The registration thread has moved here!
NXTL - NextCoin Lite - financial system that works like a Swiss Watch!
Developed on Node.Js
Ongoing Member Registration
Started Step 3 - 08.04.2014 - To register your own NXT Lite Account Number access the following tool
>>> <<<
Descendant of NXT
NXTL Account registration in process!
All the members that are in the User List (Have their nickname in this Link: can proceed to the next step, create your unique NXTL Account Number! In order to create an account visit the following page: Navigate to Insert your secret phrase(password) and click the arrow!
- Use at least 10 symbols, try to make it difficult to hack and write it down somewhere so you don’t forget it.
3) Copy the NXTL Account number, that is located in the top left corner of the screen, and paste it in the following thread so we manually add it next to your nickname!
Previous topics:
NXT has many advantages, but not all of the functionality to be implemented by the present system are strong, so we came up with the idea of the creation of Next Coin Lite
Our To Do List:- Step 1 - 19.02.2014 (Complete)✓
We have successfully taken the first step. NXT deployed on Apache Tomcat server:
- Step 2 - 03.03.2014 (Complete)✓
Our client changed its UI, now we have a modern and functional design.
- Step 3 - 08.04.2014 (Complete)✓
Creating NXTL Account Numbers.Those who already registered as a contributor ( and by contributors i mean every person that is in the "user list" please go to the following link and create your account number!
After entering your secret phrase and creating your account, please copy your account number, that is located in your top left corner, than paste it in the following topic, as a message with the text "I'm a memeber"! After doing so we will manualy complete the "User List" with your account number that you've created. The accounts will be used to transfer the coins after the ipo will be over.Configuring Network - p2p management (In Progress)
- Step 5 - Module integration (In progress)
Integrating the NXTL module with the structure, creating the Api.
- Step 6 - Announcing an official IPO deadline ✓
This step will mark a line, and we expect to figure all the necessary work that need to be done in terms of time for an alpha test.
We are pioneers in a huge project that will set new trends and new ways of interacting with cryptocurrency thats why we are expected to take risks and build trust declaring an official date, that will promote a change!
- Step 7 - Public Relationship and Marketing (at the same time or before announcing the deadline)
Promoting its the esencial of being known so ask all of ou members to raise the stake! Put a word for us cause it worth it, we believe so! Expect a lot of interesting ways to increase our popularity, many rewards, and tons of fun.
- Step 8 - Official IPO Closing
- Step 9 - Distribution of coins
- to be continued, await updates
New Features Next Coin Lite:
- Payment Porcessing System!
- Password Protected Transactions (No more ESCROW Rip-off)
- Ability to pay is less than 1 unit - for example 0.0001
- Instant Transactions
- Arbitrary Messaging
- Advanced DDoS Protection
- Decentralized Marketplace / Auction
- Adress Book
- Reputation System
- EUR,USD integration.
- and more.
