Pangia (OP)
February 15, 2014, 06:24:55 PM |
Watch as this fat f@ck is confronted by a MTGOX customer regarding his frozen account. Karpeles is asked this simple question --- "does MTGOX still have everyone's Bitcoins" ---- he can't answer. ahead MTGOX lovers, defend this fat fu*k and his incompetence.
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Activity: 4494
Merit: 5000
February 15, 2014, 06:35:04 PM |
it wasn't one question. it was three
"do you still have everyones bitcoins" "do you still have everyones bitcoins" "do you still have everyones bitcoins"
........ no reply
I DO NOT TRADE OR ACT AS ESCROW ON THIS FORUM EVER. Please do your own research & respect what is written here as both opinion & information gleaned from experience. many people replying with insults but no on-topic content substance, automatically are 'facepalmed' and yawned at
Activity: 1456
Merit: 1001
This is the land of wolves now & you're not a wolf
February 15, 2014, 06:39:30 PM |
He knew that any response would go viral, just like the video had already done so. I think its a good sign that he is still actually showing up to work. If he were planning to keep everyone's btc, theres a good chance he'd be long gone by now. Probably to a place with no extradition, or maybe even Russia where bitcoins are now banned. I admit the signs don't look good at all. I was just thinking, that if they had a liquidity problem, they could now purchase btc from their own exchange and cash it out elsewhere and get some cash on hand.
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
February 15, 2014, 06:40:52 PM |
I wouldn't of quite put it the way you have, but I think its damn right unprofessional for any CEO to just out right ignore a customer that's traveled 12 hours because he was unable to get any help from your support and has so little faith in your company because of the piss poor PR. I would be embarrassed and go out of my way to try and resolve the situation or at least make an effort to explain. These people that have made trips across the world to go there must have a big chunk of money stuck and instead of him taking 5 minutes out of his day and take them inside and explain the situation. Its not like he was mopped by hundreds of people. This might help put the guys mind at ease that he might get his coins back instead he just refuses to even answer the question regarding if everyone's bitcoins were safe. Which they haven't claimed anywhere that anything is lost, so if that's the case you would be expecting them to be shouting that fact as its the most important thing. So either funds have been lost and that's why he wouldn't answer, they are so incompetent they have no idea if they have lost any funds yet or he just didn't give a shit and couldn't take 5 minutes to try put one of his customers at ease.
Either way I hope its the end of gox but just like BFL are some how still around it wouldn't surprise me if people carry on using it (if they actually release funds).
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
February 15, 2014, 06:47:39 PM |
He knew that any response would go viral, just like the video had already done so. I think its a good sign that he is still actually showing up to work. If he were planning to keep everyone's btc, theres a good chance he'd be long gone by now. Probably to a place with no extradition, or maybe even Russia where bitcoins are now banned. I admit the signs don't look good at all. I was just thinking, that if they had a liquidity problem, they could now purchase btc from their own exchange and cash it out elsewhere and get some cash on hand.
The main thing that gets me is, if the bitcoin's are safe they should be telling everyone that they are safe. If they have lost funds then instead of making silly announcements saying everything should be fixed by Monday, they need to bite the bullet and tell everyone. People just want answers to the simple question which either way should be a simple answer and should have already been answered many times. Just getting ignored and fed what they want to tell you rather than answering the most basic of questions. At the end of the day, all companies will have a bad time at some point and if they are open and honest with everything that's going on then everything is a lot smoother on both sides and once the issues are solved everyone comes out happier and had an idea of what was going on.
February 15, 2014, 06:55:36 PM |
He knew that any response would go viral, just like the video had already done so. I think its a good sign that he is still actually showing up to work. If he were planning to keep everyone's btc, theres a good chance he'd be long gone by now. Probably to a place with no extradition, or maybe even Russia where bitcoins are now banned. I admit the signs don't look good at all. I was just thinking, that if they had a liquidity problem, they could now purchase btc from their own exchange and cash it out elsewhere and get some cash on hand.
If they are still solvent, how much harm would the answer ... "Yes, all customer Bitcoins are safe and accounted for. Excuse me for my brevity, as I'll be heading in now to work on restoring withdrawal features." ... do? Instead he does his best to ignore the guy and nervously tries to make his way inside.
February 15, 2014, 07:03:37 PM |
He knew that any response would go viral, just like the video had already done so. I think its a good sign that he is still actually showing up to work. If he were planning to keep everyone's btc, theres a good chance he'd be long gone by now. Probably to a place with no extradition, or maybe even Russia where bitcoins are now banned. I admit the signs don't look good at all. I was just thinking, that if they had a liquidity problem, they could now purchase btc from their own exchange and cash it out elsewhere and get some cash on hand.
If they are still solvent, how much harm would the answer ... "Yes, all customer Bitcoins are safe and accounted for. Excuse me for my brevity, as I'll be heading in now to work on restoring withdrawal features." ... do? Instead he does his best to ignore the guy and nervously tries to make his way inside. I agres to all what is stated above, however mark enforce ''do not disclosse anything before approved by lawyers''.
