On quantum computing:
What gives the information?I just noticed that there is no coherent explanation available on the web.
Most psychicist tend to go "mysterious" "all quantum" "illogical" when it comes to the actual computation process.
Their imagination takes them to elusive quantum field of information where in reality no such phenomena is needed.
The CPU: Those Computers are a form of glorified refrigerators. Various chunks of matter like: metals, water, superconductors can be used as a quantum state object. This little piece of whatever, has to be cooled to the temperature close to absolute zero ( −273,15 °C ), 0 K, and very tightly isolated from the surrounding environment. Shielding and vacuum is necessary for the QCPU to maintain stable quantum state. Variances of shape for the tube in which electrons travel are many. General rule seems to be the spiral form. There are two of such tubes/wires, If electron goes spirally left it means 1, when right 0, when both direction at the same time it gives needer.
So, what gives the freaking info poptok1?Obviously it is the chunk of super cold matter, kept in quantum state
What does it mean to be super-cold?This is where the real fun starts. Imagine that centigrade scale, just like Fahrenheit are only the constructs, conventions. Only Klevin is used in real science. We can change the scales for centigrade a little and look what's happens: -299,79 °C = zero Kelvin. Noticed anything strange? Yes! This is the value for the speed of light. There is no law of physics that denies us the right to readjust this scale. It actually doesn't matter, as long as we keep Kelvin untouched. It should help you to visualize the nature of the phenomena.
According to Mr Einstein special relativity, when an object is reaching speed of light "C, the time this object is experiencing goes to zero. So what happens when given object will be completely stopped? You guessed it, its time experience accelerates! The opposite for max speed of an object can not be a simple stop because everything is in motion relative to each other. Earth to sun, sun to galaxy etc. However when you freeze something to the temperature of -299,79 °C (which is impossible just like reaching speed of light) this object is considered fully-stopped by the Universes law. When such cold object "observes" another that has speed, time dilatation is taking place, cold-bit of matter "sees" the speeding electrons in fast-forward. If super-cold matter "observes" something that has speed of light, the effect doubles! Fast object appears to be moving at 2xC". No law is broken Mr Albert as this is just pure relativity.
In short please...Minimum flow speed of time is 0Kelvin. Closer you get to it, the more "normal" world speeds up. That it
Quantum Computers, thanks to relativity and time dilatation can "see" in to the future.
All the possible electrons configurations in the tubes mentioned above, are seen in fast forward.
Cold chunk is connected to the regular CPU, like in your laptop and rapports the observation of electrons.
No elusive quantum field is needed,
Just one thingIMO Mr Albert would like my hypothesis, because it is very simplistic. No extra dimensions or entities (Ockham Razor).
Would he approve my centigrade scales readjustment? I think I would get a kiss for it or at the least a lollipop.
Hope you liked this read. It was composed here from scratch because other "scientific" forums keep deleting this hypothesis.
If you wonder what is the basis for my temperature=time thesis, look for "Big Dispersion" theory.