It's fairly clear here that BITCOIN needs people to hack BTC, to keep it strong, so its in the community interest to know what the hackers are doing, right?
There are people who are bored with the normal 'bitcoin' stuff, and want to take it to the next level, so I guess we move-along by question and answer stuff,
Probably should start with 'how do I collect my database of all addresses and their value', that should be done in python, and I will post the code.
The thing to remember is that everytime the bitcoin source is updated, they modify the blockchain, which breaks parsers, so its important that your parser is hand-rolled, so that you always know that you can fix it, everytime btc is updated.
You run your parser once to get all the addresses, after you have another task that run's every 15 minutes that updates any new addresses.
Your going to need a 32gb system of ram, and at least one 4tb hard-disk preferrably many, I find its good to have a disk for each category, like
1.) private-key data base
2.) address database ( public-key hashed and not-hashed )
3.) password database - brainflayer text 2-4 tb of all known strings for all languages
4.) bloom-filter databases
5.) AI training database, containing 500 million or more priv/public-address pairs for training FFT, SVM, LSTM,...
You also need many or at least one GPU, for either breaking private keys ( super-gen ), using super-brainflayer, its preferrable to have 1060 or bigger, e.g. more than 3gb of ram, AMD is possible, but support seems to be better with CUDA
You need to be running FULL txindex servers for all the most common bitcoin-clones, including bitcoin, as your going to want at least 200 million or more public addresses for your search space
All the code is written in python, but common tasks are written in BASH, everything is LINUX ONLY, and the GPU stuff is all C++
Can you please post your code and description again?