Cryptocurrency Exchange Aggregator Platform lets you trade 500+ Coins at best rates.You can compare the prices of a trade pair, offered at leading exchanges like Binance, Changelly, ChangeNow, Changer, Swaplabs, KuCoin, Bittrex, HuoBi, HitBtc etc. and trade either with best rates or with any exchange of your choice.
+You do not need to create an account or even login on Partners are - Exodus Wallet, Trezor Wallet, Gaurda wallet,, Bearescape Game, Coinify etc. You can directly trade using these wallets through exchange.
+APIs- You can build dApps, Games and other products on Blockchain using Coinswitch's API's
+Build your own custom exchange with ZERO Code. with a 2 minutes setup.

Trade Currencies by Comparing Prices at leading exchanges.
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