Activity: 1330
Merit: 1000
February 15, 2014, 07:08:15 PM |
i was wondering the same thing but then i thought about it.... the question of have you got everyone's bitcoins in no longer personal to the guy asking for his own bitcoins. i think karpeles just switches off because its no longer personal & more what a reporter would ask.
the guy should have just kept asking for his own bitcoins
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
February 15, 2014, 07:11:40 PM |
i was wondering the same thing but then i thought about it.... the question of have you got everyone's bitcoins in no longer personal to the guy asking for his own bitcoins. i think karpeles just switches off because its no longer personal & more what a reporter would ask.
the guy should have just kept asking for his own bitcoins
Surely they know if they have lost funds or not tho. Going to have to tell people at some point either way and just seems like they are doing it in a way to piss people off whatever the out come is good or bad.
Activity: 1330
Merit: 1000
February 15, 2014, 07:37:21 PM |
i was wondering the same thing but then i thought about it.... the question of have you got everyone's bitcoins in no longer personal to the guy asking for his own bitcoins. i think karpeles just switches off because its no longer personal & more what a reporter would ask.
the guy should have just kept asking for his own bitcoins
Surely they know if they have lost funds or not tho. Going to have to tell people at some point either way and just seems like they are doing it in a way to piss people off whatever the out come is good or bad. gox knows if they have the funds or not sure.... this is a question of how best to communicate with them. are they being assholes to their customers... yes does not answering a question about everyones bitcoins from some random stranger mean they dont have the bitcoins.... well i can imagine if i was ceo i might have walked away at that point also fwiw im undecided, i feel good chance gox has the btc or if not the whole btc foundation & all the other big name btc guys are in on the scam

Activity: 111
Merit: 10
February 16, 2014, 12:06:32 AM |
does not answering a question about everyones bitcoins from some random stranger mean they dont have the bitcoins.... well i can imagine if i was ceo i might have walked away at that point also
Some random stranger? This is a MTGOX customer who has enough funds tied up in his account to make the trip out to Japan and figure put what's happening. The movement and energy around Bitcoin is to circumvent all of the non-sense in the financial/banking/corporate world and get straight to the point. This difference between asking for everyone or himself is nonsense because everyone's bitcoins are his bitcoins and being as he is the first and only one to do something like this, I applaud him for taking on the responsibility of representing the entire community.
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
February 16, 2014, 12:37:37 AM |
The way I see it is, if they haven't lost anyone's funds it should of been made clear in the first announcement. It shouldn't of taken someone flying to Japan from London and dogging the CEO out side there offices to even try to get a response to a simple question.
Even if funds have been lost they must of worked it out days ago and should of made an announcement. I think there's a high chance all the bitcoin's are accounted for I just don't understand if this is the case why they haven't gone out of there way from the very beginning to make this clear and there wouldn't of been a need for people to fly across the world to try and get answers.
Even if they have lost funds it could of been handled so much better, total cluster fuck I just feel sorry for the guys with real life changing amounts stuck.
Pangia (OP)
February 20, 2014, 12:53:10 PM |
So where are the BTC's Mark?
MTGOX price now approaching $100. How come all the MTGOX cheerleaders that PM'ed me with nasty remarks aren't out here defending Karpeles, is it because you've now come to your senses and realized that Mark Karpeles is a criminal who embezzled customers funds since last year and MTGOX is now insolvent?
Wait, I'm sure that there will be a post claiming, "well, there's no proof that our coins are missing and Mark wouldn't steal and blah blah blah". To that I would say -- show me the money!
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Pangia (OP)
February 28, 2014, 06:47:10 PM |
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Sr. Member
Activity: 364
Merit: 250
February 28, 2014, 07:07:13 PM |
"“No one recognizes them as a real currency,” he told reporters. “I expected such a thing to collapse.”" wat?
Activity: 2492
Merit: 1491
LEALANA Bitcoin Grim Reaper
February 28, 2014, 07:08:36 PM |
Yup Mr. Sturle is silent now. Big surprise. Epic fail for that shill.  All the other gox lovers are indeed silent if not using sock puppet accounts to post and hide behind.
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| . ★☆ WWW.LEALANA.COM My PGP fingerprint is A764D833. History of Monero development Visualization ★☆ . LEALANA BITCOIN GRIM REAPER SILVER COINS. |
Activity: 57
Merit: 0
February 28, 2014, 09:44:58 PM |
"“No one recognizes them as a real currency,” he told reporters. “I expected such a thing to collapse.”"
To be clear, that was a quote from the article attributed to Japanese Finance Minister Taro Aso , not Karpeles.
Sr. Member
Activity: 364
Merit: 250
March 01, 2014, 12:01:13 AM |
"“No one recognizes them as a real currency,” he told reporters. “I expected such a thing to collapse.”"
To be clear, that was a quote from the article attributed to Japanese Finance Minister Taro Aso , not Karpeles. Oh okay. Thanks. But still [facepalm].
March 01, 2014, 12:04:13 AM |
So thats the Japanese Finance Minister, the FBI and Mark off my Xmass card list all in 2 days.

Activity: 97
Merit: 10
March 01, 2014, 12:07:54 AM |
if he was trying to run with the money, wouldn't he have simply lied and told people the BTC is there still?
The US gov having confiscated and locked down his cold storage and pushed him under a gag order makes ever more sense now. Of course, this is just speculation.