OlliBrandt80 (OP)

Activity: 64
Merit: 10
February 12, 2014, 05:54:38 AM |
..while the price is down? No idea who to listen to. I'm confused, pls help.
Bitcoin rules!
February 12, 2014, 07:22:12 AM |
Right now, I will be hold on.
Im currently in Crypto most of my assets, so Im kind of worried that it might just continue to go down.
I was hoping that Mt. Gox old news will finally let us raise, but we haven't.
No if you have some extra cash, and don't mind risking it, I will defiantly buy at a much lowered priced. Its around 630-650 right now, so we might go back to 1200.
February 12, 2014, 02:20:01 PM |
It always makes sense to buy when the price is down.
February 13, 2014, 05:23:25 AM |
Yes, it does. I was a little bit concerned to recommend a buy at the 800$ level. However, I believe 650$ is a good price (provided you plant to hold the coins for atleast 6 months).

Activity: 95
Merit: 10
February 13, 2014, 08:08:25 AM |
It always makes sense to buy when the price is down.
I'm not sure this price is "down" as such, general consensus seems to be that we are still overvalued. Trendline suggest around $500 right now I think.
February 13, 2014, 08:22:59 AM |
I can't even buy anything...
1GPsFkReoJi8isJk1Vyry7NVnL2qpaC9Ja Feeling generous? Send me some bits 
February 13, 2014, 01:43:33 PM |
I think you should try to make your own conclusions instead of listening to others. There are people who will tell you that in 6 months the price will be half and people who will tell you that it's gonna be double in 6 months. If you think BTC has potential, buy some. If you are looking to buy just to make quick bucks by trading I suggest you try reading some trading threads. Whatever you do, don't invest money you can't afford to lose!
Sr. Member
Activity: 462
Merit: 250
Firing it up
February 13, 2014, 03:14:15 PM |
serious player should get some, preferred face to face to prevent errors.
The price is currently reasonable. you may try
Sr. Member
Activity: 301
Merit: 250
February 13, 2014, 03:20:38 PM |
..while the price is down? Its best to buy when price drops, but I think we will see more low price so I waiting bit more
February 13, 2014, 03:48:30 PM |
This isn't professional advice, don't blame me if I'm completey wrong and the price of Bitcoin crashes!
It seems to me like the price is low because of exchange problems. I think once decentralized exchanges are more user-friendly this will no longer be an issue, so long-term the outlook is good. If we assume the Open-Transactions Holy Grail is completed in 6 months, then I'd guess another big price increase (over $1000) in 9-12 months.
Short term I have no idea, I just invest based on how I expect the usefulness of a good to change over time.
February 13, 2014, 03:49:56 PM |
I think things happened worsest things could happen to Bitcoin. It's maybe the last time you can buy at this level...
February 13, 2014, 06:24:18 PM |
Put a post-it on your monitor: Now is the best time to buy. Look at it daily.
Activity: 4312
Merit: 1319
February 13, 2014, 07:13:53 PM |
Only invest what you can afford to lose. But if you believe in the benefits of bitcoin, then a lower price is always a good time to buy. No one knows if it will go down more, or rebound quickly so everything is just speculation and you have to make your own decision based on what you learn here, and your own thoughts.
Activity: 1232
Merit: 1002
February 13, 2014, 07:24:37 PM |
If you have some extra money buy bitcoins because i think the price will go up, also as a backup i would recommend you to sign up at a site that offers usd/btc for trading with a high leverage and put an order on sell there so if the price goes up you will win with bitcoins you've bought if it goes down you will win with the trade on forex market
if it goes down you will have profit from forex you can close that position cash out and buy more btc as the price will be more down and after that the only way is up in my opinion!
i think it may reach 500$/BTC soon but don't think it will stay more than a few days there as we all wait for mtgox to die and since that is the biggest exchange the price will go down
but the good news is that everyone knows it will gonna die and no one will make new accounts there to risk their money
in the long term STRONG BUY! short term SELL! (14 days)
and if you watched the exchanges btc-e, bitstamps, localbitcoins, mtgox you already know that mtgox was somehow declaring the BTC value and since it's on his way down a new exchange has to take his place and no one did it yet!
Space for rent if its still trending
Sr. Member
Activity: 350
Merit: 250
Bitcoin Evengelist
February 13, 2014, 10:14:01 PM |
You shouldn't put any money in bitcoins that you can't afford to lose. Plain and simple. Can't be simpler than that.
If you have extra money outside what you need for your sustenance and have a decent nest egg, sure go ahead. But you need to have a frame of mind that will let you ride the volatility and buy into weakness. Otherwise if you'll just cry mommy on every selloff, do everyone a favor and not buy.
February 15, 2014, 04:57:05 PM |
You shouldn't put any money in bitcoins that you can't afford to lose. Plain and simple. Can't be simpler than that.
If you have extra money outside what you need for your sustenance and have a decent nest egg, sure go ahead. But you need to have a frame of mind that will let you ride the volatility and buy into weakness. Otherwise if you'll just cry mommy on every selloff, do everyone a favor and not buy.
+1 I wouldn't buy at this moment, Bitcoin has a down trend and it think it might be a Bubble, look at wiki for a bubble pattern. Hopefully I'm wrong.  
Full Member
Activity: 140
Merit: 101
Trading BTC, looking for amazon cards
February 16, 2014, 02:16:17 PM |
Yea I believe it will crash soon, and then return back to a lower mean and then slowly raise.
Unless a whale takes action or there is some huge change in news etc
February 17, 2014, 02:27:13 AM |
Yea I believe it will crash soon, and then return back to a lower mean and then slowly raise.
Unless a whale takes action or there is some huge change in news etc
Activity: 1120
Merit: 1000
February 17, 2014, 02:39:36 AM |
Yea I believe it will crash soon, and then return back to a lower mean and then slowly raise.
Unless a whale takes action or there is some huge change in news etc
Yup At which level do you expect bitcoin to drop to?
Activity: 1148
Merit: 1001
February 17, 2014, 02:50:45 AM |
It's a great time to buy. The sooner the better IMHO.