A strange jump occurred on the pool
http://pool2.cryptopowered.club:1234/27th Nov 2018 14:38:41
After this, the long process of the first blocks began again.
Remuneration has come only in 28th Nov 2018 03:33:34
the Payment wallet crashed - this means for you - the coins you earned are stored on the blockchain (you dont loose a single penny).
and i had to restart the payment wallet and resync it.
i did it in the morning time about 13-14 hours ago from now.
After the Wallet is up and running on next payment cycle (usually every 30 minutes i think) it will see a lot of neccesary payments in the redis database and start spreading them.
so there will be a jump from "a lot of" pending blocks to almost 0 or even 0.
nothing should be lost in this case!
This pool runs on 30 independent wallets over various servers
so if 1 is crashing - not a big deal.
Biggest problem you will have - nothing to hash and no rewards.
If you always got a backup pool configured (as everyone should on his miners) nothing can go wrong.
best is to reachout for me in Telegram or Discord!
Telegram: @Astralhead
Discord: @Astrali#2056
If you need further details tell me the Algo you mined and I can show you the pool wallet on block explorer.
I'm not keeping anything for myself besides 0.6 glt per block (1%poolfee)
Greetings Astrali 😊