tranthidung (OP)
Activity: 2450
Merit: 4273
Farewell o_e_l_e_o
August 18, 2019, 01:07:11 PM |
Update:Time series plot of median and interquartile range Dataset for median, interquartile range of intraday merits. list week median q1 q3 merit
+------------------------------------------+ | week median q1 q3 merit | |------------------------------------------| 1. | 2018w26 733 609 991 4465 | 2. | 2018w27 715 598 979 4278 | 3. | 2018w28 707 592 963 4247 | 4. | 2018w29 693 589 922 4167 | 5. | 2018w30 684 577 902 3661 | |------------------------------------------| 6. | 2018w31 682 575 891 3863 | 7. | 2018w32 675 567 880 4011 | 8. | 2018w33 667 559 867 3631 | 9. | 2018w34 652 555 848 3805 | 10. | 2018w35 642 537 844 3072 | |------------------------------------------| 11. | 2018w36 639 528 838 3590 | 12. | 2018w37 634 528 829 5644 | 13. | 2018w38 641 530 846 7837 | 14. | 2018w39 640 531 839 4395 | 15. | 2018w40 639 528 829 4310 | |------------------------------------------| 16. | 2018w41 637 528 808 3816 | 17. | 2018w42 639 530 807 4829 | 18. | 2018w43 639 528 801 3953 | 19. | 2018w44 628 521 796 3347 | 20. | 2018w45 630 522 789 4525 | |------------------------------------------| 21. | 2018w46 628 523 788 3747 | 22. | 2018w47 628 522.5 783.5 4575 | 23. | 2018w48 627 522 778 3765 | 24. | 2018w49 623.5 520 775 3571 | 25. | 2018w50 622 520 774 3805 | |------------------------------------------| 26. | 2018w51 621.5 517.5 770 3769 | 27. | 2018w52 617.5 514 764 3338 | 28. | 2019w1 617 514 769 4803 | 29. | 2019w2 621.5 515 775 6632 | 30. | 2019w3 623 517 777 5317 | |------------------------------------------| 31. | 2019w4 623.5 518.5 775 4667 | 32. | 2019w5 622 518 775 4491 | 33. | 2019w6 622 520 775 4332 | 34. | 2019w7 621 522 771 4221 | 35. | 2019w8 621.5 521 770 4521 | |------------------------------------------| 36. | 2019w9 622 520 769 4638 | 37. | 2019w10 624 522 766 4913 | 38. | 2019w11 624 522 762 4326 | 39. | 2019w12 626.5 523 761 4609 | 40. | 2019w13 628 525 766 6130 | |------------------------------------------| 41. | 2019w14 627.5 529 761 4526 | 42. | 2019w15 629 530 762 5271 | 43. | 2019w16 632.5 530.5 764 4688 | 44. | 2019w17 629 530 762 4448 | 45. | 2019w18 629 531 762 4764 | |------------------------------------------| 46. | 2019w19 636 532 762 5454 | 47. | 2019w20 638.5 532.5 767.5 5214 | 48. | 2019w21 639 533 766 4580 | 49. | 2019w22 639 535 761 4445 | 50. | 2019w23 639 535 761 4687 | |------------------------------------------| 51. | 2019w24 640 536 764 5354 | 52. | 2019w25 640 537 762 4726 | 53. | 2019w26 640 535 762 4367 | 54. | 2019w27 640 535 761 4225 | 55. | 2019w28 639 532.5 761 4119 | |------------------------------------------| 56. | 2019w29 639 532 761 4277 | 57. | 2019w30 636.5 533 760 4176 | 58. | 2019w31 629 532 760 3549 | 59. | 2019w32 628 530 757 3207 |
List of median, q1, q3 of intra-day merits over weeks, in descending orders of medians.. list week median q1 q3 merit
+------------------------------------------+ | week median q1 q3 merit | |------------------------------------------| 1. | 2019w1 617 514 769 4803 | 2. | 2018w52 617.5 514 764 3338 | 3. | 2019w7 621 522 771 4221 | 4. | 2018w51 621.5 517.5 770 3769 | 5. | 2019w2 621.5 515 775 6632 | |------------------------------------------| 6. | 2019w8 621.5 521 770 4521 | 7. | 2019w5 622 518 775 4491 | 8. | 2019w6 622 520 775 4332 | 9. | 2019w9 622 520 769 4638 | 10. | 2018w50 622 520 774 3805 | |------------------------------------------| 11. | 2019w3 623 517 777 5317 | 12. | 2019w4 623.5 518.5 775 4667 | 13. | 2018w49 623.5 520 775 3571 | 14. | 2019w10 624 522 766 4913 | 15. | 2019w11 624 522 762 4326 | |------------------------------------------| 16. | 2019w12 626.5 523 761 4609 | 17. | 2018w48 627 522 778 3765 | 18. | 2019w14 627.5 529 761 4526 | 19. | 2019w13 628 525 766 6130 | 20. | 2018w44 628 521 796 3347 | |------------------------------------------| 21. | 2018w46 628 523 788 3747 | 22. | 2019w32 628 530 757 3207 | 23. | 2018w47 628 522.5 783.5 4575 | 24. | 2019w18 629 531 762 4764 | 25. | 2019w15 629 530 762 5271 | |------------------------------------------| 26. | 2019w17 629 530 762 4448 | 27. | 2019w31 629 532 760 3549 | 28. | 2018w45 630 522 789 4525 | 29. | 2019w16 632.5 530.5 764 4688 | 30. | 2018w37 634 528 829 5644 | |------------------------------------------| 31. | 2019w19 636 532 762 5454 | 32. | 2019w30 636.5 533 760 4176 | 33. | 2018w41 637 528 808 3816 | 34. | 2019w20 638.5 532.5 767.5 5214 | 35. | 2019w23 639 535 761 4687 | |------------------------------------------| 36. | 2019w29 639 532 761 4277 | 37. | 2019w28 639 532.5 761 4119 | 38. | 2019w21 639 533 766 4580 | 39. | 2018w43 639 528 801 3953 | 40. | 2018w36 639 528 838 3590 | |------------------------------------------| 41. | 2019w22 639 535 761 4445 | 42. | 2018w40 639 528 829 4310 | 43. | 2018w42 639 530 807 4829 | 44. | 2019w24 640 536 764 5354 | 45. | 2019w25 640 537 762 4726 | |------------------------------------------| 46. | 2019w27 640 535 761 4225 | 47. | 2019w26 640 535 762 4367 | 48. | 2018w39 640 531 839 4395 | 49. | 2018w38 641 530 846 7837 | 50. | 2018w35 642 537 844 3072 | |------------------------------------------| 51. | 2018w34 652 555 848 3805 | 52. | 2018w33 667 559 867 3631 | 53. | 2018w32 675 567 880 4011 | 54. | 2018w31 682 575 891 3863 | 55. | 2018w30 684 577 902 3661 | |------------------------------------------| 56. | 2018w29 693 589 922 4167 | 57. | 2018w28 707 592 963 4247 | 58. | 2018w27 715 598 979 4278 | 59. | 2018w26 733 609 991 4465 |
Now, let's take a look at the variations of intraday medians over weeks. I took medians of intraday merits over weeks (since 2018w46, from id 293 - 299, here). The median of intraday merits at the end of 2018w46 will be calculated from intraday merits started from days with id #26 - # 299; days before id #26 truncated due to extremely outliers. For later weeks, just moving forwards with each 7-day-time-frame to calculate next medians of intradays over weeks. Results:Since 2018w48 to 2019w32, the dataset has: - 56 weeks in total. - Median of median of intraday merits over weeks is 631.3 ~ 632. - Interquartile range of median of median of intraday merits over weeks ranges from 624 to 639. . tabstat median, s(n mean sd p25 p50 p75 min max) format(%9.1f)
variable | N mean sd p25 p50 p75 min max -------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- median | 56.0 635.6 16.3 624.0 631.3 639.0 617.0 693.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Data source:- From LoyceV's weekly data dumps. - From my converted datasets in the topic: Time Series Analysis on Distributed Merits in the forum (daily, weekly, monthly)
tranthidung (OP)
Activity: 2450
Merit: 4273
Farewell o_e_l_e_o
August 24, 2019, 09:53:22 AM |
Update:Time series plot of median and interquartile range Dataset for median, interquartile range of intraday merits. list week median q1 q3 merit
+------------------------------------------+ | week median q1 q3 merit | |------------------------------------------| 1. | 2018w26 733 609 991 4465 | 2. | 2018w27 715 598 979 4278 | 3. | 2018w28 707 592 963 4247 | 4. | 2018w29 693 589 922 4167 | 5. | 2018w30 684 577 902 3661 | |------------------------------------------| 6. | 2018w31 682 575 891 3863 | 7. | 2018w32 675 567 880 4011 | 8. | 2018w33 667 559 867 3631 | 9. | 2018w34 652 555 848 3805 | 10. | 2018w35 642 537 844 3072 | |------------------------------------------| 11. | 2018w36 639 528 838 3590 | 12. | 2018w37 634 528 829 5644 | 13. | 2018w38 641 530 846 7837 | 14. | 2018w39 640 531 839 4395 | 15. | 2018w40 639 528 829 4310 | |------------------------------------------| 16. | 2018w41 637 528 808 3816 | 17. | 2018w42 639 530 807 4829 | 18. | 2018w43 639 528 801 3953 | 19. | 2018w44 628 521 796 3347 | 20. | 2018w45 630 522 789 4525 | |------------------------------------------| 21. | 2018w46 628 523 788 3747 | 22. | 2018w47 628 522.5 783.5 4575 | 23. | 2018w48 627 522 778 3765 | 24. | 2018w49 623.5 520 775 3571 | 25. | 2018w50 622 520 774 3805 | |------------------------------------------| 26. | 2018w51 621.5 517.5 770 3769 | 27. | 2018w52 617.5 514 764 3338 | 28. | 2019w1 617 514 769 4803 | 29. | 2019w2 621.5 515 775 6632 | 30. | 2019w3 623 517 777 5317 | |------------------------------------------| 31. | 2019w4 623.5 518.5 775 4667 | 32. | 2019w5 622 518 775 4491 | 33. | 2019w6 622 520 775 4332 | 34. | 2019w7 621 522 771 4221 | 35. | 2019w8 621.5 521 770 4521 | |------------------------------------------| 36. | 2019w9 622 520 769 4638 | 37. | 2019w10 624 522 766 4913 | 38. | 2019w11 624 522 762 4326 | 39. | 2019w12 626.5 523 761 4609 | 40. | 2019w13 628 525 766 6130 | |------------------------------------------| 41. | 2019w14 627.5 529 761 4526 | 42. | 2019w15 629 530 762 5271 | 43. | 2019w16 632.5 530.5 764 4688 | 44. | 2019w17 629 530 762 4448 | 45. | 2019w18 629 531 762 4764 | |------------------------------------------| 46. | 2019w19 636 532 762 5454 | 47. | 2019w20 638.5 532.5 767.5 5214 | 48. | 2019w21 639 533 766 4580 | 49. | 2019w22 639 535 761 4445 | 50. | 2019w23 639 535 761 4687 | |------------------------------------------| 51. | 2019w24 640 536 764 5354 | 52. | 2019w25 640 537 762 4726 | 53. | 2019w26 640 535 762 4367 | 54. | 2019w27 640 535 761 4225 | 55. | 2019w28 639 532.5 761 4119 | |------------------------------------------| 56. | 2019w29 639 532 761 4277 | 57. | 2019w30 636.5 533 760 4176 | 58. | 2019w31 629 532 760 3549 | 59. | 2019w32 628 530 757 3207 | 60. | 2019w33 628 530 755 4236 |
List of median, q1, q3 of intra-day merits over weeks, in descending orders of medians. . list week median q1 q3 merit
+------------------------------------------+ | week median q1 q3 merit | |------------------------------------------| 1. | 2019w1 617 514 769 4803 | 2. | 2018w52 617.5 514 764 3338 | 3. | 2019w7 621 522 771 4221 | 4. | 2019w8 621.5 521 770 4521 | 5. | 2018w51 621.5 517.5 770 3769 | |------------------------------------------| 6. | 2019w2 621.5 515 775 6632 | 7. | 2019w5 622 518 775 4491 | 8. | 2019w6 622 520 775 4332 | 9. | 2018w50 622 520 774 3805 | 10. | 2019w9 622 520 769 4638 | |------------------------------------------| 11. | 2019w3 623 517 777 5317 | 12. | 2019w4 623.5 518.5 775 4667 | 13. | 2018w49 623.5 520 775 3571 | 14. | 2019w11 624 522 762 4326 | 15. | 2019w10 624 522 766 4913 | |------------------------------------------| 16. | 2019w12 626.5 523 761 4609 | 17. | 2018w48 627 522 778 3765 | 18. | 2019w14 627.5 529 761 4526 | 19. | 2018w44 628 521 796 3347 | 20. | 2019w13 628 525 766 6130 | |------------------------------------------| 21. | 2019w32 628 530 757 3207 | 22. | 2019w33 628 530 755 4236 | 23. | 2018w47 628 522.5 783.5 4575 | 24. | 2018w46 628 523 788 3747 | 25. | 2019w18 629 531 762 4764 | |------------------------------------------| 26. | 2019w15 629 530 762 5271 | 27. | 2019w17 629 530 762 4448 | 28. | 2019w31 629 532 760 3549 | 29. | 2018w45 630 522 789 4525 | 30. | 2019w16 632.5 530.5 764 4688 | |------------------------------------------| 31. | 2018w37 634 528 829 5644 | 32. | 2019w19 636 532 762 5454 | 33. | 2019w30 636.5 533 760 4176 | 34. | 2018w41 637 528 808 3816 | 35. | 2019w20 638.5 532.5 767.5 5214 | |------------------------------------------| 36. | 2019w29 639 532 761 4277 | 37. | 2019w23 639 535 761 4687 | 38. | 2018w36 639 528 838 3590 | 39. | 2019w21 639 533 766 4580 | 40. | 2019w22 639 535 761 4445 | |------------------------------------------| 41. | 2018w42 639 530 807 4829 | 42. | 2019w28 639 532.5 761 4119 | 43. | 2018w43 639 528 801 3953 | 44. | 2018w40 639 528 829 4310 | 45. | 2019w26 640 535 762 4367 | |------------------------------------------| 46. | 2019w27 640 535 761 4225 | 47. | 2018w39 640 531 839 4395 | 48. | 2019w25 640 537 762 4726 | 49. | 2019w24 640 536 764 5354 | 50. | 2018w38 641 530 846 7837 | |------------------------------------------| 51. | 2018w35 642 537 844 3072 | 52. | 2018w34 652 555 848 3805 | 53. | 2018w33 667 559 867 3631 | 54. | 2018w32 675 567 880 4011 | 55. | 2018w31 682 575 891 3863 | |------------------------------------------| 56. | 2018w30 684 577 902 3661 | 57. | 2018w29 693 589 922 4167 | 58. | 2018w28 707 592 963 4247 | 59. | 2018w27 715 598 979 4278 | 60. | 2018w26 733 609 991 4465 |
Now, let's take a look at the variations of intraday medians over weeks. I took medians of intraday merits over weeks (since 2018w46, from id 293 - 299, here). The median of intraday merits at the end of 2018w46 will be calculated from intraday merits started from days with id #26 - # 299; days before id #26 truncated due to extremely outliers. For later weeks, just moving forwards with each 7-day-time-frame to calculate next medians of intradays over weeks. Results:Since 2018w48 to 2019w33, the dataset has: - 57 weeks in total. - Median of median of intraday merits over weeks is 630. - Interquartile range of median of median of intraday merits over weeks ranges from 624 to 639. . tabstat median, s(n mean sd p25 p50 p75 min max) format(%9.1f)
variable | N mean sd p25 p50 p75 min max -------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- median | 57.0 635.5 16.2 624.0 630.0 639.0 617.0 693.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Data source:- From LoyceV's weekly data dumps. - From my converted datasets in the topic: Time Series Analysis on Distributed Merits in the forum (daily, weekly, monthly)
tranthidung (OP)
Activity: 2450
Merit: 4273
Farewell o_e_l_e_o
September 01, 2019, 03:46:14 PM Last edit: September 02, 2019, 05:45:49 AM by tranthidung |
Update:Time series plot of median and interquartile range Dataset for median, interquartile range of intraday merits. list week median q1 q3 merit
+------------------------------------------+ | week median q1 q3 merit | |------------------------------------------| 1. | 2018w26 733 609 991 4465 | 2. | 2018w27 715 598 979 4278 | 3. | 2018w28 707 592 963 4247 | 4. | 2018w29 693 589 922 4167 | 5. | 2018w30 684 577 902 3661 | |------------------------------------------| 6. | 2018w31 682 575 891 3863 | 7. | 2018w32 675 567 880 4011 | 8. | 2018w33 667 559 867 3631 | 9. | 2018w34 652 555 848 3805 | 10. | 2018w35 642 537 844 3072 | |------------------------------------------| 11. | 2018w36 639 528 838 3590 | 12. | 2018w37 634 528 829 5644 | 13. | 2018w38 641 530 846 7837 | 14. | 2018w39 640 531 839 4395 | 15. | 2018w40 639 528 829 4310 | |------------------------------------------| 16. | 2018w41 637 528 808 3816 | 17. | 2018w42 639 530 807 4829 | 18. | 2018w43 639 528 801 3953 | 19. | 2018w44 628 521 796 3347 | 20. | 2018w45 630 522 789 4525 | |------------------------------------------| 21. | 2018w46 628 523 788 3747 | 22. | 2018w47 628 522.5 783.5 4575 | 23. | 2018w48 627 522 778 3765 | 24. | 2018w49 623.5 520 775 3571 | 25. | 2018w50 622 520 774 3805 | |------------------------------------------| 26. | 2018w51 621.5 517.5 770 3769 | 27. | 2018w52 617.5 514 764 3338 | 28. | 2019w1 617 514 769 4803 | 29. | 2019w2 621.5 515 775 6632 | 30. | 2019w3 623 517 777 5317 | |------------------------------------------| 31. | 2019w4 623.5 518.5 775 4667 | 32. | 2019w5 622 518 775 4491 | 33. | 2019w6 622 520 775 4332 | 34. | 2019w7 621 522 771 4221 | 35. | 2019w8 621.5 521 770 4521 | |------------------------------------------| 36. | 2019w9 622 520 769 4638 | 37. | 2019w10 624 522 766 4913 | 38. | 2019w11 624 522 762 4326 | 39. | 2019w12 626.5 523 761 4609 | 40. | 2019w13 628 525 766 6130 | |------------------------------------------| 41. | 2019w14 627.5 529 761 4526 | 42. | 2019w15 629 530 762 5271 | 43. | 2019w16 632.5 530.5 764 4688 | 44. | 2019w17 629 530 762 4448 | 45. | 2019w18 629 531 762 4764 | |------------------------------------------| 46. | 2019w19 636 532 762 5454 | 47. | 2019w20 638.5 532.5 767.5 5214 | 48. | 2019w21 639 533 766 4580 | 49. | 2019w22 639 535 761 4445 | 50. | 2019w23 639 535 761 4687 | |------------------------------------------| 51. | 2019w24 640 536 764 5354 | 52. | 2019w25 640 537 762 4726 | 53. | 2019w26 640 535 762 4367 | 54. | 2019w27 640 535 761 4225 | 55. | 2019w28 639 532.5 761 4119 | |------------------------------------------| 56. | 2019w29 639 532 761 4277 | 57. | 2019w30 636.5 533 760 4176 | 58. | 2019w31 629 532 760 3549 | 59. | 2019w32 628 530 757 3207 | 60. | 2019w33 628 530 755 4236 | |------------------------------------------| 61. | 2019w34 627 529 752 3622 |
