Xal0lex (OP)
Activity: 2674
Merit: 2640
March 13, 2019, 01:38:47 PM |
Veleor found a new sort of plagiarism: the user takes the Russian text, translates it using Google Translate and then places it on the forum. Examples: Copy: The assumption that bitcoin can replace the Fiat money is absurd and can not be seriously considered. The number of virtual coins can be mined 21 million. This is not enough for the world economy. This is only one of 1000 reasons why the replacement will not happen. Another reason is the difficulty in using crypto currency for most people. Storage on a digital wallet carrier with all transactions is not the most convenient format for many. The variant with the sites providing services for storage and work with digital accounts is not considered - anonymity and decentralization are lost, and with them and the meaning of such a replacement.
Original: <...> Taкoe пpeдпoлoжeниe aбcypднo и нe мoжeт cepьeзнo paccмaтpивaтьcя. Кoличecтвo виpтyaльныx мoнeт мoжeт быть дoбытo 21 миллиoн. Этoгo нeдocтaтoчнo для миpoвoй экoнoмики. Этo тoлькo oднa из 1000 пpичин, пoчeмy зaмeны нe cлyчитcя. Eщё oднoй пpичинoй являeтcя cлoжнocть в иcпoльзoвaнии кpиптoвaлют для бoльшинcтвa людeй. Xpaнeниe нa цифpoвoм нocитeлe кoшeлькa co вceми тpaнзaкциями — для мнoгиx нe caмый yдoбный фopмaт. Bapиaнт c плoщaдкaми, пpeдocтaвляющими ycлyги пo xpaнeнию и paбoтe c цифpoвыми cчeтaми, нe paccмaтpивaeм — тepяютcя aнoнимнocть и дeцeнтaлизaция, a c ними и cмыcл тaкoй зaмeны.
Copy: The ICO market begins to calm down after an unprecedented rush and gradually turns into a stable and reliable tool for crowdfunding. When crypto community realized all the charm of smart contracts, then with the help of ether began to release tokens. Now there are four main types of tokens: Payment, Donation, Utility and Security. Over the past two years, Utility has been able to collect a huge amount of money on kriptornke using the tool ICO. After the explosions in the collections of 2016 and 2017 (about $ 4 billion and $ 6 billion, respectively) summer of 2018 came - ICO volumes fell by about 10 times. According to the chairman of the expert council, the cause itself was kriptornok - influence is exerted both by the fall of the BTC rate, and the projects of previous years, which did not justify themselves. Koltsov believes these factors are the main reasons why investors stopped believing and investing in Utility tokens and startups. So it seems to me that the ICO time is most likely coming to an end.
Original: O тoм, чтo pынoк ICO нaчинaeт ycпoкaивaтьcя пocлe нeбывaлoгo aжиoтaжa и пocтeпeннo пpeвpaщaeтcя в cтaбильный и нaдeжный инcтpyмeнт кpayдфaндингa <...> Кoгдa кpиптocooбщecтвo ocoзнaлo вcю пpeлecть cмapт-кoнтpaктoв, тo c пoмoщью эфиpa cтaли выпycкaть тoкeны. Ceйчac ecть чeтыpe ocнoвныx видa тoкeнoв: Payment, Donation, Utility и Security. Ha пpoтяжeнии пocлeдниx двyx лeт Utility пoзвoлял coбиpaть кoлoccaльнoe кoличecтвo дeнeжныx cpeдcтв нa кpиптopынкe c пoмoщью инcтpyмeнтa ICO. <...> Пocлe взpывныx пo cбopaм 2016 и 2017 гoдoв (пopядкa $4 млpд и $6 млpд cooтвeтcтвeннo) нacтyпилo лeтo 2018-гo – oбъeмы ICO coкpaтилиcь пpимepнo в 10 paз. Пo cлoвaм пpeдceдaтeля экcпepтнoгo coвeтa, пpичинoй cтaл caм кpиптopынoк – влияниe oкaзывaeт кaк пaдeниe кypca BTC, тaк и пpoeкты пpeдыдyщиx гoдoв, кoтopыe тaк ceбя и нe oпpaвдaли. Кoльцoв cчитaeт эти фaктopы ocнoвными, пoчeмy инвecтopы пepecтaли вepить и инвecтиpoвaть в Utility тoкeны и в cтapтaпы. <...>
Copy: All because it refers to revolutionary technologies. Block chains are the technology underlying the Bitcoin crypto currency, which is characterized by high security, transparency and resistance to change. At the same time, block circuits have much more potential than one that can be implemented in digital currency. This technology makes transactions between two objects possible without an intermediary in the face of the clearing center, which significantly reduces the time and cost of the transaction. Moreover, when combined with "smart" contracts, block-chain technology allows you to automatically issue digital securities and trade financial derivatives. For example, the insurance industry has a great potential, which can offer new opportunities for the application of block-chain technology.
