OP is right. All the posts in his threads are quite obviously himself using various sockpuppets, and so technically they would be breaking the self-bumping rule. Please let us know if and when your reports are acted upon.
There is no technicality, the rule is a thread can be bumped once per 24 hours. This is my report of the thread because of the number of posts and threads involved.
I think he knows what he is doing is against the rules, but in case he didn't, I have sent him a
Personal Message informing him of the
rule he is breaking, noting using a sockpuppet to post counts as a bump.
I sent the Personal Message because I noticed he has continued to excessively bump his threads.
It is again a great example of why we need to either be showing trust to guests, or preventing guests from viewing trust enabled sections. To a guest who can't see the red ratings of every account in that thread, and doesn't know what a locked thread is, that thread could very well appear quite legit, with 100% positive feedback from several different accounts.
You could say that. There does become a point when no matter how much hand holding you give someone, they are bound to part with their money to a scammer. You could also say links to the various "autobuy" websites should not be displayed to guests because they are almost always going to involve a scam attempt.
Dealing with the excessive bumping issue, will also deal with the fake vouch issue.
as far as the spam goes, that scammer has not broken a single forum rule , he does not use the same account to bump his thread,
There is not a loophole that allows someone to post bumps with sockpuppets on their thread. If this was allowed, you would create an account called "mikeywith-bumper" to post a new bump every second to ensure your thread is always at the top of the board.
my advice, don't waste time reporting such cases, i used to do so, and my report accuracy is terribly bad, in fact i have got a lot of posts deleted for calling out scammers in their topics , my posts were deleted for being "off-topic".
Reporting something for "being as scam" will be marked as bad I think. The mods will not moderate/remove any scam attempts, but if a scam attempt involves breaking other rules, then this should be dealt with.
Calling out something to be a scam, and explaining why you believe so should not ever be off topic, unless your post is really far into 'left field'. Possibly you were posting in a self moderated thread, and the scammer deleted your post.