Hey thanks for doing this - it's going to take me a couple of days to familiarise myself with these entries.
If a users' top three merit fans they then back scratch, does that mean the user in question is gaming the system? (If not, then when? 3of5 ?? 3of10? 5of12??
I'd say "it depends" on the situation.
I have some investigations that are in the research stage, but I'm hoping to compare the information you've provided to some historic cases so that I can get an understanding of how to apply this information in future research.
Can you show an example of a user who you think is gaming the system?
Unfortunately, just saying something appears to be suspicious has resulted in those persons giving me negative trust/distrust (which is a form of default trust abuse), so for the moment, if you are more than passingly curious, PM me and I will provide some of my recent studies.
If a cluster of say a half dozen UID's all default trust each other *and* they are all back scratching via merits swapping/back scratching, which does that prove? They are a voting block? Or, they are alts/some are alts/mix of alts and a voting block?
Or they all make good posts, read each other's posts, and trust each other's judgment.
That should have read in part
"via merit swapping/back-scratching" - I have amended the quote to give context. Basically I am asking does it make it more compelling that trust abuse is occurring when both merits *and* default trust back-scratching occurs if that makes sense?
Is there a thread for default trust back-scratching?
There's this:
In addition, I've detected the
Profiles that all trust each other:- 7 members where all trust all: 5 cases (complete graph networks)
- 6 members where all trust all: 39 cases (complete graph networks)
- 5 members where all trust all: 179 cases (complete graph networks)
- 4 members where all trust all: 563 cases (complete graph networks)
- 3 members where all trust all: 1.118 cases (complete graph networks)
- 2 members where all trust all: 2.369 cases (complete graph networks)
I’ve listed them in the last tab ("All trust All circles") of the
Base File.
Thanks, will check it out.