Attention all users!
Now it's clear that so-called "exchange" provides your personal data to third parties.
Make the long story short. Last week I was
scammed by russian/urkainian serial fraudster
Valery Solodovnik. He is the one behind fake exchanges
p2pb2b and
And yesterday another russian bitcointalk's user
Pavel Savelyev in defend of Solodovnik stated on the case:
A вoт c кaким cмыcлoм ктo-тo, нe имeя KYC для coвepшeния cдeлoк, зaкидывaeт минимaлкy
Savelyev is the man behind
Semux coin, the cryptocurrency Solodovnik tried to steal from me.
Now is the question: How hell Savelyev knows about my
KYC status? What's the source of his information? Me? I never ever said about it in my p2pb2b related posts.
So the only source is Solodovnik himself providing such a confidential info to Savelyev.
Sure there's possibility that p2pb2b exchange and Semux coin are affiliated entities then the scam attempt looks even more interesting.
Needless to say that russian scammers require for mandatory
KYC procedure in order to trade on their fake marketplace.
Once you provide 'em all your data include passport scan prepare they will sell it or use for their illegal activities. Proven.