List of median, q1, q3 of intra-day merits over weeks, in descending orders of medians.. list week median q1 q3 merit
+------------------------------------------+ | week median q1 q3 merit | |------------------------------------------| 1. | 2019w1 617 514 769 4803 | 2. | 2018w52 617.5 514 764 3338 | 3. | 2019w7 621 522 771 4221 | 4. | 2019w2 621.5 515 775 6632 | 5. | 2018w51 621.5 517.5 770 3769 | |------------------------------------------| 6. | 2019w8 621.5 521 770 4521 | 7. | 2019w5 622 518 775 4491 | 8. | 2018w50 622 520 774 3805 | 9. | 2019w9 622 520 769 4638 | 10. | 2019w6 622 520 775 4332 | |------------------------------------------| 11. | 2019w3 623 517 777 5317 | 12. | 2019w4 623.5 518.5 775 4667 | 13. | 2018w49 623.5 520 775 3571 | 14. | 2019w11 624 522 762 4326 | 15. | 2019w10 624 522 766 4913 | |------------------------------------------| 16. | 2019w12 626.5 523 761 4609 | 17. | 2018w48 627 522 778 3765 | 18. | 2019w34 627 529 752 3622 | 19. | 2019w14 627.5 529 761 4526 | 20. | 2019w33 628 530 755 4236 | |------------------------------------------| 21. | 2018w46 628 523 788 3747 | 22. | 2019w13 628 525 766 6130 | 23. | 2018w47 628 522.5 783.5 4575 | 24. | 2018w44 628 521 796 3347 | 25. | 2019w32 628 530 757 3207 | |------------------------------------------| 26. | 2019w31 629 532 760 3549 | 27. | 2019w18 629 531 762 4764 | 28. | 2019w15 629 530 762 5271 | 29. | 2019w17 629 530 762 4448 | 30. | 2018w45 630 522 789 4525 | |------------------------------------------| 31. | 2019w16 632.5 530.5 764 4688 | 32. | 2018w37 634 528 829 5644 | 33. | 2019w19 636 532 762 5454 | 34. | 2019w30 636.5 533 760 4176 | 35. | 2018w41 637 528 808 3816 | |------------------------------------------| 36. | 2019w20 638.5 532.5 767.5 5214 | 37. | 2019w28 639 532.5 761 4119 | 38. | 2018w42 639 530 807 4829 | 39. | 2019w21 639 533 766 4580 | 40. | 2019w23 639 535 761 4687 | |------------------------------------------| 41. | 2018w40 639 528 829 4310 | 42. | 2018w43 639 528 801 3953 | 43. | 2019w29 639 532 761 4277 | 44. | 2018w36 639 528 838 3590 | 45. | 2019w22 639 535 761 4445 | |------------------------------------------| 46. | 2019w27 640 535 761 4225 | 47. | 2019w24 640 536 764 5354 | 48. | 2019w26 640 535 762 4367 | 49. | 2019w25 640 537 762 4726 | 50. | 2018w39 640 531 839 4395 | |------------------------------------------| 51. | 2018w38 641 530 846 7837 | 52. | 2018w35 642 537 844 3072 | 53. | 2018w34 652 555 848 3805 | 54. | 2018w33 667 559 867 3631 | 55. | 2018w32 675 567 880 4011 | |------------------------------------------| 56. | 2018w31 682 575 891 3863 | 57. | 2018w30 684 577 902 3661 | 58. | 2018w29 693 589 922 4167 | 59. | 2018w28 707 592 963 4247 | 60. | 2018w27 715 598 979 4278 | |------------------------------------------| 61. | 2018w26 733 609 991 4465 |
Now, let's take a look at the variations of intraday medians over weeks. Method: I took medians of intraday merits over weeks (since 2018w46, from id 293 - 299, here). The median of intraday merits at the end of 2018w46 will be calculated from intraday merits started from days with id #26 - # 299; days before id #26 truncated due to extremely outliers. For later weeks, just moving forwards with each 7-day-time-frame to calculate next medians of intradays over weeks. Results:Since 2018w48 to 2019w34, the dataset has: - 58 weeks in total. - Median of median of intraday merits over weeks is 629.5 ~ 630. - Interquartile range of median of median of intraday merits over weeks ranges from 624 to 639 (same as last week's result). . tabstat median, s(n mean sd p25 p50 p75 min max) format(%9.1f)
variable | N mean sd p25 p50 p75 min max -------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- median | 58.0 635.3 16.0 624.0 629.5 639.0 617.0 693.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Data source:- From LoyceV's weekly data dumps. - From my converted datasets in the topic: Time Series Analysis on Distributed Merits in the forum (daily, weekly, monthly)
tranthidung (OP)
Activity: 2450
Merit: 4273
Farewell o_e_l_e_o
September 08, 2019, 03:31:22 AM |
Update:Time series plot of median and interquartile range Dataset for median, interquartile range of intraday merits. list week median q1 q3 merit
+------------------------------------------+ | week median q1 q3 merit | |------------------------------------------| 1. | 2018w26 733 609 991 4465 | 2. | 2018w27 715 598 979 4278 | 3. | 2018w28 707 592 963 4247 | 4. | 2018w29 693 589 922 4167 | 5. | 2018w30 684 577 902 3661 | |------------------------------------------| 6. | 2018w31 682 575 891 3863 | 7. | 2018w32 675 567 880 4011 | 8. | 2018w33 667 559 867 3631 | 9. | 2018w34 652 555 848 3805 | 10. | 2018w35 642 537 844 3072 | |------------------------------------------| 11. | 2018w36 639 528 838 3590 | 12. | 2018w37 634 528 829 5644 | 13. | 2018w38 641 530 846 7837 | 14. | 2018w39 640 531 839 4395 | 15. | 2018w40 639 528 829 4310 | |------------------------------------------| 16. | 2018w41 637 528 808 3816 | 17. | 2018w42 639 530 807 4829 | 18. | 2018w43 639 528 801 3953 | 19. | 2018w44 628 521 796 3347 | 20. | 2018w45 630 522 789 4525 | |------------------------------------------| 21. | 2018w46 628 523 788 3747 | 22. | 2018w47 628 522.5 783.5 4575 | 23. | 2018w48 627 522 778 3765 | 24. | 2018w49 623.5 520 775 3571 | 25. | 2018w50 622 520 774 3805 | |------------------------------------------| 26. | 2018w51 621.5 517.5 770 3769 | 27. | 2018w52 617.5 514 764 3338 | 28. | 2019w1 617 514 769 4803 | 29. | 2019w2 621.5 515 775 6632 | 30. | 2019w3 623 517 777 5317 | |------------------------------------------| 31. | 2019w4 623.5 518.5 775 4667 | 32. | 2019w5 622 518 775 4491 | 33. | 2019w6 622 520 775 4332 | 34. | 2019w7 621 522 771 4221 | 35. | 2019w8 621.5 521 770 4521 | |------------------------------------------| 36. | 2019w9 622 520 769 4638 | 37. | 2019w10 624 522 766 4913 | 38. | 2019w11 624 522 762 4326 | 39. | 2019w12 626.5 523 761 4609 | 40. | 2019w13 628 525 766 6130 | |------------------------------------------| 41. | 2019w14 627.5 529 761 4526 | 42. | 2019w15 629 530 762 5271 | 43. | 2019w16 632.5 530.5 764 4688 | 44. | 2019w17 629 530 762 4448 | 45. | 2019w18 629 531 762 4764 | |------------------------------------------| 46. | 2019w19 636 532 762 5454 | 47. | 2019w20 638.5 532.5 767.5 5214 | 48. | 2019w21 639 533 766 4580 | 49. | 2019w22 639 535 761 4445 | 50. | 2019w23 639 535 761 4687 | |------------------------------------------| 51. | 2019w24 640 536 764 5354 | 52. | 2019w25 640 537 762 4726 | 53. | 2019w26 640 535 762 4367 | 54. | 2019w27 640 535 761 4225 | 55. | 2019w28 639 532.5 761 4119 | |------------------------------------------| 56. | 2019w29 639 532 761 4277 | 57. | 2019w30 636.5 533 760 4176 | 58. | 2019w31 629 532 760 3549 | 59. | 2019w32 628 530 757 3207 | 60. | 2019w33 628 530 755 4236 | |------------------------------------------| 61. | 2019w34 627 529 752 3622 | 62. | 2019w35 627 528 750 3540 | +------------------------------------------+
List of median, q1, q3 of intra-day merits over weeks, in descending orders of medians.. list week median q1 q3 merit
+------------------------------------------+ | week median q1 q3 merit | |------------------------------------------| 1. | 2019w1 617 514 769 4803 | 2. | 2018w52 617.5 514 764 3338 | 3. | 2019w7 621 522 771 4221 | 4. | 2019w2 621.5 515 775 6632 | 5. | 2018w51 621.5 517.5 770 3769 | |------------------------------------------| 6. | 2019w8 621.5 521 770 4521 | 7. | 2018w50 622 520 774 3805 | 8. | 2019w9 622 520 769 4638 | 9. | 2019w5 622 518 775 4491 | 10. | 2019w6 622 520 775 4332 | |------------------------------------------| 11. | 2019w3 623 517 777 5317 | 12. | 2018w49 623.5 520 775 3571 | 13. | 2019w4 623.5 518.5 775 4667 | 14. | 2019w10 624 522 766 4913 | 15. | 2019w11 624 522 762 4326 | |------------------------------------------| 16. | 2019w12 626.5 523 761 4609 | 17. | 2019w35 627 528 750 3540 | 18. | 2019w34 627 529 752 3622 | 19. | 2018w48 627 522 778 3765 | 20. | 2019w14 627.5 529 761 4526 | |------------------------------------------| 21. | 2019w33 628 530 755 4236 | 22. | 2018w46 628 523 788 3747 | 23. | 2018w44 628 521 796 3347 | 24. | 2019w13 628 525 766 6130 | 25. | 2019w32 628 530 757 3207 | |------------------------------------------| 26. | 2018w47 628 522.5 783.5 4575 | 27. | 2019w15 629 530 762 5271 | 28. | 2019w18 629 531 762 4764 | 29. | 2019w31 629 532 760 3549 | 30. | 2019w17 629 530 762 4448 | |------------------------------------------| 31. | 2018w45 630 522 789 4525 | 32. | 2019w16 632.5 530.5 764 4688 | 33. | 2018w37 634 528 829 5644 | 34. | 2019w19 636 532 762 5454 | 35. | 2019w30 636.5 533 760 4176 | |------------------------------------------| 36. | 2018w41 637 528 808 3816 | 37. | 2019w20 638.5 532.5 767.5 5214 | 38. | 2019w28 639 532.5 761 4119 | 39. | 2019w23 639 535 761 4687 | 40. | 2019w21 639 533 766 4580 | |------------------------------------------| 41. | 2019w22 639 535 761 4445 | 42. | 2019w29 639 532 761 4277 | 43. | 2018w40 639 528 829 4310 | 44. | 2018w43 639 528 801 3953 | 45. | 2018w36 639 528 838 3590 | |------------------------------------------| 46. | 2018w42 639 530 807 4829 | 47. | 2019w27 640 535 761 4225 | 48. | 2019w24 640 536 764 5354 | 49. | 2018w39 640 531 839 4395 | 50. | 2019w25 640 537 762 4726 | |------------------------------------------| 51. | 2019w26 640 535 762 4367 | 52. | 2018w38 641 530 846 7837 | 53. | 2018w35 642 537 844 3072 | 54. | 2018w34 652 555 848 3805 | 55. | 2018w33 667 559 867 3631 | |------------------------------------------| 56. | 2018w32 675 567 880 4011 | 57. | 2018w31 682 575 891 3863 | 58. | 2018w30 684 577 902 3661 | 59. | 2018w29 693 589 922 4167 | 60. | 2018w28 707 592 963 4247 | |------------------------------------------| 61. | 2018w27 715 598 979 4278 | 62. | 2018w26 733 609 991 4465 | +------------------------------------------+
Now, let's take a look at the variations of intraday medians over weeks. Method: I took medians of intraday merits over weeks (since 2018w46, from id 293 - 299, here). The median of intraday merits at the end of 2018w46 will be calculated from intraday merits started from days with id #26 - # 299; days before id #26 truncated due to extremely outliers. For later weeks, just moving forwards with each 7-day-time-frame to calculate next medians of intradays over weeks. Results:Since 2018w48 to 2019w35, the dataset has: - 59 weeks in total. - Median of median of intraday merits over weeks is 629. - Interquartile range of median of median of intraday merits over weeks ranges from 624 to 639 (same as last week's result). . tabstat median, s(n mean sd p25 p50 p75 min max) format(%9.1f)
variable | N mean sd p25 p50 p75 min max -------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- median | 59.0 635.2 15.9 624.0 629.0 639.0 617.0 693.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Data source:- From LoyceV's weekly data dumps. - From my converted datasets in the topic: Time Series Analysis on Distributed Merits in the forum (daily, weekly, monthly)
tranthidung (OP)
Activity: 2450
Merit: 4273
Farewell o_e_l_e_o
September 14, 2019, 09:19:32 AM Last edit: September 22, 2019, 04:45:58 AM by tranthidung |
Update:Time series plot of median and interquartile range Dataset for median, interquartile range of intraday merits. list week median q1 q3 merit
+------------------------------------------+ | week median q1 q3 merit | |------------------------------------------| 1. | 2018w26 733 609 991 4465 | 2. | 2018w27 715 598 979 4278 | 3. | 2018w28 707 592 963 4247 | 4. | 2018w29 693 589 922 4167 | 5. | 2018w30 684 577 902 3661 | |------------------------------------------| 6. | 2018w31 682 575 891 3863 | 7. | 2018w32 675 567 880 4011 | 8. | 2018w33 667 559 867 3631 | 9. | 2018w34 652 555 848 3805 | 10. | 2018w35 642 537 844 3072 | |------------------------------------------| 11. | 2018w36 639 528 838 3590 | 12. | 2018w37 634 528 829 5644 | 13. | 2018w38 641 530 846 7837 | 14. | 2018w39 640 531 839 4395 | 15. | 2018w40 639 528 829 4310 | |------------------------------------------| 16. | 2018w41 637 528 808 3816 | 17. | 2018w42 639 530 807 4829 | 18. | 2018w43 639 528 801 3953 | 19. | 2018w44 628 521 796 3347 | 20. | 2018w45 630 522 789 4525 | |------------------------------------------| 21. | 2018w46 628 523 788 3747 | 22. | 2018w47 628 522.5 783.5 4575 | 23. | 2018w48 627 522 778 3765 | 24. | 2018w49 623.5 520 775 3571 | 25. | 2018w50 622 520 774 3805 | |------------------------------------------| 26. | 2018w51 621.5 517.5 770 3769 | 27. | 2018w52 617.5 514 764 3338 | 28. | 2019w1 617 514 769 4803 | 29. | 2019w2 621.5 515 775 6632 | 30. | 2019w3 623 517 777 5317 | |------------------------------------------| 31. | 2019w4 623.5 518.5 775 4667 | 32. | 2019w5 622 518 775 4491 | 33. | 2019w6 622 520 775 4332 | 34. | 2019w7 621 522 771 4221 | 35. | 2019w8 621.5 521 770 4521 | |------------------------------------------| 36. | 2019w9 622 520 769 4638 | 37. | 2019w10 624 522 766 4913 | 38. | 2019w11 624 522 762 4326 | 39. | 2019w12 626.5 523 761 4609 | 40. | 2019w13 628 525 766 6130 | |------------------------------------------| 41. | 2019w14 627.5 529 761 4526 | 42. | 2019w15 629 530 762 5271 | 43. | 2019w16 632.5 530.5 764 4688 | 44. | 2019w17 629 530 762 4448 | 45. | 2019w18 629 531 762 4764 | |------------------------------------------| 46. | 2019w19 636 532 762 5454 | 47. | 2019w20 638.5 532.5 767.5 5214 | 48. | 2019w21 639 533 766 4580 | 49. | 2019w22 639 535 761 4445 | 50. | 2019w23 639 535 761 4687 | |------------------------------------------| 51. | 2019w24 640 536 764 5354 | 52. | 2019w25 640 537 762 4726 | 53. | 2019w26 640 535 762 4367 | 54. | 2019w27 640 535 761 4225 | 55. | 2019w28 639 532.5 761 4119 | |------------------------------------------| 56. | 2019w29 639 532 761 4277 | 57. | 2019w30 636.5 533 760 4176 | 58. | 2019w31 629 532 760 3549 | 59. | 2019w32 628 530 757 3207 | 60. | 2019w33 628 530 755 4236 | |------------------------------------------| 61. | 2019w34 627 529 752 3622 | 62. | 2019w35 627 528 750 3540 | 63. | 2019w36 625.5 526.5 742 3809 |
List of median, q1, q3 of intra-day merits over weeks, in descending orders of medians.. list week median q1 q3 merit
