Posting Google translated texts aren't against forum rules either.
Rule 33, examples:
33. This includes both copying parts or the entirety of other users' posts or threads and copying content from external sources (e.g. other websites) and passing it as your own.
As a Legendary member you should know that forum rules have nothing to do with trust.
Do you want to get tagged too for spamming / bumping?
Perhaps you should try to stake that Legendary account to back your accusations against the above member, since your Lauda befriended Hero account got hacked. It is only because of that friendship that I got tagged, not because of the
illogical content of your accusations.
If there was any truth (and logic) in your silly document, your name would've been cleared right there and then.
Sour grapes. You're only here because you're still butthurt. Stay on topic or get lost.