Welcome to the CBC.
Are you Canadian (or a resident of) then this thread may be for you; if enough of us use/monitor it. I figured that it would be nice to have a spot where we can deal in CAD and look for EMT as FIAT payment options. I realize everyone can just create their own thread every time, but I've found in the past it's not always easy to find a CAD option. Dealing with PP and USD usually hurts our bottom line once conversion and fees take place.
So moving forward when I want to part with some BTC, I will be posting here. So feel free to post here if you want to be on the radar for people. I'm not going to out any Canadians I know. I am willing to be a middle man for communication if you don't want to reveal yourself as Canadian to everyone as well. (I will exercise caution in helping facilitate any anonymous deals).
So here are some local rules for this thread:
1) You must be dealing in CAD - Or dealing strictly in alts if you're wanting to keep them in the country as your patriotic duty
2) Travelling or looking to sell some locally within Canada, sure drop a post, why not. Remember to be careful about disclosing to much personal information; if you value privacy.
3) Perform your due diligence before trading with anyone, even Canadians.
4) Be clear in your terms what you are looking to buy/sell and at what rate you expect.
5) My french is rusty/ a distant memory but as I've found in the past my shitty French skills and someones broken English can generally understand each other.
I think that's it. I'll add more rules or suggestions/tips if anyone has a good one.
Glossary of termsCAD - Canadian dollars, EMT - Email money transfer, PP - Paypal
Quick option Companieshttps://bylls.com/ See
DarkStar_'s post for info.
Current OffersAs this thread grows and offers become available I will do my best to link the post to the OP in this section.
petahasher - Shitty scammer
Steamtyme -
Selling BTC for PP or EMTMonbux -
(WTS) BTC and ETH for CAD.