The superbowl has a general audience. It is an event watched by everyone not just "manly men" or even your typical NFL audience.
Apologies to add to this post so late, but I had something to add here context wise (doing a job which does give some insight)
No doubt, I've done Uber (along w/ other ridesharing services) as a part time job for quite a while now - just to make a few extra bucks. Often times, I work during events such as the Super Bowl when I don't already have plans setup.
I can tell you, the amount of people going to Super Bowl events (whether at bars, or at others/friends houses, etc) who have no idea about football, and really don't care about it is astounding. I'd say about 80% of the people admitted to me they really didn't care about the game, but were only going to 1. Hang out w/ friends, and 2. See the half-time show.
It's honestly more of a target audience for the left than right IMO, since the people more likely to actually watch the ads & pay attention during half-time are not exactly the general football audience.