Original: Блoчныe цeпи – тexнoлoгия, лeжaщaя в ocнoвe кpиптoвaлюты Bitcoin, кoтopaя xapaктepизyeтcя выcoкoй бeзoпacнocтью, пpoзpaчнocтью и ycтoйчивocтью к измeнeниям. Пpи этoм, блoчныe цeпи oблaдaют знaчитeльнo бoльшим пoтeнциaлoм, чeм тoт, кoтopый мoжeт быть peaлизoвaн в цифpoвoй вaлютe. Этa тexнoлoгия дeлaeт вoзмoжным тpaнзaкции мeждy двyмя oбъeктaми бeз пocpeдникa в лицe клиpингoвoгo цeнтpa, чтo знaчитeльнo cнижaeт вpeмя и cтoимocть тpaнзaкции. Бoлee тoгo, пpи oбъeдинeнии c «yмными» кoнтpaктaми, тexнoлoгия блoчныx цeпeй пoзвoляeт aвтoмaтичecки эмитиpoвaть цифpoвыe цeнныe бyмaги и тopгoвaть финaнcoвыми дepивaтивaми. Haпpимep, cтpaxoвaя индycтpия oблaдaeт бoльшим пoтeнциaлoм, cпocoбным пpeдлoжить нoвыe вoзмoжнocти для пpимeнeния тexнoлoгии блoчныx цeпeй. This sort of plagiarism can meet not only in the English section, but also in other sections of the forum. Violators can use not only the Russian text. It`s quite difficult to detect it.
Diamond Member
Jr. Member
Activity: 33
Merit: 3
March 13, 2019, 03:21:52 PM |
Two of those posts are merited by foserfox (the third is not viewable to me). The administration should look into if foserfox is also any of those three people, and ban him if so. I would be surprised if the evidence does not show they are not all the same. I don't think playing "whack-a-mole" is the best way to deal with the plagiarism problem, I think the incentives to plagiarize should be removed, or the risks of plagiarizing increased, or a combination of the two. One solution might be to require people pay a small fee for one, or a combination of the below: - Rank up above "newbie" status
- To have any kind of signature
- To be eligible to receive merit
- To post outside of certain sections
I also looked at a few random pages of the two threads I can see, and it looks like there is little discussion among the thread participants in both of those threads, which helps allow plagiarized content to not stand out as much (it would be difficult to plagiarize content that is part of a conversation). A solution might be to disallow/lock threads in which it is apparent there is not much conversation between thread participants.
Activity: 3192
Merit: 3307
March 13, 2019, 03:31:07 PM |
I have seen this in the german board a few times and its nothing new !
The most time i report it as an Translation spam if the translation isnt right !
Because if he only translate it and post the translated text its not a plagiarism in my eyes !
Activity: 2744
Merit: 3096
Top Crypto Casino
March 13, 2019, 04:02:20 PM |
Because if he only translate it and post the translated text its not a plagiarism in my eyes !
That's correct if he uses his own words to redact the post. But if he use an automatic translator and post it as it is word by word then it is plagiarism. It is just another trick to avoid getting caught.
Copper Member
Activity: 2856
Merit: 3071
https://bit.ly/387FXHi lightning theory
March 13, 2019, 04:21:39 PM |
Because if he only translate it and post the translated text its not a plagiarism in my eyes !
