Amount of EARNED merit in the last 120 days: 40-50. I am on mobile and can't count them properly
Manually counting them, nope, you don't have to do that, fella.
There is a tool for you to get them, automatically, giving by @Vod. replacing the starting point of your wanted 120-day period. In the example above, I set the start day on 27/11/2018.
So, you received
38 merits during last 120 days, not 40 or 50 ones.
Additionally, you can see the flow of your received merits over time, with help from @LoyceV's tool.
Replace your user ID, or ID of others you want to draw merit plots for them.
Each column (bar) shows 5-day earned merits.
Your chart shows there is almost no spike of earned merits over time. You are likely a very stable guy in terms of collecting merits.
[img alt=Image loading...][/img]
@tbct_mt2 created a topic there:
Tools for managers to check quality of posts (both merited & unmerited posts)