+------------------------------------------+ | week median q1 q3 merit | |------------------------------------------| 1. | 2019w1 617 514 769 4803 | 2. | 2018w52 617.5 514 764 3338 | 3. | 2019w7 621 522 771 4221 | 4. | 2018w51 621.5 517.5 770 3769 | 5. | 2019w8 621.5 521 770 4521 | |------------------------------------------| 6. | 2019w2 621.5 515 775 6632 | 7. | 2019w6 622 520 775 4332 | 8. | 2019w5 622 518 775 4491 | 9. | 2018w50 622 520 774 3805 | 10. | 2019w9 622 520 769 4638 | |------------------------------------------| 11. | 2019w3 623 517 777 5317 | 12. | 2018w49 623.5 520 775 3571 | 13. | 2019w4 623.5 518.5 775 4667 | 14. | 2019w10 624 522 766 4913 | 15. | 2019w11 624 522 762 4326 | |------------------------------------------| 16. | 2019w36 625.5 526.5 742 3809 | 17. | 2019w12 626.5 523 761 4609 | 18. | 2019w34 627 529 752 3622 | 19. | 2019w35 627 528 750 3540 | 20. | 2018w48 627 522 778 3765 | |------------------------------------------| 21. | 2019w14 627.5 529 761 4526 | 22. | 2019w32 628 530 757 3207 | 23. | 2019w33 628 530 755 4236 | 24. | 2019w13 628 525 766 6130 | 25. | 2018w44 628 521 796 3347 | |------------------------------------------| 26. | 2018w46 628 523 788 3747 | 27. | 2018w47 628 522.5 783.5 4575 | 28. | 2019w18 629 531 762 4764 | 29. | 2019w15 629 530 762 5271 | 30. | 2019w31 629 532 760 3549 | |------------------------------------------| 31. | 2019w17 629 530 762 4448 | 32. | 2018w45 630 522 789 4525 | 33. | 2019w16 632.5 530.5 764 4688 | 34. | 2018w37 634 528 829 5644 | 35. | 2019w19 636 532 762 5454 | |------------------------------------------| 36. | 2019w30 636.5 533 760 4176 | 37. | 2018w41 637 528 808 3816 | 38. | 2019w20 638.5 532.5 767.5 5214 | 39. | 2019w29 639 532 761 4277 | 40. | 2019w23 639 535 761 4687 | |------------------------------------------| 41. | 2019w21 639 533 766 4580 | 42. | 2018w36 639 528 838 3590 | 43. | 2018w42 639 530 807 4829 | 44. | 2019w28 639 532.5 761 4119 | 45. | 2018w40 639 528 829 4310 | |------------------------------------------| 46. | 2018w43 639 528 801 3953 | 47. | 2019w22 639 535 761 4445 | 48. | 2019w27 640 535 761 4225 | 49. | 2019w25 640 537 762 4726 | 50. | 2019w26 640 535 762 4367 | |------------------------------------------| 51. | 2019w24 640 536 764 5354 | 52. | 2018w39 640 531 839 4395 | 53. | 2018w38 641 530 846 7837 | 54. | 2018w35 642 537 844 3072 | 55. | 2018w34 652 555 848 3805 | |------------------------------------------| 56. | 2018w33 667 559 867 3631 | 57. | 2018w32 675 567 880 4011 | 58. | 2018w31 682 575 891 3863 | 59. | 2018w30 684 577 902 3661 | 60. | 2018w29 693 589 922 4167 | |------------------------------------------| 61. | 2018w28 707 592 963 4247 | 62. | 2018w27 715 598 979 4278 | 63. | 2018w26 733 609 991 4465 |
Now, let's take a look at the variations of intraday medians over weeks. Method: I took medians of intraday merits over weeks (since 2018w46, from id 293 - 299, here). The median of intraday merits at the end of 2018w46 will be calculated from intraday merits started from days with id #26 - # 299; days before id #26 truncated due to extremely outliers. For later weeks, just moving forwards with each 7-day-time-frame to calculate next medians of intradays over weeks. Results:Since 2018w48 to 2019w36, the dataset has: - 60 weeks in total. - Median of median of intraday merits over weeks is 629. - Interquartile range of median of median of intraday merits over weeks ranges from 625 to 639. . tabstat median, s(n mean sd p25 p50 p75 min max) format(%9.1f)
variable | N mean sd p25 p50 p75 min max -------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- median | 60.0 635.0 15.9 624.8 629.0 639.0 617.0 693.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Data source:- From LoyceV's weekly data dumps. - From my converted datasets in the topic: Time Series Analysis on Distributed Merits in the forum (daily, weekly, monthly)
tranthidung (OP)
Activity: 2450
Merit: 4273
Farewell o_e_l_e_o
September 22, 2019, 04:42:12 AM |
Update:Time series plot of median and interquartile range Dataset for median, interquartile range of intraday merits . list week median q1 q3 merit
+------------------------------------------+ | week median q1 q3 merit | |------------------------------------------| 1. | 2018w26 733 609 991 4465 | 2. | 2018w27 715 598 979 4278 | 3. | 2018w28 707 592 963 4247 | 4. | 2018w29 693 589 922 4167 | 5. | 2018w30 684 577 902 3661 | |------------------------------------------| 6. | 2018w31 682 575 891 3863 | 7. | 2018w32 675 567 880 4011 | 8. | 2018w33 667 559 867 3631 | 9. | 2018w34 652 555 848 3805 | 10. | 2018w35 642 537 844 3072 | |------------------------------------------| 11. | 2018w36 639 528 838 3590 | 12. | 2018w37 634 528 829 5644 | 13. | 2018w38 641 530 846 7837 | 14. | 2018w39 640 531 839 4395 | 15. | 2018w40 639 528 829 4310 | |------------------------------------------| 16. | 2018w41 637 528 808 3816 | 17. | 2018w42 639 530 807 4829 | 18. | 2018w43 639 528 801 3953 | 19. | 2018w44 628 521 796 3347 | 20. | 2018w45 630 522 789 4525 | |------------------------------------------| 21. | 2018w46 628 523 788 3747 | 22. | 2018w47 628 522.5 783.5 4575 | 23. | 2018w48 627 522 778 3765 | 24. | 2018w49 623.5 520 775 3571 | 25. | 2018w50 622 520 774 3805 | |------------------------------------------| 26. | 2018w51 621.5 517.5 770 3769 | 27. | 2018w52 617.5 514 764 3338 | 28. | 2019w1 617 514 769 4803 | 29. | 2019w2 621.5 515 775 6632 | 30. | 2019w3 623 517 777 5317 | |------------------------------------------| 31. | 2019w4 623.5 518.5 775 4667 | 32. | 2019w5 622 518 775 4491 | 33. | 2019w6 622 520 775 4332 | 34. | 2019w7 621 522 771 4221 | 35. | 2019w8 621.5 521 770 4521 | |------------------------------------------| 36. | 2019w9 622 520 769 4638 | 37. | 2019w10 624 522 766 4913 | 38. | 2019w11 624 522 762 4326 | 39. | 2019w12 626.5 523 761 4609 | 40. | 2019w13 628 525 766 6130 | |------------------------------------------| 41. | 2019w14 627.5 529 761 4526 | 42. | 2019w15 629 530 762 5271 | 43. | 2019w16 632.5 530.5 764 4688 | 44. | 2019w17 629 530 762 4448 | 45. | 2019w18 629 531 762 4764 | |------------------------------------------| 46. | 2019w19 636 532 762 5454 | 47. | 2019w20 638.5 532.5 767.5 5214 | 48. | 2019w21 639 533 766 4580 | 49. | 2019w22 639 535 761 4445 | 50. | 2019w23 639 535 761 4687 | |------------------------------------------| 51. | 2019w24 640 536 764 5354 | 52. | 2019w25 640 537 762 4726 | 53. | 2019w26 640 535 762 4367 | 54. | 2019w27 640 535 761 4225 | 55. | 2019w28 639 532.5 761 4119 | |------------------------------------------| 56. | 2019w29 639 532 761 4277 | 57. | 2019w30 636.5 533 760 4176 | 58. | 2019w31 629 532 760 3549 | 59. | 2019w32 628 530 757 3207 | 60. | 2019w33 628 530 755 4236 | |------------------------------------------| 61. | 2019w34 627 529 752 3622 | 62. | 2019w35 627 528 750 3540 | 63. | 2019w36 625.5 526.5 742 3809 | 64. | 2019w37 625 525 742 4043 | +------------------------------------------+
List of median, q1, q3 of intra-day merits over weeks, in descending orders of medians.. list week median q1 q3 merit
+------------------------------------------+ | week median q1 q3 merit | |------------------------------------------| 1. | 2019w1 617 514 769 4803 | 2. | 2018w52 617.5 514 764 3338 | 3. | 2019w7 621 522 771 4221 | 4. | 2019w2 621.5 515 775 6632 | 5. | 2019w8 621.5 521 770 4521 | |------------------------------------------| 6. | 2018w51 621.5 517.5 770 3769 | 7. | 2018w50 622 520 774 3805 | 8. | 2019w9 622 520 769 4638 | 9. | 2019w6 622 520 775 4332 | 10. | 2019w5 622 518 775 4491 | |------------------------------------------| 11. | 2019w3 623 517 777 5317 | 12. | 2019w4 623.5 518.5 775 4667 | 13. | 2018w49 623.5 520 775 3571 | 14. | 2019w10 624 522 766 4913 | 15. | 2019w11 624 522 762 4326 | |------------------------------------------| 16. | 2019w37 625 525 742 4043 | 17. | 2019w36 625.5 526.5 742 3809 | 18. | 2019w12 626.5 523 761 4609 | 19. | 2018w48 627 522 778 3765 | 20. | 2019w35 627 528 750 3540 | |------------------------------------------| 21. | 2019w34 627 529 752 3622 | 22. | 2019w14 627.5 529 761 4526 | 23. | 2019w33 628 530 755 4236 | 24. | 2018w44 628 521 796 3347 | 25. | 2018w47 628 522.5 783.5 4575 | |------------------------------------------| 26. | 2019w13 628 525 766 6130 | 27. | 2019w32 628 530 757 3207 | 28. | 2018w46 628 523 788 3747 | 29. | 2019w18 629 531 762 4764 | 30. | 2019w17 629 530 762 4448 | |------------------------------------------| 31. | 2019w31 629 532 760 3549 | 32. | 2019w15 629 530 762 5271 | 33. | 2018w45 630 522 789 4525 | 34. | 2019w16 632.5 530.5 764 4688 | 35. | 2018w37 634 528 829 5644 | |------------------------------------------| 36. | 2019w19 636 532 762 5454 | 37. | 2019w30 636.5 533 760 4176 | 38. | 2018w41 637 528 808 3816 | 39. | 2019w20 638.5 532.5 767.5 5214 | 40. | 2019w21 639 533 766 4580 | |------------------------------------------| 41. | 2018w43 639 528 801 3953 | 42. | 2019w29 639 532 761 4277 | 43. | 2018w40 639 528 829 4310 | 44. | 2018w36 639 528 838 3590 | 45. | 2018w42 639 530 807 4829 | |------------------------------------------| 46. | 2019w28 639 532.5 761 4119 | 47. | 2019w22 639 535 761 4445 | 48. | 2019w23 639 535 761 4687 | 49. | 2019w25 640 537 762 4726 | 50. | 2019w26 640 535 762 4367 | |------------------------------------------| 51. | 2018w39 640 531 839 4395 | 52. | 2019w27 640 535 761 4225 | 53. | 2019w24 640 536 764 5354 | 54. | 2018w38 641 530 846 7837 | 55. | 2018w35 642 537 844 3072 | |------------------------------------------| 56. | 2018w34 652 555 848 3805 | 57. | 2018w33 667 559 867 3631 | 58. | 2018w32 675 567 880 4011 | 59. | 2018w31 682 575 891 3863 | 60. | 2018w30 684 577 902 3661 | |------------------------------------------| 61. | 2018w29 693 589 922 4167 | 62. | 2018w28 707 592 963 4247 | 63. | 2018w27 715 598 979 4278 | 64. | 2018w26 733 609 991 4465 | +------------------------------------------+
Now, let's take a look at the variations of intra-day medians over weeks. Method: I took medians of intraday merits over weeks (since 2018w46, from id 293 - 299, here). The median of intraday merits at the end of 2018w46 will be calculated from intraday merits started from days with id #26 - # 299; days before id #26 truncated due to extremely outliers. For later weeks, just moving forwards with each 7-day-time-frame to calculate next medians of intradays over weeks. Results:Since 2018w48 to 2019w37, the dataset has: - 61 weeks in total. - Median of median of intraday merits over weeks is 629. - Interquartile range of median of median of intraday merits over weeks ranges from 629 to 639. . tabstat median, s(n mean sd p25 p50 p75 min max) format(%9.1f)
variable | N mean sd p25 p50 p75 min max -------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- median | 61.0 634.9 15.8 625.0 629.0 639.0 617.0 693.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Data source:- From LoyceV's weekly data dumps. - From my converted datasets in the topic: Time Series Analysis on Distributed Merits in the forum (daily, weekly, monthly)
tranthidung (OP)
Activity: 2450
Merit: 4273
Farewell o_e_l_e_o
September 28, 2019, 01:32:32 PM |
Update:Time series plot of median and interquartile range Dataset for median, interquartile range of intraday merits. list week median q1 q3 merit
+------------------------------------------+ | week median q1 q3 merit | |------------------------------------------| 1. | 2018w26 733 609 991 4465 | 2. | 2018w27 715 598 979 4278 | 3. | 2018w28 707 592 963 4247 | 4. | 2018w29 693 589 922 4167 | 5. | 2018w30 684 577 902 3661 | |------------------------------------------| 6. | 2018w31 682 575 891 3863 | 7. | 2018w32 675 567 880 4011 | 8. | 2018w33 667 559 867 3631 | 9. | 2018w34 652 555 848 3805 | 10. | 2018w35 642 537 844 3072 | |------------------------------------------| 11. | 2018w36 639 528 838 3590 | 12. | 2018w37 634 528 829 5644 | 13. | 2018w38 641 530 846 7837 | 14. | 2018w39 640 531 839 4395 | 15. | 2018w40 639 528 829 4310 | |------------------------------------------| 16. | 2018w41 637 528 808 3816 | 17. | 2018w42 639 530 807 4829 | 18. | 2018w43 639 528 801 3953 | 19. | 2018w44 628 521 796 3347 | 20. | 2018w45 630 522 789 4525 | |------------------------------------------| 21. | 2018w46 628 523 788 3747 | 22. | 2018w47 628 522.5 783.5 4575 | 23. | 2018w48 627 522 778 3765 | 24. | 2018w49 623.5 520 775 3571 | 25. | 2018w50 622 520 774 3805 | |------------------------------------------| 26. | 2018w51 621.5 517.5 770 3769 | 27. | 2018w52 617.5 514 764 3338 | 28. | 2019w1 617 514 769 4803 | 29. | 2019w2 621.5 515 775 6632 | 30. | 2019w3 623 517 777 5317 | |------------------------------------------| 31. | 2019w4 623.5 518.5 775 4667 | 32. | 2019w5 622 518 775 4491 | 33. | 2019w6 622 520 775 4332 | 34. | 2019w7 621 522 771 4221 | 35. | 2019w8 621.5 521 770 4521 | |------------------------------------------| 36. | 2019w9 622 520 769 4638 | 37. | 2019w10 624 522 766 4913 | 38. | 2019w11 624 522 762 4326 | 39. | 2019w12 626.5 523 761 4609 | 40. | 2019w13 628 525 766 6130 | |------------------------------------------| 41. | 2019w14 627.5 529 761 4526 | 42. | 2019w15 629 530 762 5271 | 43. | 2019w16 632.5 530.5 764 4688 | 44. | 2019w17 629 530 762 4448 | 45. | 2019w18 629 531 762 4764 | |------------------------------------------| 46. | 2019w19 636 532 762 5454 | 47. | 2019w20 638.5 532.5 767.5 5214 | 48. | 2019w21 639 533 766 4580 | 49. | 2019w22 639 535 761 4445 | 50. | 2019w23 639 535 761 4687 | |------------------------------------------| 51. | 2019w24 640 536 764 5354 | 52. | 2019w25 640 537 762 4726 | 53. | 2019w26 640 535 762 4367 | 54. | 2019w27 640 535 761 4225 | 55. | 2019w28 639 532.5 761 4119 | |------------------------------------------| 56. | 2019w29 639 532 761 4277 | 57. | 2019w30 636.5 533 760 4176 | 58. | 2019w31 629 532 760 3549 | 59. | 2019w32 628 530 757 3207 | 60. | 2019w33 628 530 755 4236 | |------------------------------------------| 61. | 2019w34 627 529 752 3622 | 62. | 2019w35 627 528 750 3540 | 63. | 2019w36 625.5 526.5 742 3809 | 64. | 2019w37 625 525 742 4043 | 65. | 2019w38 624 528 738 4520 |
List of median, q1, q3 of intra-day merits over weeks, in descending orders of medians.. list week median q1 q3 merit
+------------------------------------------+ | week median q1 q3 merit | |------------------------------------------| 1. | 2019w1 617 514 769 4803 | 2. | 2018w52 617.5 514 764 3338 | 3. | 2019w7 621 522 771 4221 | 4. | 2019w8 621.5 521 770 4521 | 5. | 2018w51 621.5 517.5 770 3769 | |------------------------------------------| 6. | 2019w2 621.5 515 775 6632 | 7. | 2018w50 622 520 774 3805 | 8. | 2019w9 622 520 769 4638 | 9. | 2019w6 622 520 775 4332 | 10. | 2019w5 622 518 775 4491 | |------------------------------------------| 11. | 2019w3 623 517 777 5317 | 12. | 2018w49 623.5 520 775 3571 | 13. | 2019w4 623.5 518.5 775 4667 | 14. | 2019w10 624 522 766 4913 | 15. | 2019w38 624 528 738 4520 | |------------------------------------------| 16. | 2019w11 624 522 762 4326 | 17. | 2019w37 625 525 742 4043 | 18. | 2019w36 625.5 526.5 742 3809 | 19. | 2019w12 626.5 523 761 4609 | 20. | 2019w35 627 528 750 3540 | |------------------------------------------| 21. | 2018w48 627 522 778 3765 | 22. | 2019w34 627 529 752 3622 | 23. | 2019w14 627.5 529 761 4526 | 24. | 2019w32 628 530 757 3207 | 25. | 2019w13 628 525 766 6130 | |------------------------------------------| 26. | 2019w33 628 530 755 4236 | 27. | 2018w46 628 523 788 3747 | 28. | 2018w47 628 522.5 783.5 4575 | 29. | 2018w44 628 521 796 3347 | 30. | 2019w15 629 530 762 5271 | |------------------------------------------| 31. | 2019w18 629 531 762 4764 | 32. | 2019w31 629 532 760 3549 | 33. | 2019w17 629 530 762 4448 | 34. | 2018w45 630 522 789 4525 | 35. | 2019w16 632.5 530.5 764 4688 | |------------------------------------------| 36. | 2018w37 634 528 829 5644 | 37. | 2019w19 636 532 762 5454 | 38. | 2019w30 636.5 533 760 4176 | 39. | 2018w41 637 528 808 3816 | 40. | 2019w20 638.5 532.5 767.5 5214 | |------------------------------------------| 41. | 2018w43 639 528 801 3953 | 42. | 2018w36 639 528 838 3590 | 43. | 2019w29 639 532 761 4277 | 44. | 2019w23 639 535 761 4687 | 45. | 2019w21 639 533 766 4580 | |------------------------------------------| 46. | 2019w28 639 532.5 761 4119 | 47. | 2019w22 639 535 761 4445 | 48. | 2018w40 639 528 829 4310 | 49. | 2018w42 639 530 807 4829 | 50. | 2019w26 640 535 762 4367 | |------------------------------------------| 51. | 2018w39 640 531 839 4395 | 52. | 2019w27 640 535 761 4225 | 53. | 2019w25 640 537 762 4726 | 54. | 2019w24 640 536 764 5354 | 55. | 2018w38 641 530 846 7837 | |------------------------------------------| 56. | 2018w35 642 537 844 3072 | 57. | 2018w34 652 555 848 3805 | 58. | 2018w33 667 559 867 3631 | 59. | 2018w32 675 567 880 4011 | 60. | 2018w31 682 575 891 3863 | |------------------------------------------| 61. | 2018w30 684 577 902 3661 | 62. | 2018w29 693 589 922 4167 | 63. | 2018w28 707 592 963 4247 | 64. | 2018w27 715 598 979 4278 | 65. | 2018w26 733 609 991 4465 |