That's correct if he uses his own words to redact the post. But if he use an automatic translator and post it as it is word by word then it is plagiarism. It is just another trick to avoid getting caught. It's still plagiarism if they don't post a link to the original imo. This is what is often done legitimately... If they'd just added a reference link then it wouldn't be plagiarism imo and they'd probably get merits for it still.
Activity: 2478
Merit: 4314
Farewell o_e_l_e_o
March 13, 2019, 04:25:26 PM |
Two of those posts are merited by foserfox (the third is not viewable to me). The administration should look into if foserfox is also any of those three people, and ban him if so. I would be surprised if the evidence does not show they are not all the same. That's why he appeared on the first position there: He was also auto-banned. I don't known Russian, but the OP found interesting evidences that plagiariser merited other plagiarisers, and they both got auto-banned.
March 13, 2019, 04:32:52 PM |
I also looked at a few random pages of the two threads I can see, and it looks like there is little discussion among the thread participants in both of those threads, which helps allow plagiarized content to not stand out as much (it would be difficult to plagiarize content that is part of a conversation). A solution might be to disallow/lock threads in which it is apparent there is not much conversation between thread participants.
Yes, plagiarizing content related to a topic is a pretty difficult job, he would have to go through a hell lot of Russian websites, and find a related content to the topic on which he would be posting or else an off-topic post can clearly rise suspicion. I don't understand what does the operator of this accounts earn from the copy-paste of this posts. He is using lower level accounts which obviously don't earn much, also he is not wearing any signature that takes him to zero income. Are they spamming the forum for free?
March 14, 2019, 11:56:14 PM |
Veleor found a new sort of plagiarism: the user takes the Russian text, translates it using Google Translate and then places it on the forum. ~ This sort of plagiarism can meet not only in the English section, but also in other sections of the forum. Violators can use not only the Russian text. It`s quite difficult to detect it. I believe this type of plagiarism has been around for a long time, they don't get caught easily "It`s quite difficult to detect it.", as you said, because there is no automated mechanism to find them a standard search won't return any relation between the original and translated version someone has to actually read both messages to know it's a plagiarism then report it
Diamond Member
Jr. Member
Activity: 33
Merit: 3
March 15, 2019, 04:39:34 AM |
I also looked at a few random pages of the two threads I can see, and it looks like there is little discussion among the thread participants in both of those threads, which helps allow plagiarized content to not stand out as much (it would be difficult to plagiarize content that is part of a conversation). A solution might be to disallow/lock threads in which it is apparent there is not much conversation between thread participants.
Yes, plagiarizing content related to a topic is a pretty difficult job, he would have to go through a hell lot of Russian websites, and find a related content to the topic on which he would be posting or else an off-topic post can clearly rise suspicion. If they had to find content related to a specific post, they might as well write content themselves. This is the point. This kind of rule would also make threads more interesting and less hard to read because there would be fewer posts that add zero to the conversation. I don't understand what does the operator of this accounts earn from the copy-paste of this posts. He is using lower level accounts which obviously don't earn much, also he is not wearing any signature that takes him to zero income. Are they spamming the forum for free? Once they are banned, any signature they had is removed. I can only speculate as to what he is doing. Some of these people might be participating in FaceBook, Instagram and whatnot advertising campaigns, while hoping to rank up with plagiarized posts in order to eventually participate in a signature campaign or otherwise earn additional money with the higher rank.
Activity: 2940
Merit: 3883
📟 t3rminal.xyz
March 15, 2019, 05:47:47 AM |
This isn't really anything new right? Just a slightly more clever way of committing plagiarism as it'd be a huge hassle going to need to Google translate fishy topics/replies.
Not saying that this isn't a problem though. It's going to be a lot harder as the people who are going to plagiarize a few statements(instead of copying the whole reply) is mostly going to be undetected. You're mostly going to need to understand the 2nd language to be totally sure if the topic/reply is plagiarized or not.
