Hi, Since most of the auction sites with escrow have started to close or have already closed, I decided to make a post here. I am selling alot of steam games from the humble bundles as well as a couple that are not from the humble bundle.
I am Willing to go first as long as you have more trust then me. Anyone with less then my trust must pay first.
I will also take trades for steam games (In this case the other person must trade first)
Accepted PaymentsBitCoin
Steam Trades for other games
Steam Wallets (Can Be code Or Money in your steam account Traded via marketplace, In this case there's a 15% increase in price however)
Namecoin (NMC)
Steam Refined Metals,TF2 Keys
Humble Links Are URL Links that activate a game.
Steam Gift Will be gifted to you and require you to give me a username or Email.
Steam Keys are keys that can be sent via PM or Email.
Origin Keys are keys that can be sent via PM or Email.
If you have any questions or offers make a post.
If there's any problems Please PM me.
And for faster Responses you can skype me at "jasonmbrown222"
If you don't Have enough "trust" Then you can also get them here
https://www.coingig.com/steamforbtc Where there's escrow. I haven't updated my Coingig Pricing, and not all my games are there.
The BTC>$ Value will be bitstamps (
http://bitcoincharts.com/markets/) 24h Average
Or Preev.com (Your Choice)
Ask me for pricing (or Offer), If you buy 5+ Games at a time I can do a 25% discount (Most games are 1-2$) Except Where Noted
Updated Almost Instantly
Google SpreadsheetIm using the above link for both Steamtrades and the bitcoin marketplace, The Refined Metal Prices dont mater if your paying with btc (Although they will give an idea of what I want)
A Refined metal is worth about 30 cents and a Key is 2.05$