FYI, "
R606 miner" is BM1387 and here's the official support thread:
GekkoScience NewPac / Terminus R606 (BM1387) Official Support Thread.
To get you started, select a mining pool first (example:
ckpool) and select your server depending on your location.
After that, do whatever you were instructed to connect the R606 miner (
I'm not familiar with USB miners)
then, open you cgminer and enter one of the command below (
whole line).
Run syntax:
*nix [if not root level privileges, see Q&A]
./cgminer -o stratum+tcp:// -u 1BURGERAXHH6Yi6LRybRJK7ybEm5m5HwTr -p x --suggest-diff 128
cgminer.exe -o stratum+tcp:// -u 1BURGERAXHH6Yi6LRybRJK7ybEm5m5HwTr -p x --suggest-diff 128
cgminer -o stratum+tcp:// -u 1BURGERAXHH6Yi6LRybRJK7ybEm5m5HwTr -p x --suggest-diff 128
I'll just explain the Windows syntax:
Yellow: The this depends on the Pool of your choice, some are stratum, http or socks5 (
for ckpool: change the bolded part with the server of your choice).
Green: Worker ID, your earnings will be sent here (
Bold: your wallet's Bitcoin address).