Coin2 starts to look as joke from the project management and public presence point of view.
Mintpal trade volume is reached zero value, price droped to 86 sats. Frozen moment, countless promises about updates.
Apologies - long post.
Hi Brightlight, understand your frustration, but Chad has promised regular updates so I would suggest you give him a chance this week to see what he has in the pipeline.
Fwiw, I am working on a game API for the online wallet. In order to do this, I had to, with the help of a friend, create the online wallet (PHP) and an initial API (which was published in the wallet) to allow others to start and write their own applications (as originally requested by gts476). Unfortunately as yet I don't think anyone has taken up the challenge.
I have also bought a copy of construct2 and created a "proof of concept" game using one of the construct2 tutorials, to allow me to see what the issues are with such an interface. As a result the interface has now gone through a number of iterations due to technical issues not least of which is security and will continue to do so for some time I suspect. I have been learning that some basic functionality that I would have expected to have found in the game development software is not there and so I have had to "dumb down" what I was trying to do. I have also learnt that JSON AJAX is completely insecure and that it is extremely easy for anyone to see userids and passwords transmitted from a game to a webserver. Accordingly I have had to build in additional security to make the transmission more secure. The real answer would be to encrypt everything but this appears to be either not possible/ difficult or development platform dependent so at the moment I have left this for stage 2
I have had to learn this all from trial and error since I have had no experience in crypto before this, interfaced into crypto, written a game or even played one for 30+ years. I have thankfully also been able to bounce ideas off nickquest, wheelz and a few others and benefit from their experience and wisdom.
As you will appreciate this has taken time and when a lot of what you are doing is "feeling the way" it is difficult to give even ballpark estimates for what you are doing.
It is also difficult to provide details of progress on things like this for a number of reasons.
1 I have a full time job that must always take priority over any work I do.
2 I have a family that also must take priority, including a wife who actually expects me to occasionally have time to talk to her. (Usually means she talks and I nod at appropriate times), children that expect me to provide an endless supply of money and taxi rides, and lastly a dog that wants love, attention and exercise.
3 I also have other commitments, that were there long before I started this.
4 In programming it is often the smallest of details that takes the longest time and the most straight forward things that ends up taking the longest.
I had hoped to have been able to release the concept game last weekend but unfortunately lack of time, commitments and a bug that took several days to find and quash put paid to that.
In addition I had servers I needed to patch
So where am I now?
1 Wallet is in place, but will need additional functionality to provide access to any games. Some of this is there, but the rest of it needs to be written.
2 There are no management screens for Game developers - this is all manual (by me) at the moment.
3 It is possible to buy a variety of tokens from your wallet using some hidden pages.
4 These tokens may be pasted into my game and redeemed against the server. (Not completely happy with the functionallity offered to the game developer but will suffice for now)
5 The game needs finished to an extent that it is playable even if it has a few minor bugs still to be ironed out.
6 API to allow High scores to be stored to the server needs written and tested.
7 API to allow retrieval of the top 10 High scores to be written and tested.
8 Program to automatically pay out High score prizes to be written and tested.
Once this is done I can release the game interface as V1.0, and Nickquest, and any others including yourself, will be able to interface into it. The most difficult and slowest part I believe is complete and the rest should progress quickly. How quickly, I don't know as this depends on how much time I have available to work on it after I get home from work each night, how many bugs there are, and how quickly I can find and kill them.
Bear in mind that I have not played any games in the last 30 years or so, never mind written any. So don't expect a world shattering game when it is released. However it will be a game that demonstrates how to interface with C2 and how to allow users to buy tokens for the game, store game scores and perhaps have payouts for the highest score.
I have also spoken to a few puzzle/ game web sites about purchasing content to provide some content and playable games (for a fee) but have not yet found anything that at the moment would be even close to affordable.
Now the question you really wanted to ask but forgot. How can you help?
1 If you have any experience in php, ajax, java, or game development then contact me or the devs, and I will be grateful for the help.
2 Download a free copy of construct2/ Game maker or any of a number of game development platforms and try your hand at game writing. Lots of tutorials out there. I've started from zero so anyone can.
3 Start looking on the internet for games that we could use/ adapt etc. to provide legally chargeable content.
4 Start visiting game developer websites to recruit game developers to interface their games into the online wallet.
5 This is not just about games, what about creating some online Christmas cards etc. to sell using the interface?
6 Help increase the interest in C2.
Appreciate that a lot of this is chicken and egg. We need the numbers to make some content affordable and we need content to increase numbers.
I will leave the others to comment on what they are doing.
O&G :-)