: 0xD3c330bdc5b5f964a45D20dBC3e71F6b15E442eb
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Activity: 68
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September 08, 2018, 05:42:00 AM

Since my batch 2 units came, and they seem to be quite a bit more finicky on overclocking, I've written a php script that keeps an eye on them and restarts them if they end up failing.



BTC: 37x5L8wq3pRxjDof6g2CnwgSrt34C5cFHy
Jr. Member
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September 08, 2018, 01:10:19 PM

Hey guys, I have a batch 2 mini that I am powering with a regular 750w computer psu. At least 1x per day my mini will completely power off and I have to disconnect the PSU ATX jumper and reconnect it to power the z9 back up.  Disconnecting the power cord and switching the PSU on/off does nothing, I always have to reset the jumper.  Anyone experience this before? Think my overclock is to high(650), or maybe I should I buy an Asic psu?

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'The right to privacy matters'

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September 08, 2018, 01:11:53 PM

Hey guys, I have a batch 2 mini that I am powering with a regular 750w computer psu. At least 1x per day my mini will completely power off and I have to disconnect the PSU ATX jumper and reconnect it to power the z9 back up.  Disconnecting the power cord and switching the PSU on/off do nothing, I always have to reset the jumper.  Anyone experience this before? Think my overclock is to high(650), or maybe I should I buy an Asic psu?


go simple drop clock to 625    see if that works

my quess is it is the psu since others can clock as high as 700

what is make and model of the psu?

a mini only uses 300 watts

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September 08, 2018, 01:14:59 PM

Hey guys, I have a batch 2 mini that I am powering with a regular 750w computer psu. At least 1x per day my mini will completely power off and I have to disconnect the PSU ATX jumper and reconnect it to power the z9 back up.  Disconnecting the power cord and switching the PSU on/off do nothing, I always have to reset the jumper.  Anyone experience this before? Think my overclock is to high(650), or maybe I should I buy an Asic psu?


go simple drop clock to 625    see if that works

my quess is it is the psu since others can clock as high as 700

what is make and model of the psu?

Evga b1 750 (its just one I had lying around).
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Activity: 4410
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'The right to privacy matters'

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September 08, 2018, 01:17:59 PM

Hey guys, I have a batch 2 mini that I am powering with a regular 750w computer psu. At least 1x per day my mini will completely power off and I have to disconnect the PSU ATX jumper and reconnect it to power the z9 back up.  Disconnecting the power cord and switching the PSU on/off do nothing, I always have to reset the jumper.  Anyone experience this before? Think my overclock is to high(650), or maybe I should I buy an Asic psu?


go simple drop clock to 625    see if that works

my quess is it is the psu since others can clock as high as 700

what is make and model of the psu?

Evga b1 750 (its just one I had lying around).

yeah the b model is so so  

still  try dropping clock down  625  then 600  see if stable  if not look for a decent server psu

I do not know this seller

or ask  forum member sidehack;u=130792

he had some good ones

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September 08, 2018, 01:33:38 PM

Thank you, I saw Newegg had some HP 750w for $59, maybe I’ll pick one up
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September 08, 2018, 01:40:44 PM

I just knocked my fixed fan settings to Auto and i had boards dropping with XXXX and hash dropping like i had the freq too high.. just fixed the fans at 95% again and hashing as normal... I am thinking that the cut off is linked to heat.. Huh maybe.. just an observation
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September 08, 2018, 01:49:45 PM

Auto keeps mine @ 67 or lower.  What temps are you seeing?
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September 08, 2018, 01:55:05 PM
Last edit: September 08, 2018, 02:10:17 PM by htautosjay

Auto keeps mine @ 67 or lower.  What temps are you seeing?
In auto mode 68 with cutouts... fixed 51/55
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September 08, 2018, 05:10:36 PM
Last edit: September 08, 2018, 08:16:30 PM by mcp5500

My Batch 1 mini came with a 3000rpm fan. I replaced it with a 5400rpm fan. set it to 100% and the clock at 750. In this config I have 1 board reaching 70deg C and the other 2 are below that. The boards are in the 55deg C range. I have a second batch 1 mini coming in a few days and I have a 6000rpm fan i will use with that one. The seller states it runs at 16kh/s as is but I feel better with the high speed fans.

