I do not have nor have I ever made an account on the ICOforum site. I wouldn't even know it existed had I not been contacted by their team to take over their campaign. Since being contacted by them, they made a group chat with me and removed me the next day without saying anything. I spoke with 1 of their team and was told to look for a pm by the admin but none has came.
I assume they either are not interested in a legit manager or have internal stuff going on. Either way I at this time am not working with that team.
LMAO, this is one of the worst campaign we had this year.
I guess someone needs to create a thread before the end of the year to see which one will be voted.

For 2017, this is the worst campaign I have seen:
WELCOME TO C BOUNTYI assumed some internal
rift or they are not that really interested on hiring you and might get someone to take the job within their circles again. Oh well, let the drama continue.

Are you in your senses or just posting shit just to complete your posts for Bustadice Campaign ? All the participants of the ICOForums signature campaigns are paid and it is one of the biggest ever campaign although it was for one week initially. Their Internal Site Campaign is also being paid with 0.5 to 1 ETH to each member.
The problem with you here is that few of you here are unable to believe that their beloved Manager is not being accepted there and rest of the DT / High repute Members (who love false red painting) feeling MAD as how can those people earning good again whom few DT members have painted them wrong RED paints for their own benefits.

Finally before writing posts for your campaign, please research, rather than just shit posting.
Then why are the signature campaign suddenly stop?
Tell shitposting to ICOforums managers who are willing to pay those shitposters. You should be their campaign manager because you can tell what shitpostng is. Oh sorry, you have been painted with red trust so I'm assuming that ICOforums will not hire you.

I don't care who the hell they going to get as bounty manager, but with the messed they created, still one of the worst campaign.
Just go and see the last post, people are still claiming that they haven't received any payment yet.