1.other pools dont have access to the new asics until last week of december. so those that do have the new asics for cough quality assurance purposes are making profit while other pools are losing
EG other pools still have a break even at $5800.. so yea there is no need to spin up the hashrate to b competitive
Let's say bitmain related pools that have access to new gear had 50% of the hash rate.
Since the others continue their business as nothing happened, a drop of 6% would mean they have shut down 12% of their own capacity. Why?
2. by spinning up the hashrate they are just hurting themselves. much better to keep or drop it a little to make profit but not cause self harm
Dropping the hashrate means only slower blocks, less reward per day, almost same cost for maintenance and employees and rent for buldings...not smart.
3. when selling asics to others THEY MAKE PROFIT. EG for every asic sold to others. the seller literally gets a free asic. thus reducing the costs thus increasing the profit.
And if they are selling ASICs to others
- it contradicts point 1 of others not having access to new gear
- it makes no sense to new asics being bought but hashing decreasing
4. while still making profit even at a lower hashrate. and by bringing the market price down. will b the competitive advantage without shooting themselves in the foot by increasing hashrate
those are assumptions as nobody knows what's the profit margin for each ming business out there
5. thinking the only way to compete is raising the hashrate is a narrow minded and foolish business plan that only ends up costing you more.
Oh yeah, the whole world economy is a big fraud!!!
It makes sense to build less and have less share in any market!
I bet once they hear of this all the car companies in the world will stick to selling one car a year, cause less is better!!!
6. plus you dont leave your old miners to rust. you sell the old gen for $450 as 'second hand' thus put more funds in your pocket to go towards electric and production cost of next gen
And the ones that bought the old gear are letting it to rust otherwise we would see the hashrate grwoing ..not dropping!!!!
Bottom line!
Hashrate is dropping, fewer blocks by day, less
BTC earned by miners each day, something at around 180 000 S9 equivalent have been pulled out of the network in the last two weeks.
There is only one explanation for this and is the BCH war, which ...what do you know.....
BCH hash rate grew by 2.1 exahash in November, close to what btc is losing...
So simple, and yet you've had to make a mess of conspiracies, gear replacing, strategies, wonder blocks and so on...