There are number of cases where an account owner says that he want to sell his account and he get reds paint on the spot.
Name one.
Gleb Gamow is the only other instance of this I know of, and his was a big deal because it is one of the most well known accounts on the forum. Besides, he didn't get red paint on the spot, he got it afterward.
Back before then, in 2016, I was relatively unknown and it wasn't nearly as big a deal.
This is the 4th thread to bring up this issue. There isn't much new to say. Theymos discourages red tags for past events if the user seems unlikely to repeat the offense again. I already explained myself ad nauseam in that I now recognize the potential for damage to occur if my account was sold, and would now never sell my account.
I didn't then, I wouldn't now. Just about everybody on DT is aware of this issue and nobody feels it's tag worthy. Its not a double standard so much as a case-by-case issue, as are many situations.
Sorry if you think the outcome is unfair but there's no other instances of a situation like mine during which somebody was red tagged.
- 3 year old "problem"
- account sale by owner
- neutral tagged at time of sale
These conditions have never warranted a tag 3 years after the fact.
All the evidence in the world that this account never changed hands and that the positives I've contributed far outweigh the negatives won't stop future trolls from rehashing this issue time and again. Just as I'm certain my argument won't have any bearing on those set on stirring up non problems.