Some might recognize me as a legend.
You are legend bro hahaha made my day,
I think only Filipinos could relate in this joke.
Happy April Fool's Day everyone .
To prevent scams, spam, alt accounts, and similar abuse, and to promote an environment of trust, all forum users must now submit know-your-customer (KYC) identity info to the forum here. As we all know, Bitcoin was built on the principle of "if you have nothing to hide, what's there to fear?", which is why the block chain is a public ledger. And Satoshi even famously said, "sacrificing a little liberty for increased security is the foundation of blockchain technology."
Additionally, you can get extra-verified by posting a selfie in this thread. (Upload the image to imgur or something first and then use the bbcode
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You got me big time on this one I really thought that there would be a KYC to continue on using this forum.