Show us a picture of the Neptune.....oh yea that's right...they aren't ever going to release it.....good luck dude better get your refund while you can (if you can)
Don't forget to tell these fine folks about their Plan "B" and how they are way behind schedule and basically using your investment to mine in their own datacenter they are building and probably have all the Jupiters and Neptunes mining away driving up the difficulty on your $.
'stay away is what I say, got my refund the other day'...hey I'm a poet and didn't even know it

Go to for more info and def check out the angry forms section.
good luck with your sale of something you don't and will most probably never have.
Sorry to be a buzz kill, but I don't want any newbies fooled into thinking they will be getting something for nothing, and by the way they are still selling them on their site as batch 2 or 3 or something, for $ 9,995.00
probably due to all the refunds they had to give back to people as they were originally sold out in days.
But hey if you have an extra 10G's in your pocket you don't mind losing and will definitely never get an ROI on, by all means support KNC!
have a nice day