Hi guys, I figured I would post here to see if anyone else has encountered this issue before.
After doing a simple reboot from the Antminer's web panel, the miner would not longer begin mining.
The web panel would become active, but the hashboards would not mine at all.
After doing a bit of searching I found that the kernel log would get to:
main.c:13630: use critical mode to search freq...
driver-bitmain.c:2374: get PLUG ON=0x000000e0
driver-bitmain.c:2444: Find hashboard on Chain[5]
driver-bitmain.c:2444: Find hashboard on Chain[6]
driver-bitmain.c:2444: Find hashboard on Chain[7]
driver-bitmain.c:1831: set_reset_allhashboard = 0x0000ffff
main.c:1844: Check chain[5] PIC fw version=0x03
main.c:1844: Check chain[6] PIC fw version=0x03
main.c:1844: Check chain[7] PIC fw version=0xcc
main.c:1865: chain[7] PIC need restore ...
main.c:1872: After restore: chain[7] PIC fw version=0xcc
Here is the full kernel log:
https://pastebin.com/raw/e9VB2W9NThe miner also did not have the flashing green light indicating that it was OK, but it also did not have the flashing red light either.
The only instance I could find of the "version=0xcc" was a post here (
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2383200) which seemed to indicate an issue with the firmware of the hashboard on an L3+, so I'm not sure if that still applies to other bitmain hardware.
I'm sorry if this may sound naive, I do not understand much of the technical details provided by the kernel log. :/
If there is any other information that may help, please let me know.
Thank you!