I have 2 rigs 1 pulling 650watts other is pulling 700 roughly with a killawatt. My question is can there be a problem running these two on the same lines because Just now after a while they both shut off !?!?!? and It smells like burning electronics. I left them off for now so I can ask you kind folks... I needa make sure all cards and stuff are good also!
1300 watts is not out of the question for a 15amp circut, especially if nothing else is on it, but that circuit probably has other things pulling power other then your rigs.. 1300 watts is a hairdryer, or a portable heater.
Did the circut breaker blow?
vapourminer probably has it right if the breaker itself did not go,
I always go the extra mile for the psus. silverstones, seasonics are my psu of choice.