#GekkoScience NewPac / Terminus R606 (BM1387) Official Support Thread#
Terminus R606:
=Thanks To The Community=
Thank you to all who are following along and supporting the creation of these miners.
Your feed back and participation really goes a long way to keep the momentum and R&D moving forward.
=How to get a Miner=
Visit the corresponding announcement threads for up to date info.
MinerSupply on Amazon.com (forum user Rockmoney)
MineFarmBuy.com (forum user minefarmbuy)
419Mining.com (forum user 419mining)
Limited direct sales are also available; contact
kalahn@gekkoscience.com for information.
=Expected Performance=
The expected performance of the NewPac is about 0.228 * MHz = GH.
At the default frequency of 100MHz, the NewPac runs at 22.8 GH.
Rough power usage and efficiency of a NewPac:
The expected performance of the R606 is about 1.368 * MHz = GH.
At the default frequency of 400MHz, the R606 runs at 547.2 GH.
=How to Run=
At the moment, you will need to a build of cgminer with the latest gekko driver to mine with the NewPac / R606.
The driver is under active development in an fork of ckolivas/cgminer.
A pull request will be redirected to the ckolivas/cgminer repo once the code approached a stable point.
Run syntax:
*nix [if not root level privileges, see Q&A]
./cgminer -o stratum+tcp://pool.ckpool.org:3333 -u 1BURGERAXHH6Yi6LRybRJK7ybEm5m5HwTr -p x --suggest-diff 128
cgminer.exe -o stratum+tcp://pool.ckpool.org:3333 -u 1BURGERAXHH6Yi6LRybRJK7ybEm5m5HwTr -p x --suggest-diff 128
cgminer -o stratum+tcp://pool.ckpool.org:3333 -u 1BURGERAXHH6Yi6LRybRJK7ybEm5m5HwTr -p x --suggest-diff 128
Linux cgminer build steps
Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS new install.
Default Install (+OpenSSH server)
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade -y
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential git autoconf automake libtool pkg-config zlib1g-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libncurses5-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev libudev-dev
mkdir -p git/vthoang; cd git/vthoang
git clone -b r606 https://github.com/vthoang/cgminer.git
cd cgminer
CFLAGS="-O2 -march=native" ./autogen.sh --enable-gekko
make -j 2
#see Q&A further below for instruction to grant USB permission to non root accounts.
Debian 8.7.1 new install.
Default Install (No desktop environment, + SSH Server)
(*do not specify root password to enable sudo)
Raspbian - Kernel version: 4.4 (Raspberry Pi) [*
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade -y
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential git libusb-1.0-0-dev libusb-1.0-0 libcurl4-openssl-dev libncurses5-dev libudev-dev screen libtool automake pkg-config libjansson-dev
mkdir -p git/vthoang; cd git/vthoang
git clone -b r606 https://github.com/vthoang/cgminer.git
cd cgminer
CFLAGS="-O2" ./autogen.sh --enable-gekko
make -j 2
#see Q&A further below for instruction to grant USB permission to non root accounts.
Windows : cgminer.exe (download and extract the 7z file below)
Cross compiling instructions can be found in the next post.
May 26, 2019 @ 9e51f0b -
cgminer-4.11.1-windows-gekko-9e51f0b.7z May 13, 2019 @ a62385f -
cgminer-4.11.1-windows-gekko-a62385f.7z Apr 30, 2019 @ 0d524aa -
cgminer-4.11.1-windows-gekko-0d524aa.7z Dec 13, 2018 @ 3339a51 -
cgminer-4.11.1-windows-gekko-3339a51.7zhttp:// Use
7zip or WinZip to extract the archive
Install the zadig generic
WinUSB drivers from:
http://zadig.akeo.ieIf all is well, you can list and see the miner from cgminer.
cgminer.exe -n
Powershell check:
PS C:\> gwmi Win32_USBControllerDevice |%{[wmi]($_.Dependent)} | ? { $_.DeviceId -match "GS-" } | sort Manufacturer,Description,DeviceID | ft -groupby Manufacturer Description,Service,DeviceId -auto
Mac OSX Compiling with Homebrew (NewPac Only / R606 support on the way)
El Capitan (10.11.6)
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
brew doctor
brew tap vthoang/cgminer
brew install cgminer
If you run a stick miner, use a cooling fan.
Increased cooling can reduce the chip's overall power usage.
Non cooled sticks are subject to thermal runaway where heat will trigger increased amperage draw increasing heat in a cycle until the unit fails.
=Basic Q&A / Troubleshooting=
Q. How can I set a different frequency for the R606 vs NewPac vs 2Pac vs the Compac?
cgminer will accept a custom frequency per device type.
--gekko-r606-freq 600 --gekko-newpac-freq 200 --gekko-compac-freq 200 --gekko-2pac-freq 150
Q. Does the NewPac/R606 support AsicBoost.
- If you receive shared rejected messages from a specific pool, you can disable asicboost with "--gekko-noboost".
AsicBoost on Win10 may not always work.
- If you see the frequency drop as soon as it starts up, you can use a modified version of AsicBoost "--gekko-lowboost" or disable asicboost with the command above.
Q: What is causes message: "make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop."
Generated by a failure in the autogen command. Read the last few outputted lines from the command before make.
Generally seen when running make after running the autogen line with a zero instead of a "O" capital o.
Q. How to get past "USB init, open device failed" ... "you don't have privilege to access" error.
cd ~/git/vthoang/cgminer/
sudo usermod -G plugdev -a `whoami`
sudo cp 01-cgminer.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
sudo reboot
Q. How to get past "failed to initialse (incorrect device?)" error.
Generally seen when another driver has a hold on the device.
Q. Something doesn't look correct..
Here are some of the more common ways to address issue(s):
- Isolate to test only the usb stick
Remove any usb extension cables.
Try a single device without any other accessories drawing power (usb fan, other miners).
Plug into a into different computer.
- Check for and git the latest build of cgminer.
- Look through the README.txt file for relevant notes.
- Handling problems in Windows:
Switch to linux Ubuntu or Raspbian.
Enable High Performance in Power Options Setting.
Confirm the WinUSB driver is attached to the device.
Reboot the computer.
Try one cgminer process per device with "--usb :1".
- Search for / post the details to this thread.