Jr. Member
Activity: 182
Merit: 2
August 24, 2018, 07:15:49 AM |
I subscribe to every word of the author, it is impossible to become rich overnight, Yes we have heard such stories, but this is the exception rather the rule. Cryptocurrency is like any other business you've got to work 24/7 and not the fact that you will earn. Importantly patience and a cool head.
Activity: 108
Merit: 0
August 24, 2018, 07:18:02 AM |
Crypto can make you rich overnight and as well can make you lose all your investment overnight. One just need to trade with caution
Jr. Member
Activity: 238
Merit: 2
August 24, 2018, 07:21:54 AM |
I subscribe to every word of the author, it is impossible to become rich overnight, Yes we have heard such stories, but this is the exception rather the rule. Cryptocurrency is like any other business you've got to work 24/7 and not the fact that you will earn. Importantly patience and a cool head.
The only way that you can get rich quickly in crypto is if you time an alt season perfectly.
Jr. Member
Activity: 280
Merit: 1
August 24, 2018, 07:23:31 AM |
I think it is very difficult to be rich only last night, all rich people build a company business with patience, accuracy and intelligence, Crypto offers us wealth, but we have to be smart and patient to achieve that wealth, I think we will learn and be consistent and what matters mentally we must be strong, one of the obstacles is an unstable market like today.
Jr. Member
Activity: 261
Merit: 1
August 24, 2018, 07:24:07 AM |
participating in the world of crypto makes us successful. but it's not easy to get rich immediately. all need processes and if we participate in the crypto world, we also have to understand it. can by investing in long-term coins that have the potential or can by participating in several projects. in essence, patience is important in this crypto world and we need to remember all investments, of course there are risks too
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August 24, 2018, 07:25:35 AM |
I think the crypto is creating future but for this patience and skills is very important like if you invest if you trade if you do working for bitcoin users then it is possible that after struggle and hard times you can enjoy the good time also. In these days competition is very tough and many of the people are doing much efforts to survive in the market So ultimate you will rich in this world.

Activity: 243
Merit: 10
August 24, 2018, 07:29:05 AM |
Crypto cannot make you rich overnight, you have to do a lot of research and spend a lot of time money and effort before you can reap its rewards. This is just like any business endeavor out there.
August 24, 2018, 07:48:07 AM |
All kinds of legitimate investments will not make you rich overnight. It will take years of hard work and lot of patience before you finally attains your dream of becoming rich. Cryptocurrency investments is no different, you had to wait many months or years to become rich with some losses. I mean you might lost big before you reach that dream because it is the most risky investment compared to the other type of investments.
August 24, 2018, 07:49:41 AM |
Crypto is one of the avenues of getting rich yet it should be understood that it does not happen overnight. Getting rich in crypto requires a lot of dedication, hard work and patience. People do not see the essence of crypto investment because they want to get rich quickly, hence, hurriedly invest in projects that follow the pump and dump trend. Remember, one key to success is patience.
Yes, I totally agree with you. Many traders now enjoy Bitcoin pumping up to $ 20k and now they are still waiting for it to rise and hope to make money in the short term. They do not know that they are trapped by the sharks. They are sinking deeply into failure. All of us need the patience and the deep knowledge to invest wisely.
Activity: 60
Merit: 0
August 24, 2018, 07:52:26 AM |
In all areas of life you need perseverance and effort. And in Crypto too, you will have to overcome many difficulties and failures before you achieve what you want.
Activity: 64
Merit: 0
August 24, 2018, 07:55:13 AM |
i agree with you, it does not happen overnight as it needs patience when it comes to analyzong when to buy hold or trade. If you are doing bounties you need to continously do what the bounty asks for you and if you do mining you must wait and norture what you have mined, nothing worth it happens quick. pretty things come to those who patiently wait.
Jr. Member
Activity: 294
Merit: 8
The Premier Digital Asset Management Ecosystem
It's just you're lucky, but in reality there is never a single night you become rich, so I think it's hard to do this. unless you are lucky
|| ICONIQ HOLDING || The Premier Digital Asset Management Ecosystem, Powered by the ICNQ Token
August 24, 2018, 08:03:26 AM |
Crrypto might not offer riches overnight but it certainly has the tendency to offer riches within a short period of time. You can agree with me that people who had bitcoin when it was nothing, were made rich when the price appreciated. Crypto is yet to be globally adopted for usage and so, still has that potential of making one rich.

Activity: 320
Merit: 17
free space pm if interessed
August 24, 2018, 08:06:35 AM |
is true you do not get rich with the crypto during the night there is behind hard work, dedication, study and there must be above all passion
free space pm if interessed
Jr. Member
Activity: 350
Merit: 1
August 24, 2018, 08:36:58 AM |
That's for sure. Greed and haste are very bad qualities that will not lead to anything good!
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Jr. Member
Activity: 70
Merit: 1
August 24, 2018, 08:47:07 AM |
Yes very possible and even it can make someone rich in few hours when you enter a good coin and it moons to the top while some can make someone rekt in few minutes.
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Jr. Member
Activity: 62
Merit: 1
August 24, 2018, 08:48:51 AM |
Well, I haven't been able to become rich overnight yet. But it sure has more potential than working a low job for a couple of $ per hour.
August 24, 2018, 09:02:00 AM |
Crypto is one of the avenues of getting rich yet it should be understood that it does not happen overnight. Getting rich in crypto requires a lot of dedication, hard work and patience. People do not see the essence of crypto investment because they want to get rich quickly, hence, hurriedly invest in projects that follow the pump and dump trend. Remember, one key to success is patience.
Actually in crypto patience will not be enough, you need experience and expertise in a field that has a great opportunity to make lots of money in crypto for example trading. You must know the seller's story that can be covered by thousands of btc, he needs 4 years so that the value of bitcoin is highly valued, I wonder if that person still holds the bitcoin he has or not. From that event you also need luck because no one knows the price of bitcoin will be this high and how the price will move in the future.
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Activity: 392
Merit: 11
August 24, 2018, 11:35:34 AM |
Yes, considering you have tons of luck. Though truth be told its tough to become rich here in crypto overnyt, it requires long duration of hard work and effort, sleepless nights and early mornings. There might be some exception buts its very rare.
I was also thinking about that. The crypto world can make you rich overnight if you spent a lot of nights working and learning and gaining experience necessary to get lucky, which just means you are wise enough about your decisions.
Copper Member
Activity: 280
Merit: 0
August 24, 2018, 11:44:46 AM |
It can do but mostly for experienced traders who have done their research. And they often use leverage trading which wouldn't be recommended to a novice  The best advice is to do PLENTY of research before you invest 