Thanks,Will try and get the coins going. Keep up the great work. here at Neutrality Coin are pleased to announce the future launching of Neutrality Coin. Is this just another so called “scam coin”? What is this coin and should or shouldn’t you “care” about it. This is not about having the nicest looking announcement page. It is about the coin itself. That is why we are keeping the formatting simple.
To us there are two clear leaders in the Crypto Currency world. Those are Bitcoin and Litecoin. Those are what most coins aspire to be.
However there is in our opinion a disturbing trend. That being that there seems to just be coin after coin that is being created.
And yes ironically we are obviously part of that trend. Here is where we feel we are different. The fact is with this coin we are taking it very seriously.
Do we think we will change the world like Bitcoin? We don’t know. We certainly however are not basing this on a meme or pot smoking or other things that we consider to be unprofessional with some new coins. We do not consider this a game. In order for the currency / currencies to work we as a community need to be viewed as professionals as opposed to other negative attributes that many in the general public feel we have.
We believe crypto currencies will change the world. In order to get there it is our opinion that several attributes of a coin must exist. Number 1 there is no premining. This coin will not have a premine.
Number 2 it is not about hype and a gimmick. We are not giving away millions of coins, We are not going to have an extremely limited number like 42 just to "artificially" raise the price. Now you may say 42 is great, Potcoin is amazing, Doge coin is not a joke. It really isn’t about saying all coins out there are jokes and no disrespect to any coins in particular.
However, we are striving to be taken seriously. Will we? Maybe not. Maybe everyone will post “Scam coin” in the thread and that somehow invalidates the coin. We hope not.
We hope to be a part of a true “Neutrality” coin. Banking off of the buzz term of “net neutrality”. We see crypto currency in general (and specifically Neutrality Coin) as a way to lower transaction fees, keep institutional interference with monetary policy limited and helping to create a freer society.
Is our coin somehow special in terms of its setup? Not really. Will we be given the dreaded “clone” label? Possibly. But we can guarantee you this. We are behind this coin and what it stands for 100%.
What does the coin stand for? We have a vision that every human should be free of what many would call financial slavery imposed by modern institutions. We want everyone to be free and we know that with this coin added to circulation we can move toward achieving this goal.
Technology that unites is the technology that enriches our lives, shapes us on who we are and where we want to be. Please join us on this journey to the better tomorrow. Does that sound grandious? Maybe, but we honestly believe crypto currencies have the "potential" to revolutionize the world. That is right potential. If we are viewed as a community as a bunch of jokesters, drug users, currency manipulators, scammers, and other such classifications this process toward our common goal could be lost.
We do not want to see that happen. That is the goal and we would love any support that we can get. Will the coin be perfect? We hope the wallets work out the gate. We hope we don’t have forks in the road. We hope that the coin is not gamed for pricing. We want it to happen as naturally as possible. If there is a problem or a challenge you can be assured that we will address it.
We hope that you consider this coin to have potential to be mined. We are not overhyping this out of the box. We are putting out the one post for the moment on
In the coming weeks yes we will do our best to have this coin noticed in terms of pools, exchanges, marketing and other aspects. We want crypto currency in general to succeed. That is the main goal. We feel that to accomplish that, it is in our best interest to create the coin that we would like to see. Be the change that we want to happen. We can't control other currencies but we can control ours.
All recommendations are important and will be listened to. Let me repeat, we want your feedback on how to do this the right way. We do not have all of the answers and do not want to promote the notion that somehow we are better than everyone else. That is not the case. We can tell you that our hearts are in the right place. Of course we want the coin to be successful for not only the miners and potential traders in the future but most importantly the people that will use the coin for commerce.
Thank you very much for your time and consideration of this coin. In the coming days we will add more information in terms of launch date and other pertinent items that you will want/ need to know.
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Neutrality Coin Team.
Neutrality Coin Updates
02/26 - Coin limit will be 100 million coins.
03/02 - Coin update
Neutrality Coin - Launched
Algorithm: Scrypt
Max Coins: 100 Million NTC
Block Time: 60 Seconds
Difficulty Retarget: Every block using Kimoto’s gravity well.
Block halving rate: 226,000 block
Official Web Site
Neutrality Coin Source
Neutrality Coin Wallets
Neutrality Coin Pool
Neutrality Coin Official Pool - Donations go towards promotion of Internet Neutrality and support of EFF and other similar organizations.
Neutrality Coin Exchanges