March 15, 2019, 06:02:04 AM |
Once they are banned, any signature they had is removed. I can only speculate as to what he is doing. Some of these people might be participating in FaceBook, Instagram and whatnot advertising campaigns, while hoping to rank up with plagiarized posts in order to eventually participate in a signature campaign or otherwise earn additional money with the higher rank. But, they should know the basic rules of operating under any forum if they want to earn from it, which is no copy-paste. I think this values as an universal rule on most of the online forum's. Ranking up is a pretty hard goal for them, as it would just ban more and more of their accounts if they keep on doing this. Not a smart way of earning maybe.
I am just guessing that there could be a ring of all those accounts and most of them are also abusing merit system by sending one merit to rank up to jr.member. They all could be alt of there merit sender's too. I have found one more similar case. I don't know Russian language by the way, hope any native person could verify it. I confirmed it by Google translate. Original: Cocpeдoтaчивaяcь нa биткoинe, кaк инвecтициoннoм aктивe (cpeдcтвe быcтpoгo pocтa cтoимocти) мнoгиe yпycкaют из видy eгo иcтиннyю цeннocть, блaгoдapя кoтopoй pacтeт eгo цeнa нa биpжax. Этa цeннocть — yникaльнaя cпocoбнocть coxpaнeния и пepeдaчи cтoимocти нa paccтoяния бeз yчacтия дoвepeннoгo пocpeдникa.
B этoм cмыcлe Биткoин имeeт пpeимyщecтвa кaк пepeд выпycкaeмыми гocyдapcтвaми фиaтными дeньгaми, тaк и пepeд зoлoтoм.
Биткoин cyщecтвyeт внe гocyдapcтвeнныx инcтитyтoв и нe нyждaeтcя в гocyдapcтвeннoм peгyлиpoвaнии. Этo впoлнe caмoдocтaтoчнaя cиcтeмa.
Source: https://medium.com/bitcoin-review/нoвaя-дeнeжнaя-пapaдигмa-4cfa2a1b44f7Copied: ( archive ) Focusing on bitcoin, as an investment asset (a means of rapid growth of value), many overlook its true value, thanks to which its price on the exchanges is growing. This value is a unique ability to save and transfer costs over distances without the involvement of a trusted intermediary. In this sense, Bitcoin has advantages both before the issued by states with fiat money, and before gold. Bitcoin exists outside of state institutions and does not need state regulation. This is a completely self-contained system. Bitcoin also does not need legalization. Being outside the legal field does not mean illegality. Undoubtedly, Bitcoin, by virtue of its special properties, mentioned above, is an attractive object for investment. But, not this is its main function and mission. Bitcoin came to this world to destroy the state monopoly on money and their circulation. And to create a new monetary paradigm - henceforth the transfer of value is possible without intermediaries, as in cash calculation - from hand to hand. Without central banks and other financial institutions. Without uncontrolled money issue and inflation. Therefore, bitcoin was a valuable currency, there is and always will be!
March 15, 2019, 12:37:47 PM |
Because if he only translate it and post the translated text its not a plagiarism in my eyes !
Agree with you Lafu. Translate mass media posts is not plagiarism. But the users should include the original source of the post. For example: You write something about " Be the rich", then I translate your post to my native language People will assume that post came from me, not from you. The worst things, if some people found your post, they will think you've stolen my idea. What do you think about that? IMO
Activity: 2914
Merit: 1309
March 15, 2019, 01:13:36 PM |
Because if he only translate it and post the translated text its not a plagiarism in my eyes !
like other said here, If you do a translation of a topic this is fine and usefull in many cases (exept the google translation spams) but at least you need to mention the source. otherwise it is stolen ideas and content which is plagiarism. and yes it make it really hard to find. much more than direct copy past topics.
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Activity: 3108
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Leading Crypto Sports Betting & Casino Platform
March 15, 2019, 01:32:39 PM |
Because if he only translate it and post the translated text its not a plagiarism in my eyes !
