XGOLDCOIN | Infinite Gold on Waves blockchain
Brief IntroductionXGOLDCOIN is Decentralized And Infinite Digital Gold backed by Waves Blockchain. XGOLDCOIN can be used as a Gold based Asset or Token to Send, Receive, Exchange, Trade or Shop. Maximum 21,000,000 XGOLD is available to Supply in Bullion market.
Coin InformationCoin Name :
XGOLDAlgorithm : PoS
Platform :
Waves Platform / Waves BlockchainTotal Coins :
21,000,000Asset ID :
9sDLTwLPDLMcaqLjgLYUfRcAGttiiZmPVgmK8RFLPU7iAsset Info :
http://dev.pywaves.org/assets/9sDLTwLPDLMcaqLjgLYUfRcAGttiiZmPVgmK8RFLPU7iBlock Explorer :
https://xgoldblockchain.github.io/explorer/Official Website :
https://www.xgoldco.inWebwallet :
https://xgoldblockchain.github.io/webwalletSource Code :
https://github.com/xgoldblockchain/webwallet https://github.com/wavesfintech/xgoldcoin Features : - Secure Waves Platform
- Waves Platform provides high end secure transactions you can rely on Your Digital Asset
- XGoldcoin is your Digital Asset created on Waves Blockchain. It's your safe Digital Liquidity
Store, Send, Receive and Shop
- Use XGoldcoin to Store, Send, Receive, Shop and market in bullion market.
- Exchange and Trade With Other Crypto Currencies
- Use XGoldCoin to Exchange and Trade with CryptoCurrencies like Bitcoin, Waves and Ethereum.
- Has features most other wallets don’t have
- You can use several other wallets on top of Bitcoin
- Low Transaction Fees
- Do more Peer-to-Peer transactions with Low Fee in 0.001 Waves
- Make Online / Offline Payments
- XGoldCoin can used as digital gold payment for online/ offline transactions
Infinite Digital Gold
- XGoldCoin is Valued to start from 0.00001g for 1 Ounce of Gold depending upon market trade conditions.
XGOLDCOIN can buy or trade at Waves Decentralized Exchange Platform.
XGOLDCOIN/ETHhttps://client.wavesplatform.com/dex-demo?assetId2=9sDLTwLPDLMcaqLjgLYUfRcAGttiiZmPVgmK8RFLPU7i&assetId1=474jTeYx2r2Va35794tCScAXWJG9hU2HcgxzMowaZUnuNANU EXCHANGETrade Pair :
XGOLD/BTChttps://nanu.exchange/exchange#btc_xgoldVoting SatoExchange ( Voting )