Now, let's take a look at the variations of intra-day medians over weeks. Method: I took medians of intraday merits over weeks (since 2018w46, from id 293 - 299, here). The median of intraday merits at the end of 2018w46 will be calculated from intraday merits started from days with id #26 - # 299; days before id #26 truncated due to extremely outliers. For later weeks, just moving forwards with each 7-day-time-frame to calculate next medians of intradays over weeks. Results:Since 2018w48 to 2019w38, the dataset has: - 62 weeks in total. - Median of median of intraday merits over weeks is 629. - Interquartile range of median of median of intraday merits over weeks ranges from 624 to 639. . tabstat median, s(n mean sd p25 p50 p75 min max) format(%9.1f)
variable | N mean sd p25 p50 p75 min max -------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- median | 62.0 634.7 15.7 624.0 629.0 639.0 617.0 693.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Data source:- From LoyceV's weekly data dumps. - From my converted datasets in the topic: Time Series Analysis on Distributed Merits in the forum (daily, weekly, monthly)
tranthidung (OP)
Activity: 2450
Merit: 4273
Farewell o_e_l_e_o
October 07, 2019, 05:35:13 AM |
Update:Time series plot Dataset for median, interquartile range of intraday merits. list week median q1 q3 merit
+------------------------------------------+ | week median q1 q3 merit | |------------------------------------------| 1. | 2018w26 733 609 991 4465 | 2. | 2018w27 715 598 979 4278 | 3. | 2018w28 707 592 963 4247 | 4. | 2018w29 693 589 922 4167 | 5. | 2018w30 684 577 902 3661 | |------------------------------------------| 6. | 2018w31 682 575 891 3863 | 7. | 2018w32 675 567 880 4011 | 8. | 2018w33 667 559 867 3631 | 9. | 2018w34 652 555 848 3805 | 10. | 2018w35 642 537 844 3072 | |------------------------------------------| 11. | 2018w36 639 528 838 3590 | 12. | 2018w37 634 528 829 5644 | 13. | 2018w38 641 530 846 7837 | 14. | 2018w39 640 531 839 4395 | 15. | 2018w40 639 528 829 4310 | |------------------------------------------| 16. | 2018w41 637 528 808 3816 | 17. | 2018w42 639 530 807 4829 | 18. | 2018w43 639 528 801 3953 | 19. | 2018w44 628 521 796 3347 | 20. | 2018w45 630 522 789 4525 | |------------------------------------------| 21. | 2018w46 628 523 788 3747 | 22. | 2018w47 628 522.5 783.5 4575 | 23. | 2018w48 627 522 778 3765 | 24. | 2018w49 623.5 520 775 3571 | 25. | 2018w50 622 520 774 3805 | |------------------------------------------| 26. | 2018w51 621.5 517.5 770 3769 | 27. | 2018w52 617.5 514 764 3338 | 28. | 2019w1 617 514 769 4803 | 29. | 2019w2 621.5 515 775 6632 | 30. | 2019w3 623 517 777 5317 | |------------------------------------------| 31. | 2019w4 623.5 518.5 775 4667 | 32. | 2019w5 622 518 775 4491 | 33. | 2019w6 622 520 775 4332 | 34. | 2019w7 621 522 771 4221 | 35. | 2019w8 621.5 521 770 4521 | |------------------------------------------| 36. | 2019w9 622 520 769 4638 | 37. | 2019w10 624 522 766 4913 | 38. | 2019w11 624 522 762 4326 | 39. | 2019w12 626.5 523 761 4609 | 40. | 2019w13 628 525 766 6130 | |------------------------------------------| 41. | 2019w14 627.5 529 761 4526 | 42. | 2019w15 629 530 762 5271 | 43. | 2019w16 632.5 530.5 764 4688 | 44. | 2019w17 629 530 762 4448 | 45. | 2019w18 629 531 762 4764 | |------------------------------------------| 46. | 2019w19 636 532 762 5454 | 47. | 2019w20 638.5 532.5 767.5 5214 | 48. | 2019w21 639 533 766 4580 | 49. | 2019w22 639 535 761 4445 | 50. | 2019w23 639 535 761 4687 | |------------------------------------------| 51. | 2019w24 640 536 764 5354 | 52. | 2019w25 640 537 762 4726 | 53. | 2019w26 640 535 762 4367 | 54. | 2019w27 640 535 761 4225 | 55. | 2019w28 639 532.5 761 4119 | |------------------------------------------| 56. | 2019w29 639 532 761 4277 | 57. | 2019w30 636.5 533 760 4176 | 58. | 2019w31 629 532 760 3549 | 59. | 2019w32 628 530 757 3207 | 60. | 2019w33 628 530 755 4236 | |------------------------------------------| 61. | 2019w34 627 529 752 3622 | 62. | 2019w35 627 528 750 3540 | 63. | 2019w36 625.5 526.5 742 3809 | 64. | 2019w37 625 525 742 4043 | 65. | 2019w38 624 528 738 4520 | |------------------------------------------| 66. | 2019w39 624 528 737 4318 |
List of median, q1, q3 of intra-day merits over weeks, in descending orders of medians.. list week median q1 q3 merit
+------------------------------------------+ | week median q1 q3 merit | |------------------------------------------| 1. | 2019w1 617 514 769 4803 | 2. | 2018w52 617.5 514 764 3338 | 3. | 2019w7 621 522 771 4221 | 4. | 2018w51 621.5 517.5 770 3769 | 5. | 2019w8 621.5 521 770 4521 | |------------------------------------------| 6. | 2019w2 621.5 515 775 6632 | 7. | 2019w9 622 520 769 4638 | 8. | 2019w6 622 520 775 4332 | 9. | 2019w5 622 518 775 4491 | 10. | 2018w50 622 520 774 3805 | |------------------------------------------| 11. | 2019w3 623 517 777 5317 | 12. | 2019w4 623.5 518.5 775 4667 | 13. | 2018w49 623.5 520 775 3571 | 14. | 2019w38 624 528 738 4520 | 15. | 2019w10 624 522 766 4913 | |------------------------------------------| 16. | 2019w11 624 522 762 4326 | 17. | 2019w39 624 528 737 4318 | 18. | 2019w37 625 525 742 4043 | 19. | 2019w36 625.5 526.5 742 3809 | 20. | 2019w12 626.5 523 761 4609 | |------------------------------------------| 21. | 2019w34 627 529 752 3622 | 22. | 2019w35 627 528 750 3540 | 23. | 2018w48 627 522 778 3765 | 24. | 2019w14 627.5 529 761 4526 | 25. | 2019w13 628 525 766 6130 | |------------------------------------------| 26. | 2018w46 628 523 788 3747 | 27. | 2019w32 628 530 757 3207 | 28. | 2019w33 628 530 755 4236 | 29. | 2018w47 628 522.5 783.5 4575 | 30. | 2018w44 628 521 796 3347 | |------------------------------------------| 31. | 2019w31 629 532 760 3549 | 32. | 2019w18 629 531 762 4764 | 33. | 2019w15 629 530 762 5271 | 34. | 2019w17 629 530 762 4448 | 35. | 2018w45 630 522 789 4525 | |------------------------------------------| 36. | 2019w16 632.5 530.5 764 4688 | 37. | 2018w37 634 528 829 5644 | 38. | 2019w19 636 532 762 5454 | 39. | 2019w30 636.5 533 760 4176 | 40. | 2018w41 637 528 808 3816 | |------------------------------------------| 41. | 2019w20 638.5 532.5 767.5 5214 | 42. | 2018w36 639 528 838 3590 | 43. | 2019w23 639 535 761 4687 | 44. | 2019w21 639 533 766 4580 | 45. | 2019w28 639 532.5 761 4119 | |------------------------------------------| 46. | 2018w43 639 528 801 3953 | 47. | 2019w22 639 535 761 4445 | 48. | 2019w29 639 532 761 4277 | 49. | 2018w40 639 528 829 4310 | 50. | 2018w42 639 530 807 4829 | |------------------------------------------| 51. | 2018w39 640 531 839 4395 | 52. | 2019w26 640 535 762 4367 | 53. | 2019w24 640 536 764 5354 | 54. | 2019w27 640 535 761 4225 | 55. | 2019w25 640 537 762 4726 | |------------------------------------------| 56. | 2018w38 641 530 846 7837 | 57. | 2018w35 642 537 844 3072 | 58. | 2018w34 652 555 848 3805 | 59. | 2018w33 667 559 867 3631 | 60. | 2018w32 675 567 880 4011 | |------------------------------------------| 61. | 2018w31 682 575 891 3863 | 62. | 2018w30 684 577 902 3661 | 63. | 2018w29 693 589 922 4167 | 64. | 2018w28 707 592 963 4247 | 65. | 2018w27 715 598 979 4278 | |------------------------------------------| 66. | 2018w26 733 609 991 4465 |
Now, let's take a look at the variations of intra-day medians over weeks. Method: I took medians of intraday merits over weeks (since 2018w46, from id 293 - 299, here). The median of intraday merits at the end of 2018w46 will be calculated from intraday merits started from days with id #26 - # 299; days before id #26 truncated due to extremely outliers. For later weeks, just moving forwards with each 7-day-time-frame to calculate next medians of intradays over weeks. Results:Since 2018w48 to 2019w39, the dataset has: - 63 weeks in total. - Median of median of intraday merits over weeks is 629. - Interquartile range of median of median of intraday merits over weeks ranges from 624 to 639. . tabstat median, s(n mean sd p25 p50 p75 min max) format(%9.1f)
variable | N mean sd p25 p50 p75 min max -------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- median | 63.0 634.5 15.6 624.0 629.0 639.0 617.0 693.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Data source:- From LoyceV's weekly data dumps. - From my converted datasets in the topic: Time Series Analysis on Distributed Merits in the forum (daily, weekly, monthly)
tranthidung (OP)
Activity: 2450
Merit: 4273
Farewell o_e_l_e_o
October 13, 2019, 02:56:54 PM |
Update:Time series plot Dataset for median, interquartile range of intraday merits. list week median q1 q3 merit
+------------------------------------------+ | week median q1 q3 merit | |------------------------------------------| 1. | 2018w26 733 609 991 4465 | 2. | 2018w27 715 598 979 4278 | 3. | 2018w28 707 592 963 4247 | 4. | 2018w29 693 589 922 4167 | 5. | 2018w30 684 577 902 3661 | |------------------------------------------| 6. | 2018w31 682 575 891 3863 | 7. | 2018w32 675 567 880 4011 | 8. | 2018w33 667 559 867 3631 | 9. | 2018w34 652 555 848 3805 | 10. | 2018w35 642 537 844 3072 | |------------------------------------------| 11. | 2018w36 639 528 838 3590 | 12. | 2018w37 634 528 829 5644 | 13. | 2018w38 641 530 846 7837 | 14. | 2018w39 640 531 839 4395 | 15. | 2018w40 639 528 829 4310 | |------------------------------------------| 16. | 2018w41 637 528 808 3816 | 17. | 2018w42 639 530 807 4829 | 18. | 2018w43 639 528 801 3953 | 19. | 2018w44 628 521 796 3347 | 20. | 2018w45 630 522 789 4525 | |------------------------------------------| 21. | 2018w46 628 523 788 3747 | 22. | 2018w47 628 522.5 783.5 4575 | 23. | 2018w48 627 522 778 3765 | 24. | 2018w49 623.5 520 775 3571 | 25. | 2018w50 622 520 774 3805 | |------------------------------------------| 26. | 2018w51 621.5 517.5 770 3769 | 27. | 2018w52 617.5 514 764 3338 | 28. | 2019w1 617 514 769 4803 | 29. | 2019w2 621.5 515 775 6632 | 30. | 2019w3 623 517 777 5317 | |------------------------------------------| 31. | 2019w4 623.5 518.5 775 4667 | 32. | 2019w5 622 518 775 4491 | 33. | 2019w6 622 520 775 4332 | 34. | 2019w7 621 522 771 4221 | 35. | 2019w8 621.5 521 770 4521 | |------------------------------------------| 36. | 2019w9 622 520 769 4638 | 37. | 2019w10 624 522 766 4913 | 38. | 2019w11 624 522 762 4326 | 39. | 2019w12 626.5 523 761 4609 | 40. | 2019w13 628 525 766 6130 | |------------------------------------------| 41. | 2019w14 627.5 529 761 4526 | 42. | 2019w15 629 530 762 5271 | 43. | 2019w16 632.5 530.5 764 4688 | 44. | 2019w17 629 530 762 4448 | 45. | 2019w18 629 531 762 4764 | |------------------------------------------| 46. | 2019w19 636 532 762 5454 | 47. | 2019w20 638.5 532.5 767.5 5214 | 48. | 2019w21 639 533 766 4580 | 49. | 2019w22 639 535 761 4445 | 50. | 2019w23 639 535 761 4687 | |------------------------------------------| 51. | 2019w24 640 536 764 5354 | 52. | 2019w25 640 537 762 4726 | 53. | 2019w26 640 535 762 4367 | 54. | 2019w27 640 535 761 4225 | 55. | 2019w28 639 532.5 761 4119 | |------------------------------------------| 56. | 2019w29 639 532 761 4277 | 57. | 2019w30 636.5 533 760 4176 | 58. | 2019w31 629 532 760 3549 | 59. | 2019w32 628 530 757 3207 | 60. | 2019w33 628 530 755 4236 | |------------------------------------------| 61. | 2019w34 627 529 752 3622 | 62. | 2019w35 627 528 750 3540 | 63. | 2019w36 625.5 526.5 742 3809 | 64. | 2019w37 625 525 742 4043 | 65. | 2019w38 624 528 738 4520 | |------------------------------------------| 66. | 2019w39 624 528 737 4318 | 67. | 2019w40 624 525 737 4357 |
List of median, q1, q3 of intra-day merits over weeks, in descending orders of medians.. list week median q1 q3 merit
+------------------------------------------+ | week median q1 q3 merit | |------------------------------------------| 1. | 2019w1 617 514 769 4803 | 2. | 2018w52 617.5 514 764 3338 | 3. | 2019w7 621 522 771 4221 | 4. | 2019w8 621.5 521 770 4521 | 5. | 2019w2 621.5 515 775 6632 | |------------------------------------------| 6. | 2018w51 621.5 517.5 770 3769 | 7. | 2019w5 622 518 775 4491 | 8. | 2018w50 622 520 774 3805 | 9. | 2019w6 622 520 775 4332 | 10. | 2019w9 622 520 769 4638 | |------------------------------------------| 11. | 2019w3 623 517 777 5317 | 12. | 2019w4 623.5 518.5 775 4667 | 13. | 2018w49 623.5 520 775 3571 | 14. | 2019w39 624 528 737 4318 | 15. | 2019w10 624 522 766 4913 | |------------------------------------------| 16. | 2019w40 624 525 737 4357 | 17. | 2019w11 624 522 762 4326 | 18. | 2019w38 624 528 738 4520 | 19. | 2019w37 625 525 742 4043 | 20. | 2019w36 625.5 526.5 742 3809 | |------------------------------------------| 21. | 2019w12 626.5 523 761 4609 | 22. | 2019w35 627 528 750 3540 | 23. | 2018w48 627 522 778 3765 | 24. | 2019w34 627 529 752 3622 | 25. | 2019w14 627.5 529 761 4526 | |------------------------------------------| 26. | 2019w33 628 530 755 4236 | 27. | 2019w32 628 530 757 3207 | 28. | 2019w13 628 525 766 6130 | 29. | 2018w47 628 522.5 783.5 4575 | 30. | 2018w44 628 521 796 3347 | |------------------------------------------| 31. | 2018w46 628 523 788 3747 | 32. | 2019w17 629 530 762 4448 | 33. | 2019w31 629 532 760 3549 | 34. | 2019w18 629 531 762 4764 | 35. | 2019w15 629 530 762 5271 | |------------------------------------------| 36. | 2018w45 630 522 789 4525 | 37. | 2019w16 632.5 530.5 764 4688 | 38. | 2018w37 634 528 829 5644 | 39. | 2019w19 636 532 762 5454 | 40. | 2019w30 636.5 533 760 4176 | |------------------------------------------| 41. | 2018w41 637 528 808 3816 | 42. | 2019w20 638.5 532.5 767.5 5214 | 43. | 2019w23 639 535 761 4687 | 44. | 2018w43 639 528 801 3953 | 45. | 2019w29 639 532 761 4277 | |------------------------------------------| 46. | 2019w22 639 535 761 4445 | 47. | 2018w42 639 530 807 4829 | 48. | 2019w21 639 533 766 4580 | 49. | 2018w36 639 528 838 3590 | 50. | 2019w28 639 532.5 761 4119 | |------------------------------------------| 51. | 2018w40 639 528 829 4310 | 52. | 2018w39 640 531 839 4395 | 53. | 2019w27 640 535 761 4225 | 54. | 2019w26 640 535 762 4367 | 55. | 2019w24 640 536 764 5354 | |------------------------------------------| 56. | 2019w25 640 537 762 4726 | 57. | 2018w38 641 530 846 7837 | 58. | 2018w35 642 537 844 3072 | 59. | 2018w34 652 555 848 3805 | 60. | 2018w33 667 559 867 3631 | |------------------------------------------| 61. | 2018w32 675 567 880 4011 | 62. | 2018w31 682 575 891 3863 | 63. | 2018w30 684 577 902 3661 | 64. | 2018w29 693 589 922 4167 | 65. | 2018w28 707 592 963 4247 | |------------------------------------------| 66. | 2018w27 715 598 979 4278 | 67. | 2018w26 733 609 991 4465 |
