Also if there is not such website I also thought of creating one. Would like to get opinions for the same. Would it be worth it ?
Is there a need for such ? I am personally interested in finding such average returns but are there others who think there is a need for such thing ?
my thoughts
1. you mention average returns. but you first have to define average of what..
average of highs - not good as thats speculation which not everyone gets to experience/take advantage of
average of lows - though this solves the issue with previous, you then have to think of start date for each average
average of day? week? month? year?
2. also this stat is maybe 'positive' hype giving. but practically not helpful. for instance people trade individually so although a blanket average looks positive, each user has different experiences. like i personally dont think about yearly average. i just day trade some play money and make 1% a day meaning getting over 300% a year even on periods where prices look stagnant
(cumulatively earns more then compound)
when it comes to 'averages' anyone can manipulate numbers not by changing the numbers, but changing the context of the numbers. as i said average of highs would be different to average of lows even if the start and end dates matched. then average of highs/lows would be different by changing the start and end date, then theres the cumulative vs compound things.
so all-in-all. nice bit of small hype stat, but not really a fact finding stat everyone benefits/experiences/receives