March 01, 2014, 12:53:08 AM |
I translated this.
Presenter: The representative of Tokyo's Mount Gox, which has halted withdrawals of internet virtual currency Bitcoin, has just given an interview and apology.
Mark K: It is inexcusable (this is a standard formal way of apologizing in Japan). The system had a weak point, and the bitcoin disappeared (lit. "became not there"). We have caused a great deal of trouble (again this is a canned formal apology phrase used frequently in Japanese) and are truly sorry (again this is the 'it is inexcusable' construct).
Presenter: Today CEO Mark Karpeles revealed that with close to 3,000,000,000 yen in excess liabilities, Mount Gox has filed for civil rehabilitation proceedings. As there is the possibility that Bitcoin were withdrawen illegally via unauthorized access, filing of a criminal complaint is under consideration.
I also wrote a transcript, for those of you that read japanese.
Presenter: インタネット上の仮想通貨ビットコインの取引を停止した東京のマウントゴックスの代表が先ほど会見し謝罪しました
Mark Karpeles: 申し訳ありませんでした。(This is what the show's caption says - if it's what Mark says then he pronounced it HORRIBLY - sounds like he says moshiwake oi arimashita) システムに弱いところがあってビットコインがいなくなって、(まあ)、皆に結果で「あの~ま」ご迷惑をおかけてしまって「あのー」本当に申し訳ありませんと思います。(He also seems to use iru instead of aru here - which is weird as iru is only for animate objects. Mark may just have been very nervous, but it seems like his Japanese is not too crash hot.)
Presenter: マークカペレス代表はマウントゴックスが30億円近い債務超過きょう付け東京地裁に民事再生手続開始を申し立てと明らかにしました。また、不正アクセスにより、違法にビットコインが引き出された可能性があるとして、刑事告訴う検討してることです