Hey Lil Wayne, I know your a goon, but what is a goon to a goblin?
They can just buy the bitcoin with the fiat, you dumb fuck, in unlimited amounts and we have to re buy the bitcoin off them.
Player getting played by that fiat 2.0 bitcoin instead of earning a supply everyone makes for free at a equal rate.
"they got money for wars but can't feed the poor" Tupac
Who can buy unlimited amounts of BTC? There's a limit there methinks.
Of course the issuers get to buy up all the BTC they can as long as people will still trade for their fiat, that's why the price is so high.
Just like the houses and the stocks.
Tupac's got it right for sure.
There is a limit sure, but if you value my unlimited supply at $.00000000000001 or $1 I get you entire limited supply for free all the time.
The issuers are miners, but they can buy all the asics to, and control the network whenever they want
You want a supply that everyone makes at a fair rate, not just rich who can centralize it anytime they want
check out
www.bitswift.cash, inflation by participation. You also get paid to vote instead of voting people to vote for you and paying them.
granted the guy that host this site should mark the price of bitswift.cash in bitcoin and not fiat on his ticker on the site, but the bitcoin price is fixated on fiat price, so what both bitswift and bitcoin need to do is start exchanges for time, should not be to hard.
currently 1 bitcoin = 906 hours.