Register NXT Lite Member Fee:First Adopters join free (Completed )
✓Pay a fee to join 50 nxt or 0.005 btc (Topic 2 )
✓Pay a fee to join 100 nxt or 0.01 btc (Topic 3 )
✓Pay a fee to join 0.02 ✓Pay a fee to join 0.03 btc for activity => 30! (Current Rate)Pay a fee to join 0.05 btc for activity < 30! (Current Rate) † Send BTC to the address 1LAwykYVMSvy8AcQK7Rjy7Fe5Ly6CC8fdG Our Pride - The Foundation - Our Members:
Users who will receive NXTL/b]: starik69, indigon, instacash, bittick, shirenlihei, zachamo, Gates1, panonym, Antana, fudge, TwinWinNerD, Ezravdb, pinarello, btc24, Ludom, crisdoe, CycleSurfer, eXtatiC, opticalcarrier, gu7008, twistelaar, vanea84, romawi, Maverick69, btcpoland, kodtycoon, bakedrice, Manwe, atleticofa, siva91a, Conurtrol, wosch, Comet2000, Bobsurplus, cexylikepie, diege, Zeraful, DeadlyEskimo, wizzardTim, patmast3r, Mistafreeze, hoolio, mikaljan, drmagicblue, AndrewNoble, gobpaul, EpStROM, phil__65, jackyrozario, bitbox, drm, josephliton, DOKOM, Simakki, nickjone, TeseracT, romerun, janikjan, kencoles, funkybunny, colombuszka, rebel24, mackbells, GroBkAz, zenon246, Koger, Luceat, KnifeSL, mailliam, rhouek, RomanMercury, Coindgr, Wish-nya, jcooper, gabbabo, balistick, 33THOTH2013, freet0pian, busminer, Anubis2013, bitwho, gargouri2001, cryptohunter, BeeFer310, sandor111, EchoZulu, jelin1984, liyi3c, wesleyh, vlight, -Greed-, icoinv, Microove, Boombashot, sakkosekk, feromoon, BitRock, microlovr, candelone, HuiBu, Raggsock, Eadeqa, Bismark, templebar, Hoco, Abyss_X, bitminer999, tasorrog, Duomo, WayToGo, shinep, windjc, DANIEL77,1krona, BestofSR, Preceptor, deftonikus, ekarol, Hueristic, zxs, jnada, Angkor, Burninj, Fernandez, wesh, tinstar, Astori7, xibeijan, miramare, atomiclock, LIghtvelocityCoin, NorrisK, pabloangello, Longclaw, boossss, WhyS, Camilio, wezelvis, alicex, miasik, Bitye West, Bitye West, boomboom, pt7, pabloangello, tinstar, spankyminer, hpski, nextgencoin, hyunsookmom, luckygenough56, EmoneyRu, borzalom, 13Darko, atmos, Skerberus, Olano, blackfyre175, Labteck, ware99, snipedrunk, Moloch, rioshock2, sottymax, CycleSurfer, DLXS, bluedude, romawi, Lidong, Gleason, blueangel01, zenojis, zeiss, fulcare, Kuttingcorners, Alohaboy?!, MadCow, stealthx, boestin, bitcoinguyman, forkedchain, Kasandra, lexicon, markus1000, crackerhead, freigeist, Kooream, watchmano, Rocou, xchrix, bitrage42, Chris001, xadidos, minefish, †romerun, drcoolix, u5sos, visaco, Wichmann, tifozi, dzarmush, hennessyhemp, aleix, greyw00lf, cryptoknightt, luar, TrueAlex, levelten, lobito, rajc, Spiritas, kuroman, asmodeus, grex, Raymondo, MsCollec, bearcoin, halfcab123, cryptomite, loader140, Keyser, nvll, 50cent_rapper, MiningCamp, zxm7001, danzilla, zzpin, drepteck, jcarl987, bomb7, spndr7, limingz, candidakefyr, LeoC, Coinonaer, id10tothe9, halabibk, Tasunko, upekha, Bitbird, xperiencia, hiksush2, SuperZeus, ChuckOne, vivalinux, ronald0cz, jacksonwill, maardein, BlackFor3st, wipeer, waldwichtel, Bitcross, mljandrew, topcoiner, smophf7, fruor, randombit, yshuifejng, xeroc, yesuper, j23a, thetreebro, Ganefull, tk808, ripplebtc, backload, marcus1986, LogmasterV, SyRenity, allwelder, orbedragones, prabhu.str1, cexylikepie, mephy, shenjie, oggy, MartiniBlanco, Mrjitter, WENDOLINE, bytemother, theking, chinnuperiya, lyka, minuchi.str, Dropfliesup, kandp_sam, Cesar22, godt, CoinsInTheCan, EpStROM, JakeThePanda, farl4web, iamibo, peled1986, soho01592, laserfocus, †jevin, NXM, vonBerlichingen, ariesjia, baby222, iGoodw1n, xtester, PinkPotatos, Michael Becker, winner2all, Fubob, Monetizer, grandpa_seth, thejepper, mandarin, lazerlike, Seedeer, apophis974, mudshark79, Munzprager, kohonez, aysyr, helloge, qingmu1992, lingyong1992, chengren, zhiyan1993, huluwa12, qq1949, moke1983, bitcoinpaul, shiyang1992, qingmu1992, armaan56, tylerbrad85, opera1992, Mario123, zaizai12, theFork, xzhybbs, jubalix, fgbnbb, batir, dimirfu, michaelb87, jaspita, 