The supreme court of US has banned the sentence of death on juveniles not many years ago.
There have been cases where juveniles (under 18) were given death sentences and the youngest one was 14 I guess.
Sad that it took a lot of time but now it's constitionally prohibited to apply death penalty to juveniles. But the sentence of life without parole can still be given to them.
I don't consider "life without parole" and "death sentences" as separate as they both take away life.
So if death penalty was abolished, how life on parole remains as a way of lenient sentence?
Scientifically the brain doesn't fully develop till 25.
In these scenarios, is it fair that US still gives juveniles life without parole? Opinions?
No, It is about correcting the behavior, not punishing it forever. I just watched a doc on this. Kids Behind Bars | TRULY look the kid learned his lesson, now he spends his entire life in prison, free the kids you fucks. He know he fucked up. 2045, is when he gets out, WTF IS THAT MAN? release him when he is like 24-25 and if continues this type of behavior of admitting he fucked up and trying to become better.
Better yet use blockCOURT to have 10,000,000+ people judge him if hes ready or not to come back into the system.