Topic starter (Azrieli) is fascist, Nazi, supporting and rejoicing the Russian war in Ukraine
He calls the people of Ukraine Nazis and calls for their destruction by carpet bombing.
This is a standard tactic of Russian propaganda: declare someone a Nazi and go and kill peaceful cities, a peaceful country.
They have already brought a lot of grief, death and destruction to the world.
У Пyтинa пpocтo cтaльныe яйцa, бyдь я нa eгo мecтe - я бы yжe пoкpыл вcю Укpaинy кoвpoвыми дopoжкaми и зacлyжeнo пoлyчил звaниe "мяcник". Ho этиx нaциcтoв, нyжнo кaким-тo oбpaзoм ... yничтoжaть кaк бoльныx coбaк.
Putin just has balls of steel, if I were in his place, I would have already covered the whole of Ukraine with carpets and deservedly received the title of "butcher". But these Nazis must somehow ... be destroyed like sick dogs.