1976, elmeker, ashao1015, andyatcrux, Git_2058, eXSn, gvans, levinhostar, boop123, mindact, LAHAINA, qiushui113, gu7008, tron666, Ajin60, dawj20, amdfxman1701, seek4dream, psybits, standards, Flam, albertdros, roshii, greatwolf, qgmurugan007, mthcl, Brahim, 7sense, dahongfei, Tommyhurley, user1922, CrazyEyes, himmelsfaller2, Brusweet, millderprod, mcjavar, Happy_idiot, PalaRIP, spandreev, David Latapie, Bubaaak, SgtMarmite, Onkel S., DrearyUrbanite, threetwoone, naurisdede, zKarp, xianglan, xiangping1968, Spoetnik, fude99, garcias, pabloangello, Onkel S., j23a, jyou17, MGGB, annycyf, bluewhackadoo, dave5555, afxxx, tadkis, dwma, NxtSwag, suppow, ymnik, boarf, artila, allwelder, Silmarils, EbonHawk, moonriver, N1ceMan, Eumels, Ziustag, Cryptock, ivanluiso, Lydian, clarksniper, mikehoward, rudeboi, eastwind_ja, dave5555, Ceday, rix5, jelin1984, Raist, Frogcoin, griffinriz, acidcrawler, ShroomsKit_Disgrace, Epiu, bitcoinm3ster, Zypherx, elelegzet, samx-1, TeseracT, mrsanny, aqlzf123, lhuibin, bc_wwang, yanlap, drgonlee, salsacz, zhaozheng, IrateChinaman, michey1980, michey1980, luizchen,, tangshaowan, kripto, CoinManiac, Thingamajig, mzcoin, chinabreak123, stoneone, steyast012, BierKoch, qingmu1992, wakasaki808, leafer, cqzzbszz, guangjinhan, BierKoch, Jengo, yxrlight, He1l_Q, 10109270000, seventeen, diwangxing, xiaoma9hao, Tia0315, heropzy, dvda2k, sherlock421, zwh888, passme021, factorfftt, maomaomath, krendelb, huhai0978
You can view the complete Member List following this page:
Innovations-NXTL as a Payment Processing System. (new function)
- This are the main advantages and capabilities of NXTL as a PPS:
1) The server and client are working on node.js ;
2) Modularity - you can easily connect modules and build interfaces;
3) Design - design files will be in a dedicated folder for easy creation of custom templates;
4) Everyone will be able to participate in development NXTL (no NXT-a-like problems, where everything depends on a couple of developers);
Why PPS (Payment Processing System) and not just a Cryptocoin, how are they different?
- as you already know the system is modular, this is how structure it:
1) Account Module: NXT-a-like account creating (By submitting your secret phrase you will get your own account); Finish
2) Block Module: Blockchain module (it consists of an open and transparent database, where every transaction is recorded permanently.); (Architecture: Finish, Network Configuration:In progress )
3) Payment Module: NXTL Cryptocoin payment module (In progress):
- Very fast transactions thanks to node.js’s server technology.;
- Low coin transactions (min. 0.0001);
- Commission in % but not less than 0.0001;
Additional Modules that make our system into a PPS:
4) PPS Module: Payment processing module in USD and EUR - this module will be centralized through a payment gateway. (In progress)
Exp:You’ve created an account using a secret phrase: 13612210224060154205;
You automatically get 3 accounts, every account works with a separate module:
a) 13612210224060154205 - NXTL & Genesis’s Block decentralized module;
b) 13612210224060154205USD - centralized module through a payment gateway;
c) 13612210224060154205EUR - centralized module through a payment gateway;
All the transactions are saved in its blockchain;
Exp:You got your new account 13612210224060154205USD, now you can: add USD to it trough a secured payment gateway, send/receive USD to/from another XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXUSD account for instance your friends, family, etc. or withdraw them through a convenient payment gateway.
