Recently, one of my friends also faced the same issue. She had some issue with a transaction and she asked for an help in a crypto exchange telegram group. One scammer with same profile as Admin profile PM to her telling that we will resolve your issue but you need to pay for it. My friend felt that something wrong is going on and sent a message in the main group with the screenshot of the conversation with the scammer. The profile of the original admin and the scam was exactly same. Then they checked that there was a
"BIO" section where the user written the userid of the admin there.
In the latest telegram upgrade, they have included
BIO feature to add bio to your profile. This will be visible to other groups as well. We need to check all these keenly.
Sharing the fake profile here:
Also, we can check on any group, there will be
"admin" word written next to the actual admin profile of the group.