Hi everybody! During monitoring Avast suspected and deleted block blk00129.dat from my chain saying that this is kind of virus (AntiCad-4096). Now when I start bitcoin core I need to start download all blocks from the begginning. Maybe someone can upload this block on some shared file exchange platform like depositfiles.com? It's about 130 MG, not so big size.
Or maybe you tell me how to solve this problem. Any help will be appreciated.
You want to do the full install again, I'd not trust anyone sending me a 'block' to fix this, especially if you have crypto in the wallet of any amount.
You have to delete the BTC wallet and blockchain and re-install Bitcoin Core 18.0 I think it is now.
When you run Avast! it comes up as a virus which means you have to have that as an 'exception' and then it the virius checker moves on.
Do the same for any other triggered blocks by Avast!
You can try just updating over the top of the current install for the heck of it
save your backup/.dat file. I never have any BTC on my Computer Wallet. All goes to a paper wallet or Trezor for 'dust stuff'
Might be better to do this install on a different computer and just import the the backup .dat file.
Not a big deal, IF, you move stuff right away off of the wallet program to whatever.
I also don't leave any BTC on any exchanges at all. As a scary example of these rules, I moved BTC of Cryptopia like days before it went Kerplunk!
Thus, reinforced my lesson on that as well. Move your dust to a Trezor always and move your HODL stuff to a paper wallet for the big stuff
and just do above when checking your computer etc for using your laptop computer or whatever on Coinbase and take no more time than
it takes to move the stuff thru Coinbase or to a paper wallet or Trezor or whatever.
I keep spare Trezor codes and paper wallets in a bank safety deposit box with my brother as beneficiary ... I figure if meteorite takes out the bank
safety deposit box at the bank the ASIC gods never wanted me to succeed at Bitcoin anyway.
Anyway, again, with an empty wallet and/or backup .dat on a complete install on using Avast! above with the stuff that comes up as an exception
I've not had any problems. But again, my wallet is always empty if it breaks in the above manner, I always back up dust and quite frankly anything
I get dust of otherwise goes to my BTC address in the safety deposit box for my Long term HODL plans, so I'm not tempted to spend any.
Hope this helps