It's the same, it's still plagiarism, if not we could buy books with "Macbeth" and "Hamlet", by Pang Qing or Mustafa Ashkar. It's not his work! Back to the main subject, I think the tactic is pretty old. I've come across many posts from Russian speakers (based on their history) and they posts followed the same pattern with short phrases that don't make 100% sense in English. Obvious they were translated but it's a damn pain in the ass to try to find the source for somebody not used to the Cyrillic alphabet.
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Activity: 1484
Merit: 1491
I forgot more than you will ever know.
March 15, 2019, 04:25:11 PM |
Because if he only translate it and post the translated text its not a plagiarism in my eyes !
That's correct if he uses his own words to redact the post. But if he use an automatic translator and post it as it is word by word then it is plagiarism. It is just another trick to avoid getting caught. You are misunderstanding what plagiarism is. Even if the user was to rewrite it completely it would still be plagiarism. It is just harder to detect. Also even google translate does better than translating word by word now. It doesn't make it any less plagiarism. These people can be tagged/banned for plagiarism and/or using automated translation tools to gain visibility/activity/whatever.
The Sceptical Chymist
Activity: 3556
Merit: 7010
Top Crypto Casino
March 15, 2019, 04:33:25 PM |
You are misunderstanding what plagiarism is.
Yeah, translating someone else's words and claiming they're your own is still plagiarism IMO and I'm pretty sure that's considered plagiarism by bitcointalk standards as well. Plagiarism doesn't just mean a straight-up copy/paste of someone else's work. You'd think with all the effort that goes into actually finding some text that fits a reply, then translating it and pasting it into a reply on this forum that it'd be much less effort to just write a short shitpost, even if you can't write in English (or whatever language) that well. Apparently not. The lengths these plagiarists go to baffles me.
Diamond Member
Jr. Member
Activity: 33
Merit: 3
March 15, 2019, 04:55:37 PM |
Once they are banned, any signature they had is removed. I can only speculate as to what he is doing. Some of these people might be participating in FaceBook, Instagram and whatnot advertising campaigns, while hoping to rank up with plagiarized posts in order to eventually participate in a signature campaign or otherwise earn additional money with the higher rank. But, they should know the basic rules of operating under any forum if they want to earn from it, which is no copy-paste. I think this values as an universal rule on most of the online forum's. Ranking up is a pretty hard goal for them, as it would just ban more and more of their accounts if they keep on doing this. Not a smart way of earning maybe. Of course they know what they are doing is against the rules, that is why they are taking the extra step of translating the content before plagiarizing it. If they didn't know what they are doing is against the rules, they would post the content in its original published language. Because if he only translate it and post the translated text its not a plagiarism in my eyes !
Agree with you Lafu. Translate mass media posts is not plagiarism. But the users should include the original source of the post. You are mistaken. The relevant portion of the definition of plagiarism is passing someone else's writing off as your own. These people are not passing off this writing as being published by someone else, they are passing it off as if they wrote it themselves. There needs to be something within the post disclosing it is not original content, or that it is translated content. It is not new that people are using google translate to post in sections of languages they cannot speak/read/write, this happens frequently in forums with communities spanning multiple countries, but it is new for someone to copy content that is not their own and pass it off as their own after translating it.
March 15, 2019, 08:42:39 PM |
~snip~ You are mistaken. The relevant portion of the definition of plagiarism is passing someone else's writing off as your own. These people are not passing off this writing as being published by someone else, they are passing it off as if they wrote it themselves. There needs to be something within the post disclosing it is not original content, or that it is translated content.
It is not new that people are using google translate to post in sections of languages they cannot speak/read/write, this happens frequently in forums with communities spanning multiple countries, but it is new for someone to copy content that is not their own and pass it off as their own after translating it.
I'm saying the truth. Plagiarizing not same with translating. For example, you translate a song lyrics to Chinese language, Is this action includes plagiarism? Of course not. It's just translating. Then you publish your translate that song lyrics to your blog, Is this plagiarism? No. But, the action is doesn't right and totally violates the law and infringes copyright. This forum requires an additional rule about how to post the translations. My suggestions: users should include the original source of the post.
If they don't do it, then they deserve to be banned.