For account hacked I didn't saw any weird of it, he (@jezuz) just made one liner post since he came to this forum you can check all history post that he made, also there are some post on local forum (polski board),
first post that he made
Witam wszystkich.
and the last post he made
Który bank daje % za trzymanie środków na koncie,nie lokata?
Also for alt account seems like impossible since some of these account wrote in Russian board
Moнeткa Lux пoпёpлa, Maккaфи в кoмaндe paзpaбoв
C yтpa coвa, a вeчepoм жaвopoнoк
интepecнo, кaкиe eщё aльткoины мoгyт тaкжe пoднятьcя кaк эфиp?
Possibly he can be seller (same as @coinlocket$ said) or just gave merit to someone else for no particular reason.