I think
marcotheminer is/will be a scammer. Need opinion from experts. The reason for thinking it:
1. He came back on bitcointalk after a long gap.
2. He was a lender and now he is a borrower.
3. He is trying to only take loan after came back. He is not contributing anything on this forum.
4. He was active lending service as well as borrowing (we told several times then he locked his lending service).
5. The first time he trying to take about 0.04/0.05
BTC loan when failed tried to take small loan once repaid the small loan to bill gator received positive trust then again took a loan from
Pamoldar, o.o4
BTC and then again
took loan 0.033BTC6. Now he has two active loans and trying to take
another loan 0.33BTC loan. Where all loans are non-collateral.
7. When a borrower took multiple loans without collateral are usually scammer.
8. According to
There is also an old suggestion marcotheminer u=147773 is an alt of balanghai u=143158
9. He asked loan from another person on the 6th march on PM
archive.Why I am Posting:
1. As marcotheminer has positive feedback few people who do not know research may allow the loan which happened for the second loan. The previous lender did not give a 2nd loan because he knows the risk but new lender gave. Also the 2nd lender didn't give any neutral trust.
2. Trust can be changed for a different amount. For example, I may not scam for 0.05
BTC but I may scam for.2
BTC3. I know "prevention is better than cure", so want to keep him away from taking the loan as want to stay him away from scams.
4. I have posted here as scam still not proved but I highly believe that it will be scammed.
Let me know if I am wrong.