What's the estimated cost price of your project in BTC?
Have you made a sheet yet to calculate that?
I would love to see a moon clock. Which timezone will it be linked to?
It takes so much energy to take out my phone every 30 sec and check the clock.
This would be very energy sufficient. Although looking up can also be exhausting.
Hmm... I project about 10 BTC, by the time the project is ready to launch... BTC should be about $850,000/BTC at that time.
Time-zone will be GMT 0:00 since we will also be getting rid of useless time-zones, and thus just become one world-time. (Never have to adjust your watch or ask what is your GMT offset? -5 +10... and Are you in DST?)
You have a phone that fits in your pocket... OMG, and it has time... What will they think of next... How much does that watch cost you to buy and run every year? This will be free to use, no charge, once built.
Wait, if you know 30-seconds passed... why would you take out your phone again? Is your short-term memory that short, and your ability to add 30-seconds to the last time you checked, that bad? This will be a great advantage to you... You can save your short memory for things like, remembering to breath, or practicing that math...
Do you not look down at your watch/phone... why would looking up be any harder? The moon isn't directly above you, 95% of the time. If you have trouble finding it, there might just be a cloud in the way, or it is flying over Japan at that time... Use your watch/phone for those times.
P.S. This was intended to be stupidly humorous, not actually a real thing to do.