Here is more data
When I am hashing at 16.9 kh/s the share rate on ZEN, @ suprnova, my share rate for the 16.9 kh/s, with 1 controler (original) configuration, is 913. In the 2 controller configuration it's 1010.
My Efficiency dropped from 99.9 to 98.8 respectively.
Round earnings went from .0367 to .0404 respectively.
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Activity: 350
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September 08, 2018, 11:48:46 PM

My Batch 1 mini came with a 3000rpm fan. I replaced it with a 5400rpm fan. set it to 100% and the clock at 750. In this config I have 1 board reaching 70deg C and the other 2 are below that. The boards are in the 55deg C range. I have a second batch 1 mini coming in a few days and I have a 6000rpm fan i will use with that one. The seller states it runs at 16kh/s as is but I feel better with the high speed fans.

Here is more data
When I am hashing at 16.9 kh/s the share rate on ZEN, @ suprnova, my share rate for the 16.9 kh/s, with 1 controler (original) configuration, is 913. In the 2 controller configuration it's 1010.
My Efficiency dropped from 99.9 to 98.8 respectively.
Round earnings went from .0367 to .0404 respectively.

Bitmain must have messed it up to equip your Z9 mini with a 3000 RPM fan.
All mine Z9 minis from batch 1 came with 6000 RPM fans (Delta Electronics QFR1212GHE).
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September 09, 2018, 12:25:24 AM

My Batch 1 mini came with a 3000rpm fan. I replaced it with a 5400rpm fan. set it to 100% and the clock at 750. In this config I have 1 board reaching 70deg C and the other 2 are below that. The boards are in the 55deg C range. I have a second batch 1 mini coming in a few days and I have a 6000rpm fan i will use with that one. The seller states it runs at 16kh/s as is but I feel better with the high speed fans.

Here is more data
When I am hashing at 16.9 kh/s the share rate on ZEN, @ suprnova, my share rate for the 16.9 kh/s, with 1 controler (original) configuration, is 913. In the 2 controller configuration it's 1010.
My Efficiency dropped from 99.9 to 98.8 respectively.
Round earnings went from .0367 to .0404 respectively.

Bitmain must have messed it up to equip your Z9 mini with a 3000 RPM fan.
All mine Z9 minis from batch 1 came with 6000 RPM fans (Delta Electronics QFR1212GHE).

Really, maybe mine was a defective fan Because I changed the fan right from the beginning when i set it up for the first time. It ran fine with the clock at 500. It was when I started testing the overclock that's when the trouble was seen in temperature and i changed the fan with a 5400rpm I had already. I'll check the new one when i get it. I only bought 1 so I was working from no reference. I wonder if more were using a 3000rpm fans. Anyone?
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September 09, 2018, 08:51:49 AM


Got my 2nd batch 3xZ9mini's from Bitmain since few days ago.

What have I done:
  • flashing the overclockable firmware (Sat May 26 20:42:30 CST 2018)
  • set the frequency to 650 (after many failure attempts starting with 700 and goes down)
  • set the fan speed to 95%
  • changed the dhcp to static (ip:, mask:, gw:, dns1: for each unit
  • set the min payout for not flooding the blockchain to: 0.3 ZEC, 6 ZCL and 2 ZEN
  • added the following pools:
    • miningpoolhub (with their awesome auto-switch for profitability):
    • nanopool:
    • antpool (not a good idea as the latency with their servers is too high, as a results there will be more rejected shares):
What I get:
  • a hashrate between 13-15 ksol (14 ksol average)
  • PCB temperature: 47, 55, 50 (celsius degrees)
  • CHIP temperature: 60, 69 ,68 (celsius degrees)
  • HW errors: 0
  • rejected shares: below one per hour
  • my first payout from nanopool Smiley

This is my setup. Until now, it's running well.
Who's helped me? You, guys. Thanks!
Happy mining!
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