I know most of people here use Google Chrome. It is a fast browser and have all those fancy stuff Google does and people like.
But it is terrible for your privacy, as Google is collecting all your data about everything you do while using their services (and Chrome is no different).
I saw this
website and I was shocked with the results of this research
The Most Popular Browsers
2019 Chrome Edge/IE Firefox Safari Opera
May 80.4 % 3.6 % 9.5 % 3.3 % 1.7 %
About 80% of the users are freely giving all their browser data to google. And I know in this forum the results would be similar, as I have seen lots of experienced members saying they are using Chrome.
Personally, I am somehow included in this statistic, as I have to use it when I am at work (sadly). But in my personal computer I avoid Chrome all the times.
In a philosophical point of view, web is supposed to be free. Google/Facebook are trying to monopolize the web. Facebook is coming to cryptocurrencies already. Google is occupying all spaces (ads, searches, browsers)... Those companies will kill the free web as we know it. There are a few things we can do to combat that.
One of those is to simple use other products from other companies, which have a philosophy and fundamentals that are compatible with a free web. Other good browsers:
1. Mozilla FirefoxThere are other browsers which are faster and respect your price (with the right configuration), such as
I like this website, privacytools.io. Their first one recommendation is Firefox.
Firefox is fast, reliable, open source and respects your privacy. Don't forget to adjust the settings according to our recommendations:
WebRTC and
about:config and get the
privacy add-ons.
I mentioned that
addons in my topic
Let's Talk about privacy.
Those addons are basically:
Privacy Badger: Stop Tracking, uBlock Origin, Cookies AutoDelete (which I don´t like because of auto log off), HTTPS Everywhere and Decentraleyes.
WebRTC is a feature which leaks your IP address. You can test if your browser is leaking your IP here:
https://ipleak.net/How to disable WebRTC in Firefox?
In short: Set "media.peerconnection.enabled" to "false" in "about:config".
Easy right?
This is the browser I use mostly, with that config, when I am not at work.
2. Tor BrowserTor Browser is another recommendation from that website, however is it expert focused. It doesn't fit common users needs.
3. Brave Browser
Brave Browser is also a good option for new users. However in my experience it is buggy (lots of problems while loading webpages) and the lack of privacy and popular addons makes this browser a worst option to me. Firefox also has a bigger development team, fixing bugs and updating a lot faster than Brave.
I have it installed in my computer and I am using it sometimes, as I like to support this project. We need competitors in this ecosystem, as Edge and Chrome are really bad choices, and Chrome is almost monopolizing it.Now requires KYC. The privacy browser requires KYC. That's a shame.
Mobile Browsers1. Firefox FocusFirefox Focus automatically blocks ads and delete all cookies and history everytime it is closed. It is a bit pain in the ass sometimes, but it is a good privacy choice.
2. InBrowserAlways in incognito mode, and all data is wiped when it is closed, just like Firefox Focus.
Translated to Hindi