The secure cloudnet project is called the "Reversing the Future Contract" project what is the meaning of this statement? can anyone give a brief explanation?
Again, our discord has a lot more info. But here is a little summary:
Reverse Future Contract Project (RFC) is a project that puts together an agreement created by the Community when Secure Cloud Net (SCN) coin holders lock their SCNs to a Service Request. This Service Request is a request to create an agreement by the SCN Community to a would-be Provider of Cloud Services.
There are two parts to the Service Request:
Part 1: The community has set aside 800,000 SCN or 5% of the total supply of SCNs to use to negotiate with a Cloud Service Provider. The development team will negotiate the number of SCNs that will be given over as a Stake to a Provider of Cloud Services, as part of the Service Request Agreement.
Part 2: Is the locking of SCNs by the community in the Service Request itself. This Service Request contains the following elements:
a.) Five years of requested services.
b.) A range of cloud services to choose from.
c.) Within each year of requested services, the services are fixed in the amount of SCN that the cloud service will cost the individual. Except for the first year where there are several price range in SCNs.
d.) A SCN wallet that houses the locked coins.
e.) Expiration date. This is the date all the coins will be returned to the community if no partnership is formed.