5) OwnCoin: Create your own virtual currency(share) - decentralized module, you will be able to create your own Currency(share);
Completely Fair Distribution †
No arbitrary rule of distribution. No dictator to tell you how to do things. The most egalitarian coin. Show your love to NXTL.
Coin distribution plan: -
Member fund (60%) - The total amount of coins that will be divided between our founders.
Promotion fund (15%) - For promoting NXTL, encourage people to participate (forums, sites, social, etc.)
Development fund (15%) - for developers to perform functional and system support. We will implement all the best ideas, and make the system dev friendly!
Good Idea fund (5%) - FOr Innovations, good ideas improving NXTL .
Test fund (3%) - Versatile Test Coins, to get people to test the platform or as give-away.
Target fund (2%) - Small budget that will cover unplanned goals.(Donation, member support, etc).
NXTL development team - updated!![](
SkillRoad: The MasterMind
- 5 years Java - J2EE, Core Java development experience ;
- J2EE programming experience, including Servlets, JSP, Web services;
- 5 years PL/SQL Development;
- 5 years Enterprise Java, EJB, Spring, HTML, Javascript;
- 3 years Hibernate;
- Funny Guy;
- Love Puppies xD
Mleekko - J2EE dev for 2 years
Helen85(part-time student) Intern
- Copyright analyst;
- NXT L Member relationship manager!
- Single;
Rooney(not on the forum)
- 3 years of experience using JAVASCRIPT as a primary language;
- Strong OOP Development Skills
- Experience with RESTful / XML and WebServices
- Experience with C# MVC or Google Closure Compiler and Node.js
- Experienced with SQL, HTML
- Extremely Experienced with the INTERNET xD
- Loves WOW!
- Languages: JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, C, C++, Python, MATLAB
- Platforms: Node.js, WordPress
- Databases: MongoDB, MySQL
- APIs: Storify, Twitter, Typekit, Stripe
- Systems Experience: Mac, Linux, Windows Family
- Social Media: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, WordPress
Currently negotiating to hire: - Experts in online Payment Processing systems;
- Database devs/managers.
- Encryption specialists.
We’ll keep you updated!
Screenshots Web client for PC
IF - FAQ:a) You are not a member, but wish to become one - contribute with the member fee (the fee is indicated below) and reply in this thread with the transaction id and your generated NXTL Account Number!
b) You have sent the fee but you don’t see your name in the list - reply with the words: “I’m not in the list” and the transaction ID, we’ll get back to you asap.
c) Other issues - post a questions in this thread, and we’ll get back to you asap!
NXT Lite Brief History:Once upon a time… kidding! After gaining some experience with bitcoin, and bitcoin-a-like crypto currencies we discovered NXT, in its profound and very intriguing way of promoting difference in a new language, made from scratch… “but” the system has issues. We decided to create a new coin, that will change the way we looked a altcoins so far! At first we tuke the challenge to create a clone of NXT with upgrades, we changed the way coins are divided, thus making it more democratic, we decided that every member of our community will get an equal amount of coins. We added new features like password protected transactions, smaller sending amounts (0.0001), etc. In january NXT Lite was born, our first post on this forum was the beginning. After a month of continuous work our team encounter problems with the source code and the framework implemented on NXT’s example, the flaws were to extraordinary that we decided to switch our programming language and instead of java we decided to move on with node.js! In april we launched for the first time the Test Account - NXT Lite account generator, and currently are promoting it to all the active members. This is not the end history yet to begin!
Technical informationAlgorithm: Curve25519
Type: POS
Max Coins: 1,000,000,000
Block time: 60 seconds
POS Schedule:
Charity Wallet Donation: 0.1% of transaction*
Confirmations for forged blocks: 20
Confirmations for transactions: 3