Now, let's take a look at the variations of intra-day medians over weeks. Method: I took medians of intraday merits over weeks (since 2018w46, from id 293 - 299, here). The median of intraday merits at the end of 2018w46 will be calculated from intraday merits started from days with id #26 - # 299; days before id #26 truncated due to extremely outliers. For later weeks, just moving forwards with each 7-day-time-frame to calculate next medians of intradays over weeks. Results:Since 2018w48 to 2019w40, the dataset has: - 64 weeks in total. - Median of median of intraday merits over weeks is 629. - Interquartile range of median of median of intraday merits over weeks ranges from 624 to 639. . tabstat median, s(n mean sd p25 p50 p75 min max) format(%9.1f)
variable | N mean sd p25 p50 p75 min max -------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- median | 64.0 634.4 15.6 624.0 629.0 639.0 617.0 693.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Data source:- From LoyceV's weekly data dumps. - From my converted datasets in the topic: Time Series Analysis on Distributed Merits in the forum (daily, weekly, monthly)
tranthidung (OP)
Activity: 2450
Merit: 4273
Farewell o_e_l_e_o
October 24, 2019, 09:43:50 AM |
Update:Time series plot Dataset for median, interquartile range of intraday merits. list week median q1 q3 merit
+------------------------------------------+ | week median q1 q3 merit | |------------------------------------------| 1. | 2018w26 733 609 991 4465 | 2. | 2018w27 715 598 979 4278 | 3. | 2018w28 707 592 963 4247 | 4. | 2018w29 693 589 922 4167 | 5. | 2018w30 684 577 902 3661 | |------------------------------------------| 6. | 2018w31 682 575 891 3863 | 7. | 2018w32 675 567 880 4011 | 8. | 2018w33 667 559 867 3631 | 9. | 2018w34 652 555 848 3805 | 10. | 2018w35 642 537 844 3072 | |------------------------------------------| 11. | 2018w36 639 528 838 3590 | 12. | 2018w37 634 528 829 5644 | 13. | 2018w38 641 530 846 7837 | 14. | 2018w39 640 531 839 4395 | 15. | 2018w40 639 528 829 4310 | |------------------------------------------| 16. | 2018w41 637 528 808 3816 | 17. | 2018w42 639 530 807 4829 | 18. | 2018w43 639 528 801 3953 | 19. | 2018w44 628 521 796 3347 | 20. | 2018w45 630 522 789 4525 | |------------------------------------------| 21. | 2018w46 628 523 788 3747 | 22. | 2018w47 628 522.5 783.5 4575 | 23. | 2018w48 627 522 778 3765 | 24. | 2018w49 623.5 520 775 3571 | 25. | 2018w50 622 520 774 3805 | |------------------------------------------| 26. | 2018w51 621.5 517.5 770 3769 | 27. | 2018w52 617.5 514 764 3338 | 28. | 2019w1 617 514 769 4803 | 29. | 2019w2 621.5 515 775 6632 | 30. | 2019w3 623 517 777 5317 | |------------------------------------------| 31. | 2019w4 623.5 518.5 775 4667 | 32. | 2019w5 622 518 775 4491 | 33. | 2019w6 622 520 775 4332 | 34. | 2019w7 621 522 771 4221 | 35. | 2019w8 621.5 521 770 4521 | |------------------------------------------| 36. | 2019w9 622 520 769 4638 | 37. | 2019w10 624 522 766 4913 | 38. | 2019w11 624 522 762 4326 | 39. | 2019w12 626.5 523 761 4609 | 40. | 2019w13 628 525 766 6130 | |------------------------------------------| 41. | 2019w14 627.5 529 761 4526 | 42. | 2019w15 629 530 762 5271 | 43. | 2019w16 632.5 530.5 764 4688 | 44. | 2019w17 629 530 762 4448 | 45. | 2019w18 629 531 762 4764 | |------------------------------------------| 46. | 2019w19 636 532 762 5454 | 47. | 2019w20 638.5 532.5 767.5 5214 | 48. | 2019w21 639 533 766 4580 | 49. | 2019w22 639 535 761 4445 | 50. | 2019w23 639 535 761 4687 | |------------------------------------------| 51. | 2019w24 640 536 764 5354 | 52. | 2019w25 640 537 762 4726 | 53. | 2019w26 640 535 762 4367 | 54. | 2019w27 640 535 761 4225 | 55. | 2019w28 639 532.5 761 4119 | |------------------------------------------| 56. | 2019w29 639 532 761 4277 | 57. | 2019w30 636.5 533 760 4176 | 58. | 2019w31 629 532 760 3549 | 59. | 2019w32 628 530 757 3207 | 60. | 2019w33 628 530 755 4236 | |------------------------------------------| 61. | 2019w34 627 529 752 3622 | 62. | 2019w35 627 528 750 3540 | 63. | 2019w36 625.5 526.5 742 3809 | 64. | 2019w37 625 525 742 4043 | 65. | 2019w38 624 528 738 4520 | |------------------------------------------| 66. | 2019w39 624 528 737 4318 | 67. | 2019w40 624 525 737 4357 | 68. | 2019w41 624 525 737 4565 |
List of median, q1, q3 of intra-day merits over weeks, in descending orders of medians.. list week median q1 q3 merit
+------------------------------------------+ | week median q1 q3 merit | |------------------------------------------| 1. | 2019w1 617 514 769 4803 | 2. | 2018w52 617.5 514 764 3338 | 3. | 2019w7 621 522 771 4221 | 4. | 2018w51 621.5 517.5 770 3769 | 5. | 2019w8 621.5 521 770 4521 | |------------------------------------------| 6. | 2019w2 621.5 515 775 6632 | 7. | 2018w50 622 520 774 3805 | 8. | 2019w5 622 518 775 4491 | 9. | 2019w9 622 520 769 4638 | 10. | 2019w6 622 520 775 4332 | |------------------------------------------| 11. | 2019w3 623 517 777 5317 | 12. | 2019w4 623.5 518.5 775 4667 | 13. | 2018w49 623.5 520 775 3571 | 14. | 2019w38 624 528 738 4520 | 15. | 2019w40 624 525 737 4357 | |------------------------------------------| 16. | 2019w39 624 528 737 4318 | 17. | 2019w41 624 525 737 4565 | 18. | 2019w11 624 522 762 4326 | 19. | 2019w10 624 522 766 4913 | 20. | 2019w37 625 525 742 4043 | |------------------------------------------| 21. | 2019w36 625.5 526.5 742 3809 | 22. | 2019w12 626.5 523 761 4609 | 23. | 2019w35 627 528 750 3540 | 24. | 2018w48 627 522 778 3765 | 25. | 2019w34 627 529 752 3622 | |------------------------------------------| 26. | 2019w14 627.5 529 761 4526 | 27. | 2019w32 628 530 757 3207 | 28. | 2019w33 628 530 755 4236 | 29. | 2018w44 628 521 796 3347 | 30. | 2019w13 628 525 766 6130 | |------------------------------------------| 31. | 2018w46 628 523 788 3747 | 32. | 2018w47 628 522.5 783.5 4575 | 33. | 2019w31 629 532 760 3549 | 34. | 2019w18 629 531 762 4764 | 35. | 2019w15 629 530 762 5271 | |------------------------------------------| 36. | 2019w17 629 530 762 4448 | 37. | 2018w45 630 522 789 4525 | 38. | 2019w16 632.5 530.5 764 4688 | 39. | 2018w37 634 528 829 5644 | 40. | 2019w19 636 532 762 5454 | |------------------------------------------| 41. | 2019w30 636.5 533 760 4176 | 42. | 2018w41 637 528 808 3816 | 43. | 2019w20 638.5 532.5 767.5 5214 | 44. | 2019w28 639 532.5 761 4119 | 45. | 2019w22 639 535 761 4445 | |------------------------------------------| 46. | 2018w43 639 528 801 3953 | 47. | 2019w23 639 535 761 4687 | 48. | 2018w40 639 528 829 4310 | 49. | 2019w29 639 532 761 4277 | 50. | 2018w42 639 530 807 4829 | |------------------------------------------| 51. | 2018w36 639 528 838 3590 | 52. | 2019w21 639 533 766 4580 | 53. | 2019w25 640 537 762 4726 | 54. | 2019w24 640 536 764 5354 | 55. | 2019w27 640 535 761 4225 | |------------------------------------------| 56. | 2019w26 640 535 762 4367 | 57. | 2018w39 640 531 839 4395 | 58. | 2018w38 641 530 846 7837 | 59. | 2018w35 642 537 844 3072 | 60. | 2018w34 652 555 848 3805 | |------------------------------------------| 61. | 2018w33 667 559 867 3631 | 62. | 2018w32 675 567 880 4011 | 63. | 2018w31 682 575 891 3863 | 64. | 2018w30 684 577 902 3661 | 65. | 2018w29 693 589 922 4167 | |------------------------------------------| 66. | 2018w28 707 592 963 4247 | 67. | 2018w27 715 598 979 4278 | 68. | 2018w26 733 609 991 4465 |
Now, let's take a look at the variations of intra-day medians over weeks. Method: I took medians of intraday merits over weeks (since 2018w46, from id 293 - 299, here). The median of intraday merits at the end of 2018w46 will be calculated from intraday merits started from days with id #26 - # 299; days before id #26 truncated due to extremely outliers. For later weeks, just moving forwards with each 7-day-time-frame to calculate next medians of intradays over weeks. Results:Since 2018w48 to 2019w41, the dataset has: - 65 weeks in total. - Median of median of intraday merits over weeks is 629. - Interquartile range of median of median of intraday merits over weeks ranges from 624 to 639. . tabstat median, s(n mean sd p25 p50 p75 min max) format(%9.1f)
variable | N mean sd p25 p50 p75 min max -------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- median | 65.0 634.2 15.5 624.0 629.0 639.0 617.0 693.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Data source:- From LoyceV's weekly data dumps. - From my converted datasets in the topic: Time Series Analysis on Distributed Merits in the forum (daily, weekly, monthly)
tranthidung (OP)
Activity: 2450
Merit: 4273
Farewell o_e_l_e_o
October 28, 2019, 08:29:16 AM |
Update:Time series plot Dataset for median, interquartile range of intraday merits. list week median q1 q3 merit
+------------------------------------------+ | week median q1 q3 merit | |------------------------------------------| 1. | 2018w26 733 609 991 4465 | 2. | 2018w27 715 598 979 4278 | 3. | 2018w28 707 592 963 4247 | 4. | 2018w29 693 589 922 4167 | 5. | 2018w30 684 577 902 3661 | |------------------------------------------| 6. | 2018w31 682 575 891 3863 | 7. | 2018w32 675 567 880 4011 | 8. | 2018w33 667 559 867 3631 | 9. | 2018w34 652 555 848 3805 | 10. | 2018w35 642 537 844 3072 | |------------------------------------------| 11. | 2018w36 639 528 838 3590 | 12. | 2018w37 634 528 829 5644 | 13. | 2018w38 641 530 846 7837 | 14. | 2018w39 640 531 839 4395 | 15. | 2018w40 639 528 829 4310 | |------------------------------------------| 16. | 2018w41 637 528 808 3816 | 17. | 2018w42 639 530 807 4829 | 18. | 2018w43 639 528 801 3953 | 19. | 2018w44 628 521 796 3347 | 20. | 2018w45 630 522 789 4525 | |------------------------------------------| 21. | 2018w46 628 523 788 3747 | 22. | 2018w47 628 522.5 783.5 4575 | 23. | 2018w48 627 522 778 3765 | 24. | 2018w49 623.5 520 775 3571 | 25. | 2018w50 622 520 774 3805 | |------------------------------------------| 26. | 2018w51 621.5 517.5 770 3769 | 27. | 2018w52 617.5 514 764 3338 | 28. | 2019w1 617 514 769 4803 | 29. | 2019w2 621.5 515 775 6632 | 30. | 2019w3 623 517 777 5317 | |------------------------------------------| 31. | 2019w4 623.5 518.5 775 4667 | 32. | 2019w5 622 518 775 4491 | 33. | 2019w6 622 520 775 4332 | 34. | 2019w7 621 522 771 4221 | 35. | 2019w8 621.5 521 770 4521 | |------------------------------------------| 36. | 2019w9 622 520 769 4638 | 37. | 2019w10 624 522 766 4913 | 38. | 2019w11 624 522 762 4326 | 39. | 2019w12 626.5 523 761 4609 | 40. | 2019w13 628 525 766 6130 | |------------------------------------------| 41. | 2019w14 627.5 529 761 4526 | 42. | 2019w15 629 530 762 5271 | 43. | 2019w16 632.5 530.5 764 4688 | 44. | 2019w17 629 530 762 4448 | 45. | 2019w18 629 531 762 4764 | |------------------------------------------| 46. | 2019w19 636 532 762 5454 | 47. | 2019w20 638.5 532.5 767.5 5214 | 48. | 2019w21 639 533 766 4580 | 49. | 2019w22 639 535 761 4445 | 50. | 2019w23 639 535 761 4687 | |------------------------------------------| 51. | 2019w24 640 536 764 5354 | 52. | 2019w25 640 537 762 4726 | 53. | 2019w26 640 535 762 4367 | 54. | 2019w27 640 535 761 4225 | 55. | 2019w28 639 532.5 761 4119 | |------------------------------------------| 56. | 2019w29 639 532 761 4277 | 57. | 2019w30 636.5 533 760 4176 | 58. | 2019w31 629 532 760 3549 | 59. | 2019w32 628 530 757 3207 | 60. | 2019w33 628 530 755 4236 | |------------------------------------------| 61. | 2019w34 627 529 752 3622 | 62. | 2019w35 627 528 750 3540 | 63. | 2019w36 625.5 526.5 742 3809 | 64. | 2019w37 625 525 742 4043 | 65. | 2019w38 624 528 738 4520 | |------------------------------------------| 66. | 2019w39 624 528 737 4318 | 67. | 2019w40 624 525 737 4357 | 68. | 2019w41 624 525 737 4565 | 69. | 2019w42 626 528 742 5542 |
List of median, q1, q3 of intra-day merits over weeks, in descending orders of medians.. list week median q1 q3 merit
+------------------------------------------+ | week median q1 q3 merit | |------------------------------------------| 1. | 2019w1 617 514 769 4803 | 2. | 2018w52 617.5 514 764 3338 | 3. | 2019w7 621 522 771 4221 | 4. | 2018w51 621.5 517.5 770 3769 | 5. | 2019w8 621.5 521 770 4521 | |------------------------------------------| 6. | 2019w2 621.5 515 775 6632 | 7. | 2019w6 622 520 775 4332 | 8. | 2018w50 622 520 774 3805 | 9. | 2019w5 622 518 775 4491 | 10. | 2019w9 622 520 769 4638 | |------------------------------------------| 11. | 2019w3 623 517 777 5317 | 12. | 2019w4 623.5 518.5 775 4667 | 13. | 2018w49 623.5 520 775 3571 | 14. | 2019w11 624 522 762 4326 | 15. | 2019w38 624 528 738 4520 | |------------------------------------------| 16. | 2019w39 624 528 737 4318 | 17. | 2019w41 624 525 737 4565 | 18. | 2019w40 624 525 737 4357 | 19. | 2019w10 624 522 766 4913 | 20. | 2019w37 625 525 742 4043 | |------------------------------------------| 21. | 2019w36 625.5 526.5 742 3809 | 22. | 2019w42 626 528 742 5542 | 23. | 2019w12 626.5 523 761 4609 | 24. | 2019w34 627 529 752 3622 | 25. | 2019w35 627 528 750 3540 | |------------------------------------------| 26. | 2018w48 627 522 778 3765 | 27. | 2019w14 627.5 529 761 4526 | 28. | 2018w47 628 522.5 783.5 4575 | 29. | 2018w46 628 523 788 3747 | 30. | 2019w13 628 525 766 6130 | |------------------------------------------| 31. | 2018w44 628 521 796 3347 | 32. | 2019w32 628 530 757 3207 | 33. | 2019w33 628 530 755 4236 | 34. | 2019w17 629 530 762 4448 | 35. | 2019w31 629 532 760 3549 | |------------------------------------------| 36. | 2019w15 629 530 762 5271 | 37. | 2019w18 629 531 762 4764 | 38. | 2018w45 630 522 789 4525 | 39. | 2019w16 632.5 530.5 764 4688 | 40. | 2018w37 634 528 829 5644 | |------------------------------------------| 41. | 2019w19 636 532 762 5454 | 42. | 2019w30 636.5 533 760 4176 | 43. | 2018w41 637 528 808 3816 | 44. | 2019w20 638.5 532.5 767.5 5214 | 45. | 2019w28 639 532.5 761 4119 | |------------------------------------------| 46. | 2019w22 639 535 761 4445 | 47. | 2019w21 639 533 766 4580 | 48. | 2018w42 639 530 807 4829 | 49. | 2018w43 639 528 801 3953 | 50. | 2018w36 639 528 838 3590 | |------------------------------------------| 51. | 2018w40 639 528 829 4310 | 52. | 2019w29 639 532 761 4277 | 53. | 2019w23 639 535 761 4687 | 54. | 2019w27 640 535 761 4225 | 55. | 2019w24 640 536 764 5354 | |------------------------------------------| 56. | 2018w39 640 531 839 4395 | 57. | 2019w26 640 535 762 4367 | 58. | 2019w25 640 537 762 4726 | 59. | 2018w38 641 530 846 7837 | 60. | 2018w35 642 537 844 3072 | |------------------------------------------| 61. | 2018w34 652 555 848 3805 | 62. | 2018w33 667 559 867 3631 | 63. | 2018w32 675 567 880 4011 | 64. | 2018w31 682 575 891 3863 | 65. | 2018w30 684 577 902 3661 | |------------------------------------------| 66. | 2018w29 693 589 922 4167 | 67. | 2018w28 707 592 963 4247 | 68. | 2018w27 715 598 979 4278 | 69. | 2018w26 733 609 991 4465 |
Now, let's take a look at the variations of intra-day medians over weeks. Method: I took medians of intraday merits over weeks (since 2018w46, from id 293 - 299, here). The median of intraday merits at the end of 2018w46 will be calculated from intraday merits started from days with id #26 - # 299; days before id #26 truncated due to extremely outliers. For later weeks, just moving forwards with each 7-day-time-frame to calculate next medians of intradays over weeks. Results:Since 2018w48 to 2019w42, the dataset has: - 66 weeks in total. - Median of median of intraday merits over weeks is 629. - Interquartile range of median of median of intraday merits over weeks ranges from 624 to 639. . tabstat median, s(n mean sd p25 p50 p75 min max) format(%9.1f)
variable | N mean sd p25 p50 p75 min max -------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- median | 66.0 634.1 15.4 624.0 628.5 639.0 617.0 693.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Data source:- From LoyceV's weekly data dumps. - From my converted datasets in the topic: Time Series Analysis on Distributed Merits in the forum (daily, weekly, monthly)
