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Author Topic: [WTS] 1 HD 6950(2gb) & 1 HD 5770 ($275 for both)  (Read 2310 times)
legitnick (OP)
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September 29, 2011, 08:48:19 AM
Last edit: December 17, 2011, 01:09:39 PM by legitnick

PM me for more info/payments that I'll accept.

HIS IceQ X Turbo H695QNT2G2M Radeon HD 6950 2GB - $200

It gets 360 mhash/s.

1x XFX ATI Radeon HD5770 1GB HD577XZHLC - $200

"I dont lift" - Lord Furrycoat
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September 29, 2011, 04:32:19 PM
Last edit: September 30, 2011, 01:45:36 PM by talon146

Purchased two 5830's via paypal. Will edit post when received next week.
legitnick (OP)
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September 30, 2011, 07:54:04 PM

Just shipped the 5830's

"I dont lift" - Lord Furrycoat
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September 30, 2011, 10:54:54 PM

Would you be interested in selling that 1x -> 16x extender? And if so, how much shipped to 32627 area?

If you're not excited by the idea of being an early adopter 'now', then you should come back in three or four years and either tell us "Told you it'd never work!" or join what should, by then, be a much more stable and easier-to-use system.
- GA

It is being worked on by smart people.  -DamienBlack
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October 01, 2011, 12:08:56 AM

I can do $50 paypal now, and 6BTC upon arrival..
Being cautious due to your lack of REP..

PM me..
legitnick (OP)
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October 02, 2011, 12:02:51 PM

I can do $50 paypal now, and 6BTC upon arrival..
Being cautious due to your lack of REP..

PM me..
That's fine I'll PM you my paypal address and I was a lurker for a good 3+ months and I don't really post that much.

Would you be interested in selling that 1x -> 16x extender? And if so, how much shipped to 32627 area?
I have 2 of them so both of them with shipping would be around 5btc.

"I dont lift" - Lord Furrycoat
legitnick (OP)
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October 04, 2011, 03:47:19 AM


"I dont lift" - Lord Furrycoat
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October 04, 2011, 01:53:19 PM

Recieved two 5830's from Legitnick. Thank you!
legitnick (OP)
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October 05, 2011, 04:47:39 AM

Recieved two 5830's from Legitnick. Thank you!
You're welcome!

SSD and PSU sold. Still looking to sell the 3 video cards, mobo, and ddr2.

"I dont lift" - Lord Furrycoat
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October 06, 2011, 03:23:24 AM


Sold To
Kax0, gamekingx, maltaethiron, Cory, Morebitcoinsplease, TECSHARE, wildboy211, inlikeflynn, deslok, WiseOldOwl, and more

Bought From
tsvekric, wildboy211, shakaru
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October 12, 2011, 07:39:35 AM

I have not received my shipment nor tracking number from legitnick.
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October 12, 2011, 12:05:25 PM

I have not received my shipment nor tracking number from legitnick.

What did you buy and when?

 Also, Legit. Does that interesting looking 'HIS IceQ X Turbo H695QNT2G2M Radeon HD 6950 2GB' glow with a black light shining on it? That would be sexy!

If you're not excited by the idea of being an early adopter 'now', then you should come back in three or four years and either tell us "Told you it'd never work!" or join what should, by then, be a much more stable and easier-to-use system.
- GA

It is being worked on by smart people.  -DamienBlack
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October 12, 2011, 12:56:58 PM

I highly doubt he has a black light.

Also this guy offered to ship to me first, and collect payment later, I would wait a bit before you think he is a scammer. He might be, but let him respond.
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October 12, 2011, 03:53:48 PM

I have not received my shipment nor tracking number from legitnick.

What did you buy and when?

I paid 50% up front for an SSD and PSU on Oct 4.  Legitnick tried to charge me shipping when the deal included it.  He promised a tracking number and never sent one.  Now he just PMed today saying he got the package returned for putting the wrong address on it.  I still don't think he's scamming me since he went through a lot of effort to make screenshots of different programs showing the SSD status, but I'm not happy.

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October 12, 2011, 03:56:42 PM

well, hopefully he is not, let us keep this thread going with up to date info to see what is going on.
legitnick (OP)
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October 13, 2011, 06:19:26 AM

I have not received my shipment nor tracking number from legitnick.

What did you buy and when?

I paid 50% up front for an SSD and PSU on Oct 4.  Legitnick tried to charge me shipping when the deal included it.  He promised a tracking number and never sent one.  Now he just PMed today saying he got the package returned for putting the wrong address on it.  I still don't think he's scamming me since he went through a lot of effort to make screenshots of different programs showing the SSD status, but I'm not happy.

I apologize for the package being delayed a week, I'm not here to scam anyone I just get really lazy when I go through adderall withdrawal and I would have sent you the tracking number right away but it must have slipped my mind atleast until I got the package mailed back to me. When you get the package and verify everything works I'm only expecting $35 instead of the $55. I'm sorry dude!

I have not received my shipment nor tracking number from legitnick.

What did you buy and when?

 Also, Legit. Does that interesting looking 'HIS IceQ X Turbo H695QNT2G2M Radeon HD 6950 2GB' glow with a black light shining on it? That would be sexy!

I'll check! There's nothing sexier than a glowing GPU.

"I dont lift" - Lord Furrycoat
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October 13, 2011, 07:17:18 AM

I received a valid tracking number! Looks OK so far.
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October 15, 2011, 08:06:17 AM

I received the items.  PSU has heat damage on the 12V pin on the ATX connector, apparently from heavy mining... what type of cards and how many did you run on this? Tongue  I have it running now as a secondary PSU to avoid using that connector. 

Hope to try the SSD tomorrow.
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October 15, 2011, 02:35:01 PM

I received the items.  PSU has heat damage on the 12V pin on the ATX connector, apparently from heavy mining... what type of cards and how many did you run on this? Tongue  I have it running now as a secondary PSU to avoid using that connector. 

Hope to try the SSD tomorrow.

 Do you have any method to load test that pin? It could just be from a shitty board pin leaving the heat/scorch mark on it. As long as the PSU will let you pull close to its rated amperage on that 12v pin, I'd clean it up and slap it in anyhows. imho.

If you're not excited by the idea of being an early adopter 'now', then you should come back in three or four years and either tell us "Told you it'd never work!" or join what should, by then, be a much more stable and easier-to-use system.
- GA

It is being worked on by smart people.  -DamienBlack
legitnick (OP)
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October 15, 2011, 10:14:08 PM
Last edit: October 16, 2011, 04:07:13 AM by legitnick

I received the items.  PSU has heat damage on the 12V pin on the ATX connector, apparently from heavy mining... what type of cards and how many did you run on this? Tongue  I have it running now as a secondary PSU to avoid using that connector. 

Hope to try the SSD tomorrow.
I only used to it mine with a 6950.

"I dont lift" - Lord Furrycoat
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