[2 ETH & 100,000YUP] CryptoMood Creative Media Competition
Hello, fellow designers, artists, and writers in the Bitcointalk community!
An ETH bounty is out there waiting for you!
CryptoMood would like to award
3 most creative artists in the community with
2 ETH and 100,000 YUP. The winner will be rewarded with 1 ETH and 50,000 YUP.
Why these cannot be yours?
1. Read
2. then create some stunning artworks in the form of illustration, image, video or article to interpret CryptoMood the best way you can!
3. then submit your artwork here:
https://goo.gl/forms/0XcugMqKNhfkhuA63Only 3 days left.
Original thread: https://www.crowdholding.com/project/322/task/833/2-eth-100000yup-cryptomood-creative-media-bounty
Full description:Are you a successful blogger, amateur Youtuber, a wannabe designer or maybe even the next Hemingway? If the answer is "YES!", then this is the bounty for you!CryptoMood would like to see how creative our community can be by sharing and rewarding any fun, exciting and interesting content you can create!
All participants are encouraged to think outside the box and submit their creative artwork, such as videos, images, gifs, or publications.
When does the competition end?March 23rd, 2019 23:59 GMTHow much can I get?100,000 YUP & 2 ETH will be allocated to this competition.Only the top 3 most creative artworks will be rewarded.- No. 1 = 1 ETH and 50,000 YUP !!!!!!!!
- No. 2 = 0.75 ETH and 35,000 YUP !!!
- No. 3 = 0.25 ETH and 15,000 YUP !!
What can I create for CryptoMood?- Video (1 - 5 mins) (You can submit your video on your Youtube channel)
- Press Release or publication (500 words minimum) (You can submit your article on Medium)
- Images, infographics & Gifs (You can submit your image work on imgur.com)
How to join?- 1. Pick the preferred category of artwork which you would like to create for CryptoMood.
- 2. Think out of the box & create!
- 3. Upload your artwork online.
- 4. Submit the link of your artwork to this FORM. (https://goo.gl/forms/0XcugMqKNhfkhuA63)
Don't know CryptoModd very well?No worries, just drop your questions here:
https://t.me/CryptoMoodOfficial - This is only for creative and interesting content.
- You are allowed to use our team member's faces in your illustrations.
- Please only use the content of the landing page and official publications.
- You can find our Logos here: https://imgur.com/a/AIBJiwR
This thread is not the official thread. This competition bounty is hosted by Crowdholding (official thread)