tranthidung (OP)
Activity: 2450
Merit: 4273
Farewell o_e_l_e_o
November 02, 2019, 11:56:02 AM |
Update:Time series plot Dataset for median, interquartile range of intraday merits. list week median q1 q3 merit
+------------------------------------------+ | week median q1 q3 merit | |------------------------------------------| 1. | 2018w26 733 609 991 4465 | 2. | 2018w27 715 598 979 4278 | 3. | 2018w28 707 592 963 4247 | 4. | 2018w29 693 589 922 4167 | 5. | 2018w30 684 577 902 3661 | |------------------------------------------| 6. | 2018w31 682 575 891 3863 | 7. | 2018w32 675 567 880 4011 | 8. | 2018w33 667 559 867 3631 | 9. | 2018w34 652 555 848 3805 | 10. | 2018w35 642 537 844 3072 | |------------------------------------------| 11. | 2018w36 639 528 838 3590 | 12. | 2018w37 634 528 829 5644 | 13. | 2018w38 641 530 846 7837 | 14. | 2018w39 640 531 839 4395 | 15. | 2018w40 639 528 829 4310 | |------------------------------------------| 16. | 2018w41 637 528 808 3816 | 17. | 2018w42 639 530 807 4829 | 18. | 2018w43 639 528 801 3953 | 19. | 2018w44 628 521 796 3347 | 20. | 2018w45 630 522 789 4525 | |------------------------------------------| 21. | 2018w46 628 523 788 3747 | 22. | 2018w47 628 522.5 783.5 4575 | 23. | 2018w48 627 522 778 3765 | 24. | 2018w49 623.5 520 775 3571 | 25. | 2018w50 622 520 774 3805 | |------------------------------------------| 26. | 2018w51 621.5 517.5 770 3769 | 27. | 2018w52 617.5 514 764 3338 | 28. | 2019w1 617 514 769 4803 | 29. | 2019w2 621.5 515 775 6632 | 30. | 2019w3 623 517 777 5317 | |------------------------------------------| 31. | 2019w4 623.5 518.5 775 4667 | 32. | 2019w5 622 518 775 4491 | 33. | 2019w6 622 520 775 4332 | 34. | 2019w7 621 522 771 4221 | 35. | 2019w8 621.5 521 770 4521 | |------------------------------------------| 36. | 2019w9 622 520 769 4638 | 37. | 2019w10 624 522 766 4913 | 38. | 2019w11 624 522 762 4326 | 39. | 2019w12 626.5 523 761 4609 | 40. | 2019w13 628 525 766 6130 | |------------------------------------------| 41. | 2019w14 627.5 529 761 4526 | 42. | 2019w15 629 530 762 5271 | 43. | 2019w16 632.5 530.5 764 4688 | 44. | 2019w17 629 530 762 4448 | 45. | 2019w18 629 531 762 4764 | |------------------------------------------| 46. | 2019w19 636 532 762 5454 | 47. | 2019w20 638.5 532.5 767.5 5214 | 48. | 2019w21 639 533 766 4580 | 49. | 2019w22 639 535 761 4445 | 50. | 2019w23 639 535 761 4687 | |------------------------------------------| 51. | 2019w24 640 536 764 5354 | 52. | 2019w25 640 537 762 4726 | 53. | 2019w26 640 535 762 4367 | 54. | 2019w27 640 535 761 4225 | 55. | 2019w28 639 532.5 761 4119 | |------------------------------------------| 56. | 2019w29 639 532 761 4277 | 57. | 2019w30 636.5 533 760 4176 | 58. | 2019w31 629 532 760 3549 | 59. | 2019w32 628 530 757 3207 | 60. | 2019w33 628 530 755 4236 | |------------------------------------------| 61. | 2019w34 627 529 752 3622 | 62. | 2019w35 627 528 750 3540 | 63. | 2019w36 625.5 526.5 742 3809 | 64. | 2019w37 625 525 742 4043 | 65. | 2019w38 624 528 738 4520 | |------------------------------------------| 66. | 2019w39 624 528 737 4318 | 67. | 2019w40 624 525 737 4357 | 68. | 2019w41 624 525 737 4565 | 69. | 2019w42 626 528 742 5542 | 70. | 2019w43 627 529 742 4975 |
List of median, q1, q3 of intra-day merits over weeks, in descending orders of medians.. list week median q1 q3 merit
+------------------------------------------+ | week median q1 q3 merit | |------------------------------------------| 1. | 2019w1 617 514 769 4803 | 2. | 2018w52 617.5 514 764 3338 | 3. | 2019w7 621 522 771 4221 | 4. | 2018w51 621.5 517.5 770 3769 | 5. | 2019w8 621.5 521 770 4521 | |------------------------------------------| 6. | 2019w2 621.5 515 775 6632 | 7. | 2018w50 622 520 774 3805 | 8. | 2019w5 622 518 775 4491 | 9. | 2019w6 622 520 775 4332 | 10. | 2019w9 622 520 769 4638 | |------------------------------------------| 11. | 2019w3 623 517 777 5317 | 12. | 2018w49 623.5 520 775 3571 | 13. | 2019w4 623.5 518.5 775 4667 | 14. | 2019w38 624 528 738 4520 | 15. | 2019w10 624 522 766 4913 | |------------------------------------------| 16. | 2019w41 624 525 737 4565 | 17. | 2019w39 624 528 737 4318 | 18. | 2019w11 624 522 762 4326 | 19. | 2019w40 624 525 737 4357 | 20. | 2019w37 625 525 742 4043 | |------------------------------------------| 21. | 2019w36 625.5 526.5 742 3809 | 22. | 2019w42 626 528 742 5542 | 23. | 2019w12 626.5 523 761 4609 | 24. | 2018w48 627 522 778 3765 | 25. | 2019w43 627 529 742 4975 | |------------------------------------------| 26. | 2019w35 627 528 750 3540 | 27. | 2019w34 627 529 752 3622 | 28. | 2019w14 627.5 529 761 4526 | 29. | 2019w13 628 525 766 6130 | 30. | 2019w33 628 530 755 4236 | |------------------------------------------| 31. | 2019w32 628 530 757 3207 | 32. | 2018w46 628 523 788 3747 | 33. | 2018w44 628 521 796 3347 | 34. | 2018w47 628 522.5 783.5 4575 | 35. | 2019w18 629 531 762 4764 | |------------------------------------------| 36. | 2019w15 629 530 762 5271 | 37. | 2019w17 629 530 762 4448 | 38. | 2019w31 629 532 760 3549 | 39. | 2018w45 630 522 789 4525 | 40. | 2019w16 632.5 530.5 764 4688 | |------------------------------------------| 41. | 2018w37 634 528 829 5644 | 42. | 2019w19 636 532 762 5454 | 43. | 2019w30 636.5 533 760 4176 | 44. | 2018w41 637 528 808 3816 | 45. | 2019w20 638.5 532.5 767.5 5214 | |------------------------------------------| 46. | 2018w36 639 528 838 3590 | 47. | 2018w40 639 528 829 4310 | 48. | 2019w22 639 535 761 4445 | 49. | 2019w28 639 532.5 761 4119 | 50. | 2018w43 639 528 801 3953 | |------------------------------------------| 51. | 2018w42 639 530 807 4829 | 52. | 2019w21 639 533 766 4580 | 53. | 2019w23 639 535 761 4687 | 54. | 2019w29 639 532 761 4277 | 55. | 2019w25 640 537 762 4726 | |------------------------------------------| 56. | 2018w39 640 531 839 4395 | 57. | 2019w26 640 535 762 4367 | 58. | 2019w27 640 535 761 4225 | 59. | 2019w24 640 536 764 5354 | 60. | 2018w38 641 530 846 7837 | |------------------------------------------| 61. | 2018w35 642 537 844 3072 | 62. | 2018w34 652 555 848 3805 | 63. | 2018w33 667 559 867 3631 | 64. | 2018w32 675 567 880 4011 | 65. | 2018w31 682 575 891 3863 | |------------------------------------------| 66. | 2018w30 684 577 902 3661 | 67. | 2018w29 693 589 922 4167 | 68. | 2018w28 707 592 963 4247 | 69. | 2018w27 715 598 979 4278 | 70. | 2018w26 733 609 991 4465 |
Now, let's take a look at the variations of intra-day medians over weeks. Method: I took medians of intraday merits over weeks (since 2018w46, from id 293 - 299, here). The median of intraday merits at the end of 2018w46 will be calculated from intraday merits started from days with id #26 - # 299; days before id #26 truncated due to extremely outliers. For later weeks, just moving forwards with each 7-day-time-frame to calculate next medians of intradays over weeks. Results:Since 2018w48 to 2019w43, the dataset has: - 67 weeks in total. - Median of median of intraday merits over weeks is 628. - Interquartile range of median of median of intraday merits over weeks ranges from 624 to 639. . tabstat median, s(n mean sd p50 p25 p75 min max) format(%9.1f)
variable | N mean sd p50 p25 p75 min max -------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- median | 67.0 634.0 15.3 628.0 624.0 639.0 617.0 693.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Data source:- From LoyceV's weekly data dumps. - From my converted datasets in the topic: Time Series Analysis on Distributed Merits in the forum (daily, weekly, monthly)
tranthidung (OP)
Activity: 2450
Merit: 4273
Farewell o_e_l_e_o
November 12, 2019, 03:20:29 AM |
Update:Time series plot Dataset for median, interquartile range of intraday merits. list week median q1 q3 merit
+------------------------------------------+ | week median q1 q3 merit | |------------------------------------------| 1. | 2018w26 733 609 991 4465 | 2. | 2018w27 715 598 979 4278 | 3. | 2018w28 707 592 963 4247 | 4. | 2018w29 693 589 922 4167 | 5. | 2018w30 684 577 902 3661 | |------------------------------------------| 6. | 2018w31 682 575 891 3863 | 7. | 2018w32 675 567 880 4011 | 8. | 2018w33 667 559 867 3631 | 9. | 2018w34 652 555 848 3805 | 10. | 2018w35 642 537 844 3072 | |------------------------------------------| 11. | 2018w36 639 528 838 3590 | 12. | 2018w37 634 528 829 5644 | 13. | 2018w38 641 530 846 7837 | 14. | 2018w39 640 531 839 4395 | 15. | 2018w40 639 528 829 4310 | |------------------------------------------| 16. | 2018w41 637 528 808 3816 | 17. | 2018w42 639 530 807 4829 | 18. | 2018w43 639 528 801 3953 | 19. | 2018w44 628 521 796 3347 | 20. | 2018w45 630 522 789 4525 | |------------------------------------------| 21. | 2018w46 628 523 788 3747 | 22. | 2018w47 628 522.5 783.5 4575 | 23. | 2018w48 627 522 778 3765 | 24. | 2018w49 623.5 520 775 3571 | 25. | 2018w50 622 520 774 3805 | |------------------------------------------| 26. | 2018w51 621.5 517.5 770 3769 | 27. | 2018w52 617.5 514 764 3338 | 28. | 2019w1 617 514 769 4803 | 29. | 2019w2 621.5 515 775 6632 | 30. | 2019w3 623 517 777 5317 | |------------------------------------------| 31. | 2019w4 623.5 518.5 775 4667 | 32. | 2019w5 622 518 775 4491 | 33. | 2019w6 622 520 775 4332 | 34. | 2019w7 621 522 771 4221 | 35. | 2019w8 621.5 521 770 4521 | |------------------------------------------| 36. | 2019w9 622 520 769 4638 | 37. | 2019w10 624 522 766 4913 | 38. | 2019w11 624 522 762 4326 | 39. | 2019w12 626.5 523 761 4609 | 40. | 2019w13 628 525 766 6130 | |------------------------------------------| 41. | 2019w14 627.5 529 761 4526 | 42. | 2019w15 629 530 762 5271 | 43. | 2019w16 632.5 530.5 764 4688 | 44. | 2019w17 629 530 762 4448 | 45. | 2019w18 629 531 762 4764 | |------------------------------------------| 46. | 2019w19 636 532 762 5454 | 47. | 2019w20 638.5 532.5 767.5 5214 | 48. | 2019w21 639 533 766 4580 | 49. | 2019w22 639 535 761 4445 | 50. | 2019w23 639 535 761 4687 | |------------------------------------------| 51. | 2019w24 640 536 764 5354 | 52. | 2019w25 640 537 762 4726 | 53. | 2019w26 640 535 762 4367 | 54. | 2019w27 640 535 761 4225 | 55. | 2019w28 639 532.5 761 4119 | |------------------------------------------| 56. | 2019w29 639 532 761 4277 | 57. | 2019w30 636.5 533 760 4176 | 58. | 2019w31 629 532 760 3549 | 59. | 2019w32 628 530 757 3207 | 60. | 2019w33 628 530 755 4236 | |------------------------------------------| 61. | 2019w34 627 529 752 3622 | 62. | 2019w35 627 528 750 3540 | 63. | 2019w36 625.5 526.5 742 3809 | 64. | 2019w37 625 525 742 4043 | 65. | 2019w38 624 528 738 4520 | |------------------------------------------| 66. | 2019w39 624 528 737 4318 | 67. | 2019w40 624 525 737 4357 | 68. | 2019w41 624 525 737 4565 | 69. | 2019w42 626 528 742 5542 | 70. | 2019w43 627 529 742 4975 | |------------------------------------------| 71. | 2019w44 627 530 740 4730 |
List of median, q1, q3 of intra-day merits over weeks, in descending orders of medians.. list week median q1 q3 merit
+------------------------------------------+ | week median q1 q3 merit | |------------------------------------------| 1. | 2019w1 617 514 769 4803 | 2. | 2018w52 617.5 514 764 3338 | 3. | 2019w7 621 522 771 4221 | 4. | 2019w8 621.5 521 770 4521 | 5. | 2018w51 621.5 517.5 770 3769 | |------------------------------------------| 6. | 2019w2 621.5 515 775 6632 | 7. | 2019w6 622 520 775 4332 | 8. | 2019w5 622 518 775 4491 | 9. | 2019w9 622 520 769 4638 | 10. | 2018w50 622 520 774 3805 | |------------------------------------------| 11. | 2019w3 623 517 777 5317 | 12. | 2018w49 623.5 520 775 3571 | 13. | 2019w4 623.5 518.5 775 4667 | 14. | 2019w38 624 528 738 4520 | 15. | 2019w40 624 525 737 4357 | |------------------------------------------| 16. | 2019w10 624 522 766 4913 | 17. | 2019w11 624 522 762 4326 | 18. | 2019w39 624 528 737 4318 | 19. | 2019w41 624 525 737 4565 | 20. | 2019w37 625 525 742 4043 | |------------------------------------------| 21. | 2019w36 625.5 526.5 742 3809 | 22. | 2019w42 626 528 742 5542 | 23. | 2019w12 626.5 523 761 4609 | 24. | 2018w48 627 522 778 3765 | 25. | 2019w34 627 529 752 3622 | |------------------------------------------| 26. | 2019w43 627 529 742 4975 | 27. | 2019w44 627 530 740 4730 | 28. | 2019w35 627 528 750 3540 | 29. | 2019w14 627.5 529 761 4526 | 30. | 2018w44 628 521 796 3347 | |------------------------------------------| 31. | 2018w46 628 523 788 3747 | 32. | 2019w33 628 530 755 4236 | 33. | 2019w13 628 525 766 6130 | 34. | 2018w47 628 522.5 783.5 4575 | 35. | 2019w32 628 530 757 3207 | |------------------------------------------| 36. | 2019w17 629 530 762 4448 | 37. | 2019w15 629 530 762 5271 | 38. | 2019w18 629 531 762 4764 | 39. | 2019w31 629 532 760 3549 | 40. | 2018w45 630 522 789 4525 | |------------------------------------------| 41. | 2019w16 632.5 530.5 764 4688 | 42. | 2018w37 634 528 829 5644 | 43. | 2019w19 636 532 762 5454 | 44. | 2019w30 636.5 533 760 4176 | 45. | 2018w41 637 528 808 3816 | |------------------------------------------| 46. | 2019w20 638.5 532.5 767.5 5214 | 47. | 2019w28 639 532.5 761 4119 | 48. | 2018w42 639 530 807 4829 | 49. | 2018w43 639 528 801 3953 | 50. | 2018w36 639 528 838 3590 | |------------------------------------------| 51. | 2019w23 639 535 761 4687 | 52. | 2019w29 639 532 761 4277 | 53. | 2018w40 639 528 829 4310 | 54. | 2019w22 639 535 761 4445 | 55. | 2019w21 639 533 766 4580 | |------------------------------------------| 56. | 2019w26 640 535 762 4367 | 57. | 2018w39 640 531 839 4395 | 58. | 2019w27 640 535 761 4225 | 59. | 2019w24 640 536 764 5354 | 60. | 2019w25 640 537 762 4726 | |------------------------------------------| 61. | 2018w38 641 530 846 7837 | 62. | 2018w35 642 537 844 3072 | 63. | 2018w34 652 555 848 3805 | 64. | 2018w33 667 559 867 3631 | 65. | 2018w32 675 567 880 4011 | |------------------------------------------| 66. | 2018w31 682 575 891 3863 | 67. | 2018w30 684 577 902 3661 | 68. | 2018w29 693 589 922 4167 | 69. | 2018w28 707 592 963 4247 | 70. | 2018w27 715 598 979 4278 | |------------------------------------------| 71. | 2018w26 733 609 991 4465 |
Now, let's take a look at the variations of intra-day medians over weeks. Method: I took medians of intraday merits over weeks (since 2018w46, from id 293 - 299, here). The median of intraday merits at the end of 2018w46 will be calculated from intraday merits started from days with id #26 - # 299; days before id #26 truncated due to extremely outliers. For later weeks, just moving forwards with each 7-day-time-frame to calculate next medians of intradays over weeks. Results:Since 2018w48 to 2019w44, the dataset has: - 68 weeks in total. - Median of median of intraday merits over weeks is 628. - Interquartile range of median of median of intraday merits over weeks ranges from 624 to 639. . tabstat median, s(n mean sd p50 p25 p75 min max) format(%9.1f)
variable | N mean sd p50 p25 p75 min max -------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- median | 68.0 633.9 15.2 628.0 624.0 639.0 617.0 693.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Data source:- From LoyceV's weekly data dumps. - From my converted datasets in the topic: Time Series Analysis on Distributed Merits in the forum (daily, weekly, monthly)
tranthidung (OP)
Activity: 2450
Merit: 4273
Farewell o_e_l_e_o
November 18, 2019, 03:35:18 AM |
Update:Time series plot Dataset for median, interquartile range of intraday merits. list week median q1 q3 merit
