Anyone here who can throw some light on difference between proof of work and delayed proof of work. Thanks.
I read about this topic while I was reading about 51% attack. I would say dPoW adds one more security check to PoW by taking backup/snapshot. That is every 10 min the Komodo blockchain network takes a backup/snapshot of the blockchain and stores this snapshot in an block of bitcoin network. This process of taking a snapshot and storing it in a block is called notarization. Once the block is notarized it cannot be changed which makes the blockchain more resistant or secure from 51% attack.
I had read that this is currently implemented in Bitcoin.
I still have confusion that if this was that useful why are the other coins not implementing it? I think dPoW can even prevent Tx malleability issue not sure about tx malleability.
You can read more about dPoW in below articles: would think other coins would not implement for the following.
1. You are using another coin to secure your network,
No matter how you define it , it does make you dependent on that network.
This means that the other network issues are your issues,
ie: The monumental energy waste of bitcoin , your coin is now directly contributing too by using it.
2. Paying variable transaction fees to a competing coin on a consistent basis
3. Being dependent on the other coin's miners to keep your coin secure.
If I believe in an altcoin, then the above 3rd party sponsoring of bitcoin seem like being a hypocrite.
If an Altcoin needs bitcoin to be secure, then to hell with the altcoin and just use bitcoin.
Dependence on a 3rd party,
that may decide it is in their best interest to throw a monkey wrench in your coin network is an attack vector that smart devs won't add.
Rolling Checkpoints are alot cheaper and do not make you dependent on another network.