+------------------------------------------+ | week median q1 q3 merit | |------------------------------------------| 1. | 2018w26 733 609 991 4465 | 2. | 2018w27 715 598 979 4278 | 3. | 2018w28 707 592 963 4247 | 4. | 2018w29 693 589 922 4167 | 5. | 2018w30 684 577 902 3661 | |------------------------------------------| 6. | 2018w31 682 575 891 3863 | 7. | 2018w32 675 567 880 4011 | 8. | 2018w33 667 559 867 3631 | 9. | 2018w34 652 555 848 3805 | 10. | 2018w35 642 537 844 3072 | |------------------------------------------| 11. | 2018w36 639 528 838 3590 | 12. | 2018w37 634 528 829 5644 | 13. | 2018w38 641 530 846 7837 | 14. | 2018w39 640 531 839 4395 | 15. | 2018w40 639 528 829 4310 | |------------------------------------------| 16. | 2018w41 637 528 808 3816 | 17. | 2018w42 639 530 807 4829 | 18. | 2018w43 639 528 801 3953 | 19. | 2018w44 628 521 796 3347 | 20. | 2018w45 630 522 789 4525 | |------------------------------------------| 21. | 2018w46 628 523 788 3747 | 22. | 2018w47 628 522.5 783.5 4575 | 23. | 2018w48 627 522 778 3765 | 24. | 2018w49 623.5 520 775 3571 | 25. | 2018w50 622 520 774 3805 | |------------------------------------------| 26. | 2018w51 621.5 517.5 770 3769 | 27. | 2018w52 617.5 514 764 3338 | 28. | 2019w1 617 514 769 4803 | 29. | 2019w2 621.5 515 775 6632 | 30. | 2019w3 623 517 777 5317 | |------------------------------------------| 31. | 2019w4 623.5 518.5 775 4667 | 32. | 2019w5 622 518 775 4491 | 33. | 2019w6 622 520 775 4332 | 34. | 2019w7 621 522 771 4221 | 35. | 2019w8 621.5 521 770 4521 | |------------------------------------------| 36. | 2019w9 622 520 769 4638 | 37. | 2019w10 624 522 766 4913 | 38. | 2019w11 624 522 762 4326 | 39. | 2019w12 626.5 523 761 4609 | 40. | 2019w13 628 525 766 6130 | |------------------------------------------| 41. | 2019w14 627.5 529 761 4526 | 42. | 2019w15 629 530 762 5271 | 43. | 2019w16 632.5 530.5 764 4688 | 44. | 2019w17 629 530 762 4448 | 45. | 2019w18 629 531 762 4764 | |------------------------------------------| 46. | 2019w19 636 532 762 5454 | 47. | 2019w20 638.5 532.5 767.5 5214 | 48. | 2019w21 639 533 766 4580 | 49. | 2019w22 639 535 761 4445 | 50. | 2019w23 639 535 761 4687 | |------------------------------------------| 51. | 2019w24 640 536 764 5354 | 52. | 2019w25 640 537 762 4726 | 53. | 2019w26 640 535 762 4367 | 54. | 2019w27 640 535 761 4225 | 55. | 2019w28 639 532.5 761 4119 | |------------------------------------------| 56. | 2019w29 639 532 761 4277 | 57. | 2019w30 636.5 533 760 4176 | 58. | 2019w31 629 532 760 3549 | 59. | 2019w32 628 530 757 3207 | 60. | 2019w33 628 530 755 4236 | |------------------------------------------| 61. | 2019w34 627 529 752 3622 | 62. | 2019w35 627 528 750 3540 | 63. | 2019w36 625.5 526.5 742 3809 | 64. | 2019w37 625 525 742 4043 | 65. | 2019w38 624 528 738 4520 | |------------------------------------------| 66. | 2019w39 624 528 737 4318 | 67. | 2019w40 624 525 737 4357 | 68. | 2019w41 624 525 737 4565 | 69. | 2019w42 626 528 742 5542 | 70. | 2019w43 627 529 742 4975 | |------------------------------------------| 71. | 2019w44 627 530 740 4730 | 72. | 2019w45 627 530 742 4735 |
List of median, q1, q3 of intra-day merits over weeks, in descending orders of medians.. list week median q1 q3 merit
+------------------------------------------+ | week median q1 q3 merit | |------------------------------------------| 1. | 2019w1 617 514 769 4803 | 2. | 2018w52 617.5 514 764 3338 | 3. | 2019w7 621 522 771 4221 | 4. | 2018w51 621.5 517.5 770 3769 | 5. | 2019w8 621.5 521 770 4521 | |------------------------------------------| 6. | 2019w2 621.5 515 775 6632 | 7. | 2018w50 622 520 774 3805 | 8. | 2019w5 622 518 775 4491 | 9. | 2019w6 622 520 775 4332 | 10. | 2019w9 622 520 769 4638 | |------------------------------------------| 11. | 2019w3 623 517 777 5317 | 12. | 2018w49 623.5 520 775 3571 | 13. | 2019w4 623.5 518.5 775 4667 | 14. | 2019w41 624 525 737 4565 | 15. | 2019w39 624 528 737 4318 | |------------------------------------------| 16. | 2019w11 624 522 762 4326 | 17. | 2019w40 624 525 737 4357 | 18. | 2019w38 624 528 738 4520 | 19. | 2019w10 624 522 766 4913 | 20. | 2019w37 625 525 742 4043 | |------------------------------------------| 21. | 2019w36 625.5 526.5 742 3809 | 22. | 2019w42 626 528 742 5542 | 23. | 2019w12 626.5 523 761 4609 | 24. | 2018w48 627 522 778 3765 | 25. | 2019w44 627 530 740 4730 | |------------------------------------------| 26. | 2019w35 627 528 750 3540 | 27. | 2019w45 627 530 742 4735 | 28. | 2019w34 627 529 752 3622 | 29. | 2019w43 627 529 742 4975 | 30. | 2019w14 627.5 529 761 4526 | |------------------------------------------| 31. | 2019w33 628 530 755 4236 | 32. | 2019w32 628 530 757 3207 | 33. | 2019w13 628 525 766 6130 | 34. | 2018w47 628 522.5 783.5 4575 | 35. | 2018w44 628 521 796 3347 | |------------------------------------------| 36. | 2018w46 628 523 788 3747 | 37. | 2019w15 629 530 762 5271 | 38. | 2019w18 629 531 762 4764 | 39. | 2019w17 629 530 762 4448 | 40. | 2019w31 629 532 760 3549 | |------------------------------------------| 41. | 2018w45 630 522 789 4525 | 42. | 2019w16 632.5 530.5 764 4688 | 43. | 2018w37 634 528 829 5644 | 44. | 2019w19 636 532 762 5454 | 45. | 2019w30 636.5 533 760 4176 | |------------------------------------------| 46. | 2018w41 637 528 808 3816 | 47. | 2019w20 638.5 532.5 767.5 5214 | 48. | 2019w22 639 535 761 4445 | 49. | 2019w29 639 532 761 4277 | 50. | 2018w36 639 528 838 3590 | |------------------------------------------| 51. | 2018w40 639 528 829 4310 | 52. | 2019w23 639 535 761 4687 | 53. | 2019w21 639 533 766 4580 | 54. | 2018w43 639 528 801 3953 | 55. | 2018w42 639 530 807 4829 | |------------------------------------------| 56. | 2019w28 639 532.5 761 4119 | 57. | 2019w27 640 535 761 4225 | 58. | 2018w39 640 531 839 4395 | 59. | 2019w24 640 536 764 5354 | 60. | 2019w25 640 537 762 4726 | |------------------------------------------| 61. | 2019w26 640 535 762 4367 | 62. | 2018w38 641 530 846 7837 | 63. | 2018w35 642 537 844 3072 | 64. | 2018w34 652 555 848 3805 | 65. | 2018w33 667 559 867 3631 | |------------------------------------------| 66. | 2018w32 675 567 880 4011 | 67. | 2018w31 682 575 891 3863 | 68. | 2018w30 684 577 902 3661 | 69. | 2018w29 693 589 922 4167 | 70. | 2018w28 707 592 963 4247 | |------------------------------------------| 71. | 2018w27 715 598 979 4278 | 72. | 2018w26 733 609 991 4465 |
Now, let's take a look at the variations of intra-day medians over weeks. Method: I took medians of intraday merits over weeks (since 2018w46, from id 293 - 299, here). The median of intraday merits at the end of 2018w46 will be calculated from intraday merits started from days with id #26 - # 299; days before id #26 truncated due to extremely outliers. For later weeks, just moving forwards with each 7-day-time-frame to calculate next medians of intradays over weeks. Results:Since 2018w48 to 2019w45, the dataset has: - 69 weeks in total. - Median of median of intraday merits over weeks is 628. - Interquartile range of median of median of intraday merits over weeks ranges from 624 to 639. . tabstat median, s(n mean sd p50 p25 p75 min max) format(%9.1f)
variable | N mean sd p50 p25 p75 min max -------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- median | 69.0 633.8 15.1 628.0 624.0 639.0 617.0 693.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Data source:- From LoyceV's weekly data dumps. - From my converted datasets in the topic: Time Series Analysis on Distributed Merits in the forum (daily, weekly, monthly)
tranthidung (OP)
Activity: 2450
Merit: 4273
Farewell o_e_l_e_o
November 25, 2019, 08:02:43 AM |
Update:Time series plot Dataset for median, interquartile range of intraday merits. list week median q1 q3 merit
+------------------------------------------+ | week median q1 q3 merit | |------------------------------------------| 1. | 2018w26 733 609 991 4465 | 2. | 2018w27 715 598 979 4278 | 3. | 2018w28 707 592 963 4247 | 4. | 2018w29 693 589 922 4167 | 5. | 2018w30 684 577 902 3661 | |------------------------------------------| 6. | 2018w31 682 575 891 3863 | 7. | 2018w32 675 567 880 4011 | 8. | 2018w33 667 559 867 3631 | 9. | 2018w34 652 555 848 3805 | 10. | 2018w35 642 537 844 3072 | |------------------------------------------| 11. | 2018w36 639 528 838 3590 | 12. | 2018w37 634 528 829 5644 | 13. | 2018w38 641 530 846 7837 | 14. | 2018w39 640 531 839 4395 | 15. | 2018w40 639 528 829 4310 | |------------------------------------------| 16. | 2018w41 637 528 808 3816 | 17. | 2018w42 639 530 807 4829 | 18. | 2018w43 639 528 801 3953 | 19. | 2018w44 628 521 796 3347 | 20. | 2018w45 630 522 789 4525 | |------------------------------------------| 21. | 2018w46 628 523 788 3747 | 22. | 2018w47 628 522.5 783.5 4575 | 23. | 2018w48 627 522 778 3765 | 24. | 2018w49 623.5 520 775 3571 | 25. | 2018w50 622 520 774 3805 | |------------------------------------------| 26. | 2018w51 621.5 517.5 770 3769 | 27. | 2018w52 617.5 514 764 3338 | 28. | 2019w1 617 514 769 4803 | 29. | 2019w2 621.5 515 775 6632 | 30. | 2019w3 623 517 777 5317 | |------------------------------------------| 31. | 2019w4 623.5 518.5 775 4667 | 32. | 2019w5 622 518 775 4491 | 33. | 2019w6 622 520 775 4332 | 34. | 2019w7 621 522 771 4221 | 35. | 2019w8 621.5 521 770 4521 | |------------------------------------------| 36. | 2019w9 622 520 769 4638 | 37. | 2019w10 624 522 766 4913 | 38. | 2019w11 624 522 762 4326 | 39. | 2019w12 626.5 523 761 4609 | 40. | 2019w13 628 525 766 6130 | |------------------------------------------| 41. | 2019w14 627.5 529 761 4526 | 42. | 2019w15 629 530 762 5271 | 43. | 2019w16 632.5 530.5 764 4688 | 44. | 2019w17 629 530 762 4448 | 45. | 2019w18 629 531 762 4764 | |------------------------------------------| 46. | 2019w19 636 532 762 5454 | 47. | 2019w20 638.5 532.5 767.5 5214 | 48. | 2019w21 639 533 766 4580 | 49. | 2019w22 639 535 761 4445 | 50. | 2019w23 639 535 761 4687 | |------------------------------------------| 51. | 2019w24 640 536 764 5354 | 52. | 2019w25 640 537 762 4726 | 53. | 2019w26 640 535 762 4367 | 54. | 2019w27 640 535 761 4225 | 55. | 2019w28 639 532.5 761 4119 | |------------------------------------------| 56. | 2019w29 639 532 761 4277 | 57. | 2019w30 636.5 533 760 4176 | 58. | 2019w31 629 532 760 3549 | 59. | 2019w32 628 530 757 3207 | 60. | 2019w33 628 530 755 4236 | |------------------------------------------| 61. | 2019w34 627 529 752 3622 | 62. | 2019w35 627 528 750 3540 | 63. | 2019w36 625.5 526.5 742 3809 | 64. | 2019w37 625 525 742 4043 | 65. | 2019w38 624 528 738 4520 | |------------------------------------------| 66. | 2019w39 624 528 737 4318 | 67. | 2019w40 624 525 737 4357 | 68. | 2019w41 624 525 737 4565 | 69. | 2019w42 626 528 742 5542 | 70. | 2019w43 627 529 742 4975 | |------------------------------------------| 71. | 2019w44 627 530 740 4730 | 72. | 2019w45 627 530 742 4735 | 73. | 2019w46 628 531 751 14251 |
List of median, q1, q3 of intra-day merits over weeks, in descending orders of medians.. list week median q1 q3 merit
+------------------------------------------+ | week median q1 q3 merit | |------------------------------------------| 1. | 2019w1 617 514 769 4803 | 2. | 2018w52 617.5 514 764 3338 | 3. | 2019w7 621 522 771 4221 | 4. | 2019w2 621.5 515 775 6632 | 5. | 2018w51 621.5 517.5 770 3769 | |------------------------------------------| 6. | 2019w8 621.5 521 770 4521 | 7. | 2019w9 622 520 769 4638 | 8. | 2018w50 622 520 774 3805 | 9. | 2019w6 622 520 775 4332 | 10. | 2019w5 622 518 775 4491 | |------------------------------------------| 11. | 2019w3 623 517 777 5317 | 12. | 2019w4 623.5 518.5 775 4667 | 13. | 2018w49 623.5 520 775 3571 | 14. | 2019w39 624 528 737 4318 | 15. | 2019w38 624 528 738 4520 | |------------------------------------------| 16. | 2019w10 624 522 766 4913 | 17. | 2019w11 624 522 762 4326 | 18. | 2019w41 624 525 737 4565 | 19. | 2019w40 624 525 737 4357 | 20. | 2019w37 625 525 742 4043 | |------------------------------------------| 21. | 2019w36 625.5 526.5 742 3809 | 22. | 2019w42 626 528 742 5542 | 23. | 2019w12 626.5 523 761 4609 | 24. | 2019w43 627 529 742 4975 | 25. | 2019w34 627 529 752 3622 | |------------------------------------------| 26. | 2019w44 627 530 740 4730 | 27. | 2018w48 627 522 778 3765 | 28. | 2019w35 627 528 750 3540 | 29. | 2019w45 627 530 742 4735 | 30. | 2019w14 627.5 529 761 4526 | |------------------------------------------| 31. | 2019w46 628 531 751 14251 | 32. | 2019w33 628 530 755 4236 | 33. | 2018w47 628 522.5 783.5 4575 | 34. | 2018w46 628 523 788 3747 | 35. | 2019w32 628 530 757 3207 | |------------------------------------------| 36. | 2018w44 628 521 796 3347 | 37. | 2019w13 628 525 766 6130 | 38. | 2019w18 629 531 762 4764 | 39. | 2019w17 629 530 762 4448 | 40. | 2019w31 629 532 760 3549 | |------------------------------------------| 41. | 2019w15 629 530 762 5271 | 42. | 2018w45 630 522 789 4525 | 43. | 2019w16 632.5 530.5 764 4688 | 44. | 2018w37 634 528 829 5644 | 45. | 2019w19 636 532 762 5454 | |------------------------------------------| 46. | 2019w30 636.5 533 760 4176 | 47. | 2018w41 637 528 808 3816 | 48. | 2019w20 638.5 532.5 767.5 5214 | 49. | 2019w23 639 535 761 4687 | 50. | 2018w40 639 528 829 4310 | |------------------------------------------| 51. | 2019w22 639 535 761 4445 | 52. | 2019w28 639 532.5 761 4119 | 53. | 2018w43 639 528 801 3953 | 54. | 2018w42 639 530 807 4829 | 55. | 2019w21 639 533 766 4580 | |------------------------------------------| 56. | 2018w36 639 528 838 3590 | 57. | 2019w29 639 532 761 4277 | 58. | 2018w39 640 531 839 4395 | 59. | 2019w27 640 535 761 4225 | 60. | 2019w25 640 537 762 4726 | |------------------------------------------| 61. | 2019w26 640 535 762 4367 | 62. | 2019w24 640 536 764 5354 | 63. | 2018w38 641 530 846 7837 | 64. | 2018w35 642 537 844 3072 | 65. | 2018w34 652 555 848 3805 | |------------------------------------------| 66. | 2018w33 667 559 867 3631 | 67. | 2018w32 675 567 880 4011 | 68. | 2018w31 682 575 891 3863 | 69. | 2018w30 684 577 902 3661 | 70. | 2018w29 693 589 922 4167 | |------------------------------------------| 71. | 2018w28 707 592 963 4247 | 72. | 2018w27 715 598 979 4278 | 73. | 2018w26 733 609 991 4465 |
Now, let's take a look at the variations of intra-day medians over weeks. Method: I took medians of intraday merits over weeks (since 2018w46, from id 293 - 299, here). The median of intraday merits at the end of 2018w46 will be calculated from intraday merits started from days with id #26 - # 299; days before id #26 truncated due to extremely outliers. For later weeks, just moving forwards with each 7-day-time-frame to calculate next medians of intradays over weeks. Results:Since 2018w48 to 2019w46, the dataset has: - 70 weeks in total. - Median of median of intraday merits over weeks is 628. - Interquartile range of median of median of intraday merits over weeks ranges from 624 to 639. . tabstat median, s(n mean sd p50 p25 p75 min max) format(%9.1f)
variable | N mean sd p50 p25 p75 min max -------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- median | 70.0 633.7 15.0 628.0 624.0 639.0 617.0 693.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Data source:- From LoyceV's weekly data dumps. - From my converted datasets in the topic: Time Series Analysis on Distributed Merits in the forum (daily, weekly, monthly)
tranthidung (OP)
Activity: 2450
Merit: 4273
Farewell o_e_l_e_o
December 02, 2019, 02:57:23 AM |
Update:Time series plot Dataset for median, interquartile range of intraday merits. list week median q1 q3 merit
+------------------------------------------+ | week median q1 q3 merit | |------------------------------------------| 1. | 2018w26 733 609 991 4465 | 2. | 2018w27 715 598 979 4278 | 3. | 2018w28 707 592 963 4247 | 4. | 2018w29 693 589 922 4167 | 5. | 2018w30 684 577 902 3661 | |------------------------------------------| 6. | 2018w31 682 575 891 3863 | 7. | 2018w32 675 567 880 4011 | 8. | 2018w33 667 559 867 3631 | 9. | 2018w34 652 555 848 3805 | 10. | 2018w35 642 537 844 3072 | |------------------------------------------| 11. | 2018w36 639 528 838 3590 | 12. | 2018w37 634 528 829 5644 | 13. | 2018w38 641 530 846 7837 | 14. | 2018w39 640 531 839 4395 | 15. | 2018w40 639 528 829 4310 | |------------------------------------------| 16. | 2018w41 637 528 808 3816 | 17. | 2018w42 639 530 807 4829 | 18. | 2018w43 639 528 801 3953 | 19. | 2018w44 628 521 796 3347 | 20. | 2018w45 630 522 789 4525 | |------------------------------------------| 21. | 2018w46 628 523 788 3747 | 22. | 2018w47 628 522.5 783.5 4575 | 23. | 2018w48 627 522 778 3765 | 24. | 2018w49 623.5 520 775 3571 | 25. | 2018w50 622 520 774 3805 | |------------------------------------------| 26. | 2018w51 621.5 517.5 770 3769 | 27. | 2018w52 617.5 514 764 3338 | 28. | 2019w1 617 514 769 4803 | 29. | 2019w2 621.5 515 775 6632 | 30. | 2019w3 623 517 777 5317 | |------------------------------------------| 31. | 2019w4 623.5 518.5 775 4667 | 32. | 2019w5 622 518 775 4491 | 33. | 2019w6 622 520 775 4332 | 34. | 2019w7 621 522 771 4221 | 35. | 2019w8 621.5 521 770 4521 | |------------------------------------------| 36. | 2019w9 622 520 769 4638 | 37. | 2019w10 624 522 766 4913 | 38. | 2019w11 624 522 762 4326 | 39. | 2019w12 626.5 523 761 4609 | 40. | 2019w13 628 525 766 6130 | |------------------------------------------| 41. | 2019w14 627.5 529 761 4526 | 42. | 2019w15 629 530 762 5271 | 43. | 2019w16 632.5 530.5 764 4688 | 44. | 2019w17 629 530 762 4448 | 45. | 2019w18 629 531 762 4764 | |------------------------------------------| 46. | 2019w19 636 532 762 5454 | 47. | 2019w20 638.5 532.5 767.5 5214 | 48. | 2019w21 639 533 766 4580 | 49. | 2019w22 639 535 761 4445 | 50. | 2019w23 639 535 761 4687 | |------------------------------------------| 51. | 2019w24 640 536 764 5354 | 52. | 2019w25 640 537 762 4726 | 53. | 2019w26 640 535 762 4367 | 54. | 2019w27 640 535 761 4225 | 55. | 2019w28 639 532.5 761 4119 | |------------------------------------------| 56. | 2019w29 639 532 761 4277 | 57. | 2019w30 636.5 533 760 4176 | 58. | 2019w31 629 532 760 3549 | 59. | 2019w32 628 530 757 3207 | 60. | 2019w33 628 530 755 4236 | |------------------------------------------| 61. | 2019w34 627 529 752 3622 | 62. | 2019w35 627 528 750 3540 | 63. | 2019w36 625.5 526.5 742 3809 | 64. | 2019w37 625 525 742 4043 | 65. | 2019w38 624 528 738 4520 | |------------------------------------------| 66. | 2019w39 624 528 737 4318 | 67. | 2019w40 624 525 737 4357 | 68. | 2019w41 624 525 737 4565 | 69. | 2019w42 626 528 742 5542 | 70. | 2019w43 627 529 742 4975 | |------------------------------------------| 71. | 2019w44 627 530 740 4730 | 72. | 2019w45 627 530 742 4735 | 73. | 2019w46 628 531 751 14251 | 74. | 2019w47 629 532 759 17685 |
List of median, q1, q3 of intra-day merits over weeks, in descending orders of medians.. list week median q1 q3 merit
+------------------------------------------+ | week median q1 q3 merit | |------------------------------------------| 1. | 2019w1 617 514 769 4803 | 2. | 2018w52 617.5 514 764 3338 | 3. | 2019w7 621 522 771 4221 | 4. | 2019w2 621.5 515 775 6632 | 5. | 2019w8 621.5 521 770 4521 | |------------------------------------------| 6. | 2018w51 621.5 517.5 770 3769 | 7. | 2019w9 622 520 769 4638 | 8. | 2018w50 622 520 774 3805 | 9. | 2019w5 622 518 775 4491 | 10. | 2019w6 622 520 775 4332 | |------------------------------------------| 11. | 2019w3 623 517 777 5317 | 12. | 2018w49 623.5 520 775 3571 | 13. | 2019w4 623.5 518.5 775 4667 | 14. | 2019w39 624 528 737 4318 | 15. | 2019w10 624 522 766 4913 | |------------------------------------------| 16. | 2019w11 624 522 762 4326 | 17. | 2019w41 624 525 737 4565 | 18. | 2019w38 624 528 738 4520 | 19. | 2019w40 624 525 737 4357 | 20. | 2019w37 625 525 742 4043 | |------------------------------------------| 21. | 2019w36 625.5 526.5 742 3809 | 22. | 2019w42 626 528 742 5542 | 23. | 2019w12 626.5 523 761 4609 | 24. | 2019w34 627 529 752 3622 | 25. | 2019w35 627 528 750 3540 | |------------------------------------------| 26. | 2019w45 627 530 742 4735 | 27. | 2019w44 627 530 740 4730 | 28. | 2019w43 627 529 742 4975 | 29. | 2018w48 627 522 778 3765 | 30. | 2019w14 627.5 529 761 4526 | |------------------------------------------| 31. | 2018w44 628 521 796 3347 | 32. | 2019w13 628 525 766 6130 | 33. | 2019w46 628 531 751 14251 | 34. | 2018w46 628 523 788 3747 | 35. | 2019w32 628 530 757 3207 | |------------------------------------------| 36. | 2018w47 628 522.5 783.5 4575 | 37. | 2019w33 628 530 755 4236 | 38. | 2019w17 629 530 762 4448 | 39. | 2019w18 629 531 762 4764 | 40. | 2019w15 629 530 762 5271 | |------------------------------------------| 41. | 2019w31 629 532 760 3549 | 42. | 2019w47 629 532 759 17685 | 43. | 2018w45 630 522 789 4525 | 44. | 2019w16 632.5 530.5 764 4688 | 45. | 2018w37 634 528 829 5644 | |------------------------------------------| 46. | 2019w19 636 532 762 5454 | 47. | 2019w30 636.5 533 760 4176 | 48. | 2018w41 637 528 808 3816 | 49. | 2019w20 638.5 532.5 767.5 5214 | 50. | 2019w28 639 532.5 761 4119 | |------------------------------------------| 51. | 2019w21 639 533 766 4580 | 52. | 2019w23 639 535 761 4687 | 53. | 2018w42 639 530 807 4829 | 54. | 2018w36 639 528 838 3590 | 55. | 2019w29 639 532 761 4277 | |------------------------------------------| 56. | 2018w43 639 528 801 3953 | 57. | 2018w40 639 528 829 4310 | 58. | 2019w22 639 535 761 4445 | 59. | 2019w24 640 536 764 5354 | 60. | 2019w27 640 535 761 4225 | |------------------------------------------| 61. | 2019w26 640 535 762 4367 | 62. | 2019w25 640 537 762 4726 | 63. | 2018w39 640 531 839 4395 | 64. | 2018w38 641 530 846 7837 | 65. | 2018w35 642 537 844 3072 | |------------------------------------------| 66. | 2018w34 652 555 848 3805 | 67. | 2018w33 667 559 867 3631 | 68. | 2018w32 675 567 880 4011 | 69. | 2018w31 682 575 891 3863 | 70. | 2018w30 684 577 902 3661 | |------------------------------------------| 71. | 2018w29 693 589 922 4167 | 72. | 2018w28 707 592 963 4247 | 73. | 2018w27 715 598 979 4278 | 74. | 2018w26 733 609 991 4465 |
Now, let's take a look at the variations of intra-day medians over weeks. Method: I took medians of intraday merits over weeks (since 2018w46, from id 293 - 299, here). The median of intraday merits at the end of 2018w46 will be calculated from intraday merits started from days with id #26 - # 299; days before id #26 truncated due to extremely outliers. For later weeks, just moving forwards with each 7-day-time-frame to calculate next medians of intradays over weeks. Results:Since 2018w48 to 2019w47, the dataset has: - 71 weeks in total. - Median of median of intraday merits over weeks is 628. - Interquartile range of median of median of intraday merits over weeks ranges from 624 to 639. . tabstat median, s(n mean sd p50 p25 p75 min max) format(%9.1f)
variable | N mean sd p50 p25 p75 min max -------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- median | 71.0 633.6 15.0 628.0 624.0 639.0 617.0 693.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Data source:- From LoyceV's weekly data dumps. - From my converted datasets in the topic: Time Series Analysis on Distributed Merits in the forum (daily, weekly, monthly)
tranthidung (OP)
Activity: 2450
Merit: 4273
Farewell o_e_l_e_o
December 16, 2019, 02:41:12 AM |
Update:Time series plot Dataset for median, interquartile range of intraday merits +------------------------------------------+ | week median q1 q3 merit | |------------------------------------------| 1. | 2018w26 733 609 991 4465 | 2. | 2018w27 715 598 979 4278 | 3. | 2018w28 707 592 963 4247 | 4. | 2018w29 693 589 922 4167 | 5. | 2018w30 684 577 902 3661 | |------------------------------------------| 6. | 2018w31 682 575 891 3863 | 7. | 2018w32 675 567 880 4011 | 8. | 2018w33 667 559 867 3631 | 9. | 2018w34 652 555 848 3805 | 10. | 2018w35 642 537 844 3072 | |------------------------------------------| 11. | 2018w36 639 528 838 3590 | 12. | 2018w37 634 528 829 5644 | 13. | 2018w38 641 530 846 7837 | 14. | 2018w39 640 531 839 4395 | 15. | 2018w40 639 528 829 4310 | |------------------------------------------| 16. | 2018w41 637 528 808 3816 | 17. | 2018w42 639 530 807 4829 | 18. | 2018w43 639 528 801 3953 | 19. | 2018w44 628 521 796 3347 | 20. | 2018w45 630 522 789 4525 | |------------------------------------------| 21. | 2018w46 628 523 788 3747 | 22. | 2018w47 628 522.5 783.5 4575 | 23. | 2018w48 627 522 778 3765 | 24. | 2018w49 623.5 520 775 3571 | 25. | 2018w50 622 520 774 3805 | |------------------------------------------| 26. | 2018w51 621.5 517.5 770 3769 | 27. | 2018w52 617.5 514 764 3338 | 28. | 2019w1 617 514 769 4803 | 29. | 2019w2 621.5 515 775 6632 | 30. | 2019w3 623 517 777 5317 | |------------------------------------------| 31. | 2019w4 623.5 518.5 775 4667 | 32. | 2019w5 622 518 775 4491 | 33. | 2019w6 622 520 775 4332 | 34. | 2019w7 621 522 771 4221 | 35. | 2019w8 621.5 521 770 4521 | |------------------------------------------| 36. | 2019w9 622 520 769 4638 | 37. | 2019w10 624 522 766 4913 | 38. | 2019w11 624 522 762 4326 | 39. | 2019w12 626.5 523 761 4609 | 40. | 2019w13 628 525 766 6130 | |------------------------------------------| 41. | 2019w14 627.5 529 761 4526 | 42. | 2019w15 629 530 762 5271 | 43. | 2019w16 632.5 530.5 764 4688 | 44. | 2019w17 629 530 762 4448 | 45. | 2019w18 629 531 762 4764 | |------------------------------------------| 46. | 2019w19 636 532 762 5454 | 47. | 2019w20 638.5 532.5 767.5 5214 | 48. | 2019w21 639 533 766 4580 | 49. | 2019w22 639 535 761 4445 | 50. | 2019w23 639 535 761 4687 | |------------------------------------------| 51. | 2019w24 640 536 764 5354 | 52. | 2019w25 640 537 762 4726 | 53. | 2019w26 640 535 762 4367 | 54. | 2019w27 640 535 761 4225 | 55. | 2019w28 639 532.5 761 4119 | |------------------------------------------| 56. | 2019w29 639 532 761 4277 | 57. | 2019w30 636.5 533 760 4176 | 58. | 2019w31 629 532 760 3549 | 59. | 2019w32 628 530 757 3207 | 60. | 2019w33 628 530 755 4236 | |------------------------------------------| 61. | 2019w34 627 529 752 3622 | 62. | 2019w35 627 528 750 3540 | 63. | 2019w36 625.5 526.5 742 3809 | 64. | 2019w37 625 525 742 4043 | 65. | 2019w38 624 528 738 4520 | |------------------------------------------| 66. | 2019w39 624 528 737 4318 | 67. | 2019w40 624 525 737 4357 | 68. | 2019w41 624 525 737 4565 | 69. | 2019w42 626 528 742 5542 | 70. | 2019w43 627 529 742 4975 | |------------------------------------------| 71. | 2019w44 627 530 740 4730 | 72. | 2019w45 627 530 742 4735 | 73. | 2019w46 628 531 751 14251 | 74. | 2019w47 629 532 759 17685 | 75. | 2019w48 631.5 532.5 760 5907 | |------------------------------------------| 76. | 2019w49 629 534 760 4524 |
List of median, q1, q3 of intra-day merits over weeks, in descending orders of medians. +------------------------------------------+ | week median q1 q3 merit | |------------------------------------------| 1. | 2019w1 617 514 769 4803 | 2. | 2018w52 617.5 514 764 3338 | 3. | 2019w7 621 522 771 4221 | 4. | 2019w2 621.5 515 775 6632 | 5. | 2019w8 621.5 521 770 4521 | |------------------------------------------| 6. | 2018w51 621.5 517.5 770 3769 | 7. | 2018w50 622 520 774 3805 | 8. | 2019w6 622 520 775 4332 | 9. | 2019w9 622 520 769 4638 | 10. | 2019w5 622 518 775 4491 | |------------------------------------------| 11. | 2019w3 623 517 777 5317 | 12. | 2018w49 623.5 520 775 3571 | 13. | 2019w4 623.5 518.5 775 4667 | 14. | 2019w41 624 525 737 4565 | 15. | 2019w11 624 522 762 4326 | |------------------------------------------| 16. | 2019w39 624 528 737 4318 | 17. | 2019w38 624 528 738 4520 | 18. | 2019w10 624 522 766 4913 | 19. | 2019w40 624 525 737 4357 | 20. | 2019w37 625 525 742 4043 | |------------------------------------------| 21. | 2019w36 625.5 526.5 742 3809 | 22. | 2019w42 626 528 742 5542 | 23. | 2019w12 626.5 523 761 4609 | 24. | 2019w44 627 530 740 4730 | 25. | 2019w34 627 529 752 3622 | |------------------------------------------| 26. | 2019w43 627 529 742 4975 | 27. | 2018w48 627 522 778 3765 | 28. | 2019w35 627 528 750 3540 | 29. | 2019w45 627 530 742 4735 | 30. | 2019w14 627.5 529 761 4526 | |------------------------------------------| 31. | 2018w44 628 521 796 3347 | 32. | 2019w13 628 525 766 6130 | 33. | 2019w32 628 530 757 3207 | 34. | 2018w46 628 523 788 3747 | 35. | 2019w46 628 531 751 14251 | |------------------------------------------| 36. | 2018w47 628 522.5 783.5 4575 | 37. | 2019w33 628 530 755 4236 | 38. | 2019w17 629 530 762 4448 | 39. | 2019w31 629 532 760 3549 | 40. | 2019w49 629 534 760 4524 | |------------------------------------------| 41. | 2019w47 629 532 759 17685 | 42. | 2019w15 629 530 762 5271 | 43. | 2019w18 629 531 762 4764 | 44. | 2018w45 630 522 789 4525 | 45. | 2019w48 631.5 532.5 760 5907 | |------------------------------------------| 46. | 2019w16 632.5 530.5 764 4688 | 47. | 2018w37 634 528 829 5644 | 48. | 2019w19 636 532 762 5454 | 49. | 2019w30 636.5 533 760 4176 | 50. | 2018w41 637 528 808 3816 | |------------------------------------------| 51. | 2019w20 638.5 532.5 767.5 5214 | 52. | 2018w43 639 528 801 3953 | 53. | 2018w40 639 528 829 4310 | 54. | 2018w36 639 528 838 3590 | 55. | 2019w21 639 533 766 4580 | |------------------------------------------| 56. | 2019w29 639 532 761 4277 | 57. | 2019w28 639 532.5 761 4119 | 58. | 2019w22 639 535 761 4445 | 59. | 2019w23 639 535 761 4687 | 60. | 2018w42 639 530 807 4829 | |------------------------------------------| 61. | 2019w26 640 535 762 4367 | 62. | 2019w24 640 536 764 5354 | 63. | 2019w27 640 535 761 4225 | 64. | 2019w25 640 537 762 4726 | 65. | 2018w39 640 531 839 4395 | |------------------------------------------| 66. | 2018w38 641 530 846 7837 | 67. | 2018w35 642 537 844 3072 | 68. | 2018w34 652 555 848 3805 | 69. | 2018w33 667 559 867 3631 | 70. | 2018w32 675 567 880 4011 | |------------------------------------------| 71. | 2018w31 682 575 891 3863 | 72. | 2018w30 684 577 902 3661 | 73. | 2018w29 693 589 922 4167 | 74. | 2018w28 707 592 963 4247 | 75. | 2018w27 715 598 979 4278 | |------------------------------------------| 76. | 2018w26 733 609 991 4465 |
Now, let's take a look at the variations of intra-day medians over weeks. Method: I took medians of intraday merits over weeks (since 2018w46, from id 293 - 299, here). The median of intraday merits at the end of 2018w46 will be calculated from intraday merits started from days with id #26 - # 299; days before id #26 truncated due to extremely outliers. For later weeks, just moving forwards with each 7-day-time-frame to calculate next medians of intradays over weeks. Results:Since 2018w48 to 2019w49, the dataset has: - 73 weeks in total. - Median of median of intraday merits over weeks is 628. - Interquartile range of median of median of intraday merits over weeks ranges from 624 to 639. . tabstat median, s(n mean sd p50 p25 p75 min max) format(%9.1f)
variable | N mean sd p50 p25 p75 min max -------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- median | 73.0 633.5 14.8 628.0 624.0 639.0 617.0 693.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Data source:- From LoyceV's weekly data dumps. - From my converted datasets in the topic: Time Series Analysis on Distributed Merits in the forum (daily